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...just watched the Police attacked by dog


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Fraid Plod set themselves up for this. Talk about Keystone Cops.


How did it come to pass that they were not ready to deal with the fact of a dog in the house. Someone needs to carry the can for poor intelligence. And then when they forced their way in did they not hear the dog barking?


Having known beforehand that a dog was going to be present why wasn't the dog squad there to deal with it. It's not all about setting German Shepherds on to football fans and Countryside Alliance members. Dog squad would have been equipped with gauntlets and tethers and catchpoles.


How about assigning a specialist to deal with the dog while the raid is ongoing?

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OMG I have just watched this footage,I will not post it, as It relates to something from a horror,savage,very brutal and the merciless screams,coming from the injured police officer,had me turn it off. if you want to watch google for it,but I wont be looking again


These dogs should be shot,I know its not their fault and the onus relates to the owner,but I am afraid I would not hesitate, in shooting dead any dog that attacked someone like this in my area.

I hope the officers that were attacked make a full recovery.


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Jeez, you lot are harsh. I've never been attacked by a dog - whether a fighting breed or not, so I can't say how painful it is or how easy it is to get it off and I assume most of you haven't either, so sitting there calling people cowards is a bit much. The copper walking away seems to be limping so he probably just been attacked himself and as there is no footage of what happened just before you can't jump to conclusions. I believe a dog like that in attack mode will keep attacking to the death and punching hitting or spraying the thing will probably do very little but **** it off even more.


As for not having good enough intelligence before going in, well according to the reports they were arresting some scrote for GBH and kidnapping so they may not have had the luxury of time, and certainly not the money for extensive intel and surveillance.


The police can often be petty, condescending and have a superiority complex but they go into unknown situations, unarmed and generally do a dirty job well.

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Oh my god! That's terrible! I'm having mixed feelings about this though, part of me feels for the copper who the dog was latched onto and another part of me can't understand why they didn't get it sorted more quickly. I couldn't stand and watch that and the guy being bitten was in as good a position so sort it as anyone.


If a dog bites your arm you use it to your advantage. Push across and down on it to make it side step - you'll most likely be able to force it to fall over sideways. If your other arm is still functioning then grabbing it's far front leg from underneat it really helps. Once it's lead on it's side you fall to your knees on it's ribs. That in an ideal world results in broken ribs, punctured lungs and a dog that's in no fit shape to fight. It will most likely kill it. At the very least you force it into a position of submission where it doesn't have the dexterity to get up even if it wants to so the only damage it can do is to what it already has hold of.


I play fight with every large dog I know and use this tactic (well the first bit at least). I haven't found a dog yet that I can't bowl over like a small child and pin it down. I simply make it a fun game and hold it rather than fall on it but the basic skill of getting it over and on the floor is now second nature. I've done it to Boxers, Alsations, Dobermans, Labs - all sorts. If I was in pain I think it would be my natural reaction because I know it works. Trying to back away will never solve anything.


Perhaps it helps that I've always reacted well to bad situations? I don't know why but I don't get all crazy when things go wrong. If something hurts me I'll sort it, if you leap out from behind something and surprise me I'll grab you rather than jump? I have no idea why I react that way but it's got me out of some horrible situations in the past! :look:



i cannot believe someone has sat down and thought about the utter rubbish you have typed


the guy was in DANGER, fear had taken over and he was injured and your talking about rolling a pitbull over and stroking its belly ?

a banned breed of dog who's idiotic owner obviously keeps it to intimidate people so he cannot be prosecuted for having an offensive weapon

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so you would just let your mate get it from the dog.

I'd like to think that I'd go back, but unlike you I'm realistic enough to understand that I will never know the answer to that until I'm in a similar situation.


One thing I would NEVER do is criticise someone's actions if I wasn't there and in a similar amount of pain and suffering the same level of shock as the injured cop was.

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so you would just let your mate get it from the dog.



seems a few facts are missing from this thread first off 3 coppers are STILL in hospital and in total FIVE needed hospital treatment, they aint cowards who stood by and watched one get attacked, they were already injured, second fact is 99% of the warriors on here would have been on the shoulders of the guy on the wall if they had been there (apart from our site dog whisperer) he would have been sectioned under the mental health act.



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seems a few facts are missing from this thread first off 3 coppers are STILL in hospital and in total FIVE needed hospital treatment, they aint cowards who stood by and watched one get attacked, they were already injured, second fact is 99% of the warriors on here would have been on the shoulders of the guy on the wall if they had been there (apart from our site dog whisperer) he would have been sectioned under the mental health act.



hey Kieth , you've got it mate

a dog whisperer :good::good::good:

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The thing is they smashed down the door any one with any common when planning a raid should have known the dog was there ok the police got bitten but surely the dog was not at fault it was doing what it was trained for proctecting his masters house some one should get there **** kicked for this cock up but they willl blame the dog



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seems a few facts are missing from this thread first off 3 coppers are STILL in hospital and in total FIVE needed hospital treatment, they aint cowards who stood by and watched one get attacked, they were already injured, second fact is 99% of the warriors on here would have been on the shoulders of the guy on the wall if they had been there (apart from our site dog whisperer) he would have been sectioned under the mental health act.




My thoughts exactly.

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i cannot believe someone has sat down and thought about the utter rubbish you have typed


the guy was in DANGER, fear had taken over and he was injured and your talking about rolling a pitbull over and stroking its belly ?

a banned breed of dog who's idiotic owner obviously keeps it to intimidate people so he cannot be prosecuted for having an offensive weapon


Dogs are very strong for their size, however humans are much smarter and heavier. It strikes me that these officers had no training on how to deal with an aggressive ( and actually not all that large ) dog. One officer appears to be actually offering the dog his arm to bite, like in dog training, I don't know why he thought that would help. As NJC110381 wrote, you can control a dog using weight and intelligence - as long as you don't panic - although if it was me I would be backing slowly away and kicking it hard every time it came near. It might have a strong bite, but it'll hurt a lot less through a boot.

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I'm not a dog handler but work with them a lot and can add a bit to this.

First off I carry CS and this does not work on dogs. Don't know why but it has been tested and it just does not work. Pepper spray does and some forces have changed over to it. There are pros and cons with both. Tasers work a treat and that's a good reason to carry them.


For those who want to criticise the planning or ask why they went in the first place when a dog was in there...... How long had the dog been there, was it the owners or just visiting, did the police even know it was there, can you see through walls and ID a dangerous dog, does a dangerous dog look different from a friendly one before its hanging off your arm, do you really think you would be able to think straight when you have a dog on your arm?

There are so many questions and possibilities and I don't think it's fair for you lot to rip into them without knowing the full facts, which you won't know as you were not there and were not involved in the planning.


Just to put into perspective what these dogs can do a friend of mine was dealing with a pit bull at work. The dog had been friendly with him for about an hour and suddenly turned on him. It clamped onto his inner thigh and did not release for about 10 minutes. During this time they hit it with fists and batons. Kicked it, tried to pry its jaws open and the bloke he was with put a pressure washer into the dogs mouth and turned it on. Even then it did not release straight away.

When it did release he crawled away and then it bit onto the calf ripping a big hole and revealing the bone.

The officer in question was very experienced with dogs. He is ex forces, very fit and a strong bloke. If it can do this to him it could do it to any one of us.


At a different job another mate of mine shot a pit with 00 buck from a few meters. After the first it got straight back up. The second shot put it back down and the third and forth made sure it was as humane as possible. They were all within 10 seconds.


Having said all that I would like to think if I had been at that job in the Met I would have gone to help the officer. I have been on the receiving end of a few dog bites and luckily none of them clamped on.



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