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Scotland to go it alone ?


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Sorry, I didn't phrase it correctly. My point was what is hypocritical about a Scottish MP's sitting in English Constituencies? Under the law you could move to Midlothian, woo me with your charisma and we could vote you in. All perfectly acceptable. Remember English constituents voted the Scot into their constituency......so who is to blame for having a jock as their sitting MP? :hmm: Doesn't take an Einstein..... :lol:


Which leads me onto the main point about hypocrisy which is that you want aliens (Scottish MP's) to return to the home country whilst you are leaving your home country to go and live in another! As for not crowing about the old country have you heard of the phrase "whinging pom"? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I think it's in your DNA ;)


Don't make me laugh. There was no issue with Jocks sitting in English constituencies until McSalmond started whinging about English politicians interfering in Scottish matters. That was after he's got over the shock that Cameron had called his bluff by agreeing to what McSalmond has been asking for all along - a vote on independence. Shock, horror! What will the SNP do after the vote? If it goes against independence they're shafted because they only have one policy. And if it goes for independence they are shafted because they only have one policy. :lol:


Look back at the 1940's when the British public turned their back on Churchill after he had presided over the WW2 campaign. Do you think McSalmond will be voted in after independence? Not a chance. What can he offer? All he does now is turn Scot against English and pretend to fight for a better deal. When he's dividing Scots from Scots with his new policies they'll ditch him in a flash. And if independence is not to be where does that leave him?


I'm peeing myself at the sheer brilliance of Cameron's policy - and I've never voted Tory in my life.


Yes, I'm off to France next month and that is buffer all to do with this debate. Keep clutching at straws old chap. It will keep you in practice for clutching at the subsidies you'll need to keep your heads above the water. Unless you can find a market for midges and envy :lol:

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I'm On a platform 150 miles North East of Aberdeen now. The wind is howling , it's raining and it's dark. The only people outside battling the elements are the Scottish, doing all the manual work. All the supervision running the job are English, in the warm , on the big money

I rest my case



And there is the issue Scotland would be knackered without us running the show]

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I'm On a platform 150 miles North East of Aberdeen now. The wind is howling , it's raining and it's dark. The only people outside battling the elements are the Scottish, doing all the manual work. All the supervision running the job are English, in the warm , on the big money

I rest my case


Yes mate, it's called evolution. ;)

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Yes mate, it's called evolution. ;)


Yes - the guy in the rig accomadation is English - but the guy on the beach in the office will be scottish.. ;)


Uk poacher - you are the difference between an Englishman and a guffy. :good:

Edited by gixer1
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Yes - the guy in the rig accomadation is English - but the guy on the beach in the office will be scottish.. ;)


Uk poacher - you are the difference between an Englishman and a guffy. :good:


'Guffy' ? Isn't that a small tropical fish with a large fan like tail? :unsure:

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'Guffy' ? Isn't that a small tropical fish with a large fan like tail? :unsure:


I would say you border on this description too being honest vipa and there are a few who show the difference between Scotsmen and jocks...can't see why people have such a problem, makes me glad I can sit on the fence! :lol:

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Just read through this post! sorry lads but there are some total ***** on this forum!


It's odd that the english have a multitude of names for Scottish people ,jock,haggis basher,poridge scooper,skirt wearer,the list goes on.But the Scottish have only one name for the english ......

Yes ,thats it,****** sorry you edit it that way,****** OH that gets edited too,ok the short way,*****

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From the Telegraph:

What would Scotland’s economy look like under independence?


The answer? It all comes down to oil...


A significant issue for Scottish independence is the UK’s North Sea oil and gas. Around 80-90% of it (around 95% of oil, and around 60% of gas) lies within the Scottish boundary, and therefore there is an argument for including that production – and the tax receipts associated with it – as part of an independent Scotland’s economy. That has both pros and cons. Production in the North Sea peaked in 1999, and has fallen by around a cumulative 50% since then. Oil and gas production accounts for around 2% of aggregate UK output, and the 80-90% of it within the Scottish boundary would account for around 15% of an independent Scotland’s GDP. So the long-term structural decline in North Sea production would impart a significant drag on real GDP growth in Scotland. In the decade prior to the financial crisis, the Scottish economy grew around 0.7pps per annum slower than the UK average of 3.3%.


At the same time though, the UK receives significant tax revenues from the oil and gas sector. Those receipts would have provided a very large boost to an independent Scotland’s public finances over the last few years: around 8% of GDP per annum, on average. Nevertheless, given the long-term decline in North Sea oil and gas output, those receipts could fall markedly over the next few years unless oil prices continued to rise strongly


Seems to support Vipa's view?

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I really hope you get it quite frankly i am sick of hearing about it, lets see if you can afford all the freebies currently enjoyed and subbed by UK PLC,


with a population of around 5.5 million sectarian hatred is rife ethnic diversity is less than 1% you have a massive drugs and alcahol problem and short life expectation, huge migration away from the country of able young people and nothing to offer outside Oil which is a depleting resource.


You have no chance of defending yourselves on any scale (despite a very proud, heroic and universally celebrated fighting force) And lets face it folk wanting a bit of sunshine on holiday are hardly likely to pick up a copy of come to Scotland its still raining 2012 are they :P


amen to that!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :good:

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Ive no problem with independance for the Scots..as long as its just that... the problem is many of them want the cake and eat it... how can it possibly work?...10 years perhaps less and they would be knocking on the doors of Parliament begging to come in. Whats their main export? Inferior whisky ( the japs are doing better and cheaper) and Raspberries?


Im afraid Alex Salmond has been watching Braveheart and Rob Roy a little to much and ought to stick to gambling on the horses.

Edited by Fisherman Mike
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Another point raised in the Telegraph: this would not be a vote for independance. Scotland is not a British colony. It is not a State in subjugation. It is an equal partner in a political - and constitutional- union which it entered into of its own free will.

Salmond's vote would not be a vote for freedom or escape; it would be a vote for dissolution and regression. As such it is not 'Scottish' business, it is UK business, which includes, lest Mr Salmond has forgotten, the countries of Wales and Northern Ireland.

Salmond strikes me as arrogant, petulant and insular. Hard to think of three less desirable qualities in a leader.

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