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On a serious note...Poachers!!


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It could be any number of clandestine reasons (or undercover operations) in fact they may just be the good guys?


I think mastiffs are a preferred personal protection dog - rather than badger baiting or fighting dog, and drug runners dont need to resort to this sort of behavior - in fact it would draw too much attention when all they need is a hoodie.


You would be advised to steer clear if you are considering any further monitoring - who knows what listening or night vision equipment they might be using? And be prepared for a fast exit if your camera accidently flashes, but I digress, leave it alone if it's not interferring with your life mate.

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I think i'll keep a portfolio of activities. Theres no point in photographs as i'd practically have to be on their doorstep in order to take them due to poor camera. They may well be legit... but i doubt it. anyway, even if they are i can use the portfolio for the noise factor. I'm sure if i get it lasting long enough their next door neighbours (they're quite friendly with us. nice coulple, shame he drives a honda!) will also complain about them. No matter what I do i'm not gunna let this one go. I'm always getting fed up with people getting away with things or getting off lightly. Too many people would rather turn a blind eye than say "No! your not getting away with it this time matey!" Now i have a chance to stop someone from giving our fellow sportsmen (hunters of all kinds) a bad name and i'm gunna do it.



Touching speach dont you think! :good:

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I'd honestly stay clear mate, take it from someone that knows and gets on with a few of these types of people, they are sometimes realy nice friendly guys, however cross them and they won't ever leave you alone, you and your family dont need a grudge match with the type of people they could be.


On a serious note, what you have explaned is not drug dealers, its more likely in my eyes dog fights or badger baiting! People that do this are scum with no concideration for any living thing. Dont forget that could be your life on the line!

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these guys are most definatly the steriotypes.

1) all of the following occurs between nightfall and sunrise

2) They turn up in two or three 4x4's with loads of gear in the back

3) They sometimes have 2 quad bikes as well

4) They operate out of a shed next to the house under muffled voices (yet the doors open so i have a clear view of the gearing up in cammo (they shut the door when they hear a car or someone walking by)

5) When they come back with their vehicles coated in mud they immediatly powerhose them (normally between 2 and 4 am!)

6) They also sometimes take their mastiff type dog with them as well.


Unfortunatly theres nothing concrete here, i've not even seen a rifle or gun case as they dont keep any in the shed and the 4x4 windows are shaded up so i can only see shapes. its mainly a suspicion, along with the fact that they are all dodgy charecters!


Oh i forgot. my favourite bit is..... when the police come round they NEVER ANSWER THE DOOR! yet as soon as the cops come they're back out.


oh and they have a cctv that doesn't point into their garden but down the road!


Sounds like a serious hunting crew that know that nocturnal trips are by far the most productive and that does not mean they are poaching.The mastiff on it's own will struggle with brock and if they were baiting they would have several curs with them.


You should see some of the outfits around here :lol:


If I was you I would do my utmost to befriend them and start ******* out rather than in.






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I reckon theyre part of a shooting team that are poaching deer at night.They will be the shooting end and there will be a team to pick up and process the deer. :lol:

Get the authorities informed. :lol:



It may look that HD but we don't know that do we, unless you know them.







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I`m sure you don`t want my opinion, but you come across to me as a nosey neighbour. Unless someone is being hurt, mind your own business mate. If my neighbours stuck their noses into my business I would want to get back at them... It`s more likely that people like you, who judge others and decide they should not be doing something and jumping to an irrational conclusion, which actually helps the law to restrict our freedom. :lol:

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The point is, this guy has assumed that his neighbours are master crime lords and is going to report them to the police even when they could be doing absolutely nothing wrong. He even said he has no evidence what so ever.


Its not even his or our business what they are upto really. Everyone is entitled to privacy and thats for better or worse. Thats what distinguishes this country from North Korea, we are supposedly free to do what we want, within the boundries of the law, which is made by self centered, professionals who change it for their own interests anyway, thats normally not relevant because the people who I've mentioned dont live in the real world anyway.


We are supposedly innocent until proven guilty, we have prosumed that these people are upto some against the law so we've concluded that they are guilty of something.


Most people in the country are not criminals so why should the law abiding majority of people have their privacy infringed because we prosume everyone is doing something illegal.


If they are doing something illegal, let the police catch them because thats what you pay your taxes for in income tax, national insurance, VAT, road tax, alcohol & cigarette duty, speeding fines etc etc etc anyway. If they are doing something that directly affects you like the revving of engines all night then report them for a noise nuisance.


Enjoy your life and dont let your neighbours worry you about anything. :lol:



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and i traded ma phazor gun in for a .234 frank..you aint got a spare layin around have ya..lol...and if ya load your own phazes for it you could maybe manage a few of them too mate it be very welcome... :)


:D Its life Jim, but not as we know it. :blink: :D:D:D;)

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Enjoy your life and dont let your neighbours worry you about anything.



Rings a bell with me does this post, slightly different context admmittedly as I KNEW what the TW*T opposite me was up to? Ie drug dealing kids as young as 11 or 12 coming on push bikes counting money banging on the front door money posted through the letter box then the "wrap" getting pushed out and the "buyers clearing off" new supplies arriving in obligitory bling mobile ( the only time the front door ever opened) this went on from very early doors to way past midnight day in day out?

I started to find syringes at the rear of my property and the occasional scroat as high as a kite frightening kids to death, difference with me was I knew the lad involved and his wife (used to be a decent bloke) I went over to him and told him I had had enough and was concerned for my (then two year old) who played in the street, and that to cut along story short I was shopping him, which I did and after a few visits from the local plod ( they had already been watching him) he eventually was stopped, his family moved and I never saw him again, I would do the same tommorow if I had to as I for one see no reason to bury my head in the sand and let the scum of this world CONTROL MY LIFE addmittedly I eventually gave up on the once good area and sold up and moved

cheers KW

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  • 1 year later...

For your information:


This has been sorted now.


They were poaching deer.

The police had been watching them but had nothing solid until they caught them with unregistered guns (muppets or what!) followed by a house search.

Other people in the neighbourhood had also made regular complaints about noise etc.

They've been arrested but to what outcome I don't know (yet).


I may have been a "nosey neighbour" as rabid bunny put it, but it's idiots like these that will cause more restrictions and prohibitions to be place on the hunting community.


Personally, I think if you've got suspicions about something like this the you should let the authorities know. In the end, if they're legal then they've got nothing to worry about as they should have licences etc to say so.


Thanks to those who supported me on this matter, it was with your advice that I decided to pass my information on to the police.


To those who told me to mind my own business.... It's good to see that people like them will be able to rely on you to turn a blind eye so as not to be seen as nosey.



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If it is is not affecting you in the future keep yourself to yourself I would suggest. From what is being said you will soon be able o take deer at night anyway. From the prices being made on deer meat at the moment I can't believe it is worth poaching them anyway.


If there is one thing I don't like it is nosy people- that is why I choose to live where there are no neighbours around me and soon give short shrift to anyone poking around.

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Did you ever wonder if THEY are PW forum members and were reading this thread??? or even contributing to it???


Now there is an idea...........



I nearly got badly caught out when I found a gang breaking into the furniture company I once worked for.... they split up one taking their van ... I did a handbrake turn as I was not going to run into the bushes after 3 or 4 blokes.... I had the van in my headlights as we raced through the village.... he tried to hide down a small lane with his lights out (this was about 2 AM). I got his van reg number and drove to the phonebox at the far end of the village (no mobile that day). I just got in the phonebox when their van arrived right outside...(not from following me but from another road). I had a sinking feeling.... but a police area car arrived totally by coincidence and they drive off fast.... gave a quick explanation to the old bill who chased them ......


that was a close one !!! I would tackle again for my faimily, moral issues, human rights issues or my home.....but not for some poxy furniture parts from the company warehouse!!


My lesson that day was to pick which ones to fight ..........furniture is not worth a hospital visit!!




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