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Made Redundant on my Birthday!

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Well guys i've known for about 2 years now that id be losing my job cos the company i work for are moving all Production to Spain and Germany but i didnt know that i'd be finishing on my Birthday until yesterday officially!

Yep ive been given my Notice by my Employers and officially finish on Aug 31st!


This is not a sob story but want to encourage others out there that maybe are going through the same situation,that life goes on and i believe if you want work you'll find it!!!

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All the best mate, you seem positive which is good. Sounds like youve had time to make some plans, anything exciting or shooting related? I know it can be very unsettling but also an opportunity for change. Keep us posted. :good: moor man.


Thanks for your kind words mate.Yes i am positive and will remain so!!


TBH i cant look for another job yet as i will lose my Redunduncy!I personally think its awful that an Employer can kkep your money when at the end of the day you still got to find work!

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Happy Birthday to You Happy Birthday to You etc etc sorry to hear about your demise work wise BUT you have a couple of months to take stock and have a real good think about the next stage in your life and look on the bright side its not the first time some poor guy has turned up to work and found the padlocks on the factory gates. So I hope you can get it all worked out in your favour :good:

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With Spain being bankrupt I'm surprised anything is moving out there.



You can look for a job, but you can't start it until after you leave.


I was made redundant years ago and the employer was very good and allowed us to leave up to two weeks before our final date, with full redundancy.


Hope it all ends well for you.

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Well guys i've known for about 2 years now that id be losing my job cos the company i work for are moving all Production to Spain and Germany but i didnt know that i'd be finishing on my Birthday until yesterday officially!

Yep ive been given my Notice by my Employers and officially finish on Aug 31st!


This is not a sob story but want to encourage others out there that maybe are going through the same situation,that life goes on and i believe if you want work you'll find it!!!


Couldnt agree more...if you are prepared to get out there and look for work you deserve to find it. Everyone sounds off about imigrants taking the available jobs but at least they do actually want to work. Ive utilised Polish, Latvian, Estonian, Checz, and Romanian labour and tradesmen in the Construction Industry in the last 20 years and they have all been brilliant. Whereas when we have used agency labour we have been lumbered generally with Lazy British Nationals with a chip on their shoulder who couldnt really give a toss. Its not that we have exploited them either its always been above board and proper BCIS rates of pay. :yes:

Edited by Fisherman Mike
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Same happened to me in 2009, but fate played its hand and although i earn less, i am a lot happier, see more of the family, and spend a lot less on fuel (job is based in my home town). So all in all fate was not that unkind to me. This may the chance for the one you been waiting for! Keep at it, good luck and Happy Birthday :good:

I too believe if you want to work you will be able to do so.

Tight Lines


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All the best mate. i hope you're getting a decent package. What on earth are they moving to Spain now!!!!


Back in 2008 I was sitting here at my desk all pleased with myself having just secured a £270k order when I get a call from the national sales manager

"I have to read you a prepared statement"

Seems that although we had lots of orders the turn over had dropped off (Start of the recession remember) and the bank had pulled the plug & withdrawn funding! That put the company into administration.

No job, no notice, no money!

Ho Hum, life goes on........

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A lot of people think losing their jobs is the end of the line. Good to see some one with a more positive out look on

life. My other half was made unemployed 2 an half years back and she tried every day to get a job, it took a year but she got

another full time job in the end and way more money. Her boy left college and spent 4 months looking for work and

thought no one would take him on full time due to the times we are in. Then hey presto he got a full time job working

as a chef in a care home. So i defo agree with you and above posts that there are jobs out there as long as your prepared

to get up and go for them. I work for the local council, so don't have a full time job :lol: :lol: as most would think :rolleyes:


Hope the search for another job doesn't take to long mate, but good on you for taking a blow like losing your job

on the chin and holding your head high.


ATB for the future mate :good: :good:




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Thanks for all your kind words lads I really appreciate it!

I do believe that when one door closes another one opens!!

good luck m8.if your wiling to move ave a look at jag/landrover theyre advertising for their new engine plant and projects in the pipeline august aint far away.also jcb at rocester n uttoxeter ,nestles tutbury and toyota ,you never know new job new start you could find this a change for the much better.all the best with this :good: :good:

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realy sorry to hear that mark but as those before me have said one door closes another opens i know how you feel we are going the same way at my work works died off and now there talk of pay offs here not nice but i am sure you will find something atleast you have a bit of time to look and sort a job out all the best for the future :good::good:



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Depending on how critical you are to the organisation, you may be able to get your emloyer to pay you a retainer to remain with them for an agreed period of time....one to discuss with your HR dept if you have one.


Your company will have to allow you time off for interviews, and if you find another job you may have to weigh up if it is better to take the new job or to hang on in there for the redundancy depending on ££s


But all the best hope it all works out for you

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Same thing happening at my place..I mite loose upto 15k from my wage each year...or I can be made redundant, not had the final word yet but I don't think the new company taking us over will pay what we get now..tupe law protects us but only for 3 months...uncertain times ahead.

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