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223 or 243?


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I am about to put in for a variation on my FAC! I can't decide whether to go for a 223 or 243! I don't have a dsc yet but I am planning on getting it at some point in the next few years! I will mainly be using the gun for fox plus deer hopefully! Im in west Yorkshire if this makes a difference to the advice! I know this question has been asked loads but I just need some help and advice with the decision!


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As all the others have said if you intend to shoot deer then 243 :good: As to fox shooting IMO the 223 is plenty of of a load to kill foxes cleanly.Never had one not killed clean up to 350y.Most foxes are shot under 250 if i could not kill them with my 223 i'd give up shooting :lol: :lol: :lol: Its not the rifle calibre that's important it the guy that pulls the trigger. :lol:

Sorry to go off your point but 243 for you :good:

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If want to pay for the occasional stalk or if you have deer to control on your land as well as fox then 243 is the way to go. You can't legally shoot deer in England,other than Muntjac with a 223 or any 22 C/F for that matter. However you can shoot Roe deer in Scotland with a 22C/F.

I would say if you planned to do nothing but regular stalking then go for a 308 over the 243 but in your situation like mine where its the occasional stalk with fox control then the 243 wins hands down over the 223 everytime.

You have more choice in bullet weights with the 243 as well,from 55 to just over 100 grains and it hits harder. All in all a very,if not the most versatile C/F round available that will cover your every needs. Highly recommended :good:



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These are always tricky questions, because MUCH more usually comes into the equation that never gets mentioned.


Money, space, usage, reloading, etc., etc.... if you are likely to be a one gun man then without doubt the .243 makes sense, I have .223, .243, .308 because I need them all and use them all.


The .223 is perfectly capable and easy to shoot, the .243 is also remarkably docile with light loads, and a serious fox tool! :yes::yes:



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Thanks for all the advice!! Think that's my mind made up! I was leanin towards 243 but thought of 223 due to ammunition price and choice of loads! 243 it is!





Try some PRVI Partizan .243, only £12 a box fro Henry Kranks, If your .243 likes em, it's almost as cheap as .223, then there's reloading...

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I am about to put in for a variation on my FAC! I can't decide whether to go for a 223 or 243! I don't have a dsc yet but I am planning on getting it at some point in the next few years! I will mainly be using the gun for fox plus deer hopefully! Im in west Yorkshire if this makes a difference to the advice! I know this question has been asked loads but I just need some help and advice with the decision!



A friend of mine recently acquired a .243 in place of a Tikka Tac .223.

He already owned a .308 as a primary stalking rifle.


Since getting his .243 he has tried ammo from 58grain Hornady Superformance to 90 grain stuff and has dropped Sika and Fallow Stags/Bucks and Hinds/Does to beat the band.

It has proved itself in the field as a serious Foxer with ~40 confirmed Fox kills in 6 months. Some at distance.

He is running a 1/10 twist which seems to be the best twist to handle deer and fox ammo configurations.


I'm sorely tempted to go .243 next time I change calibre.

I'd leave the .223 dedicated Bunny Rifle, and up the scope to a 12-42x56 Nightforce

I'd put a 6-24 or similar on the .243 for Foxing and Deer.

The .308 I'd leave for Reds and Hardier Game.


That would be me.

If I were you I would research the twist rate on the Rifle to make sure you could run the 55/58 grain stuff for foxing as it is giving my friend 1/2" @ 200 yards which in my opinion is the accuracy you want on a fox especially if you see him at dawn dusk and have no range finder, just point and shoot with ~1'5" to play with out to average shooting distances.

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For mainly Foxing and the odd Deer the .243 takes some beating. I'd prefer 6.5x55 or .260 Remington personally but some forces may not accept the larger calibre for Fox.


Do you want to home load? If so I know where there's a very good deal on a CZ550 American with an 18" barrel - makes it nicer to use as a truck gun on the Foxes but you have to work up a load to make it Deer legal. If you're prepared to home load the Deer ammo it's cheap, very cheap considering the use it's had. :yes::good:

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I have a .223 and use 55grn,its used for fox and muntjac and shoots further than i am capable of in the field,it blows BIG holes in rabbits so is useless as a bunnie tool,sledge hammer/nut :oops: if i could of had a .243 without mentoring/dsc 1, i would of got a .243 as ammo can be bought cheaply enough,but as i never want to shoot anything bigger than a muntie it suits my needs.........at the moment,but thats the point,you may want bigger later so may as well get it now if you are able it will save you money,as already been said :good:

.223 bunnie tool :no: .17 hmr :yes:

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I was in same dilema last year .223 or .243. I opted for the

.243 as it was the best all rounder i could have for first center fire. Its been a while in the actuall buying of the rifle though due to money always being needed some where else. But that is 100% going to be put right on the 15th of this month when its my pay day, going to raid whats left in my savings an use some of my wages and pick up a decent firsy combo from Sportsmans GC. Cant wait now, start putting some lead down range.



Hope you put it to good use what ever caliber you choose.





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