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Gutting rabbits!!

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first thing i ever gutted was a big old hare after a week and a half of hanging.. bleughhh! tasted great.

I get imense satisfaction from shooting something and making something really delicious with it - you cant go wrong with pie and chips.

**** the rabbit after shooting them by squeezing down the length of the body of the rabbit, this can spoil the meat if left.

As for rabbits i cut from the bottom of the ribcage down as far as possible, a GOOD KNIFE!! really helps really.. really.

then hold the rabbit allong its back and shake! when everythings out look inside, notmally for me there is the lungs and heart left in and some small intestine attatched to the anus, it sounds grim but you can either poke around with i knife or man up grab hold of it and pull it out.

the heart and lungs usally stay put untill i skin them and oven prep them.

Hand axe - remove the head, and lower legs/feet and tail sometimes. Continue the cuts from gutting to the anus and to the neckline and up the limbs, unwrap the skin.

if you want you can put your hand in an pull out the heart and lungs now the windpipe isnt attached to the head, pretty easy although im sure ive left it in a fer times with no ill effects.

You now have a dressed rabbit, you can do what you like with it, i personally joint them up and add them to the freezer, really nice when you have a dig about and suddenly find some good food that needs no prepping.

This is just how i do it, you can get pretty fast when you have a large number to do, i dont bother with little ones- they go for ferret food whole. skins are too small to be much use either.

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Its a good idea to wear examination rubber gloves when gutting rabbits.


There is a well documented case from a few years ago about a farmer who died not long after gutting a few rabbits.

From memory it transpired that the farmer had a slight cut on one of his hands; the rabbit was carrying some blood diease or other. Transfer of fluids from one to another, and bingo, DEAD! I'm not joking.



I remember this case Webber. Didn't his family receive hate calls from some antis who actually took some form of pleasure out of his death due to him shooting rabbits.


Made me very angry at the time.


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**** the rabbit after shooting them by squeezing down the length of the body of the rabbit, this can spoil the meat if left.

As for rabbits i cut from the bottom of the ribcage down as far as possible, a GOOD KNIFE!! really helps really.. really.

then hold the rabbit allong its back and shake! when everythings out look inside, notmally for me there is the lungs and heart left in and some small intestine attatched to the anus, it sounds grim but you can either poke around with i knife or man up grab hold of it and pull it out.

the heart and lungs usally stay put untill i skin them and oven prep them.

Hand axe - remove the head, and lower legs/feet and tail sometimes. Continue the cuts from gutting to the anus and to the neckline and up the limbs, unwrap the skin.

if you want you can put your hand in an pull out the heart and lungs now the windpipe isnt attached to the head, pretty easy although im sure ive left it in a fer times with no ill effects.

You now have a dressed rabbit, you can do what you like with it, i personally joint them up and add them to the freezer, really nice when you have a dig about and suddenly find some good food that needs no prepping.

This is just how i do it, you can get pretty fast when you have a large number to do, i dont bother with little ones- they go for ferret food whole. skins are too small to be much use either.


This is pretty much what I do. Hook the stomach out of the ribcage with two fingers, pull free the oesophagus which passes through the liver (you'll see the head nod if you're pulling the right thing), pinch away the ligaments that attach the stomach to the back of the ribcage then one good downward jerk and everything rolls out leaving the pluck behind. (Much loved by ferrets. I also love the liver fried in butter and served on toast). If the anal canal stays behind reach into the groin and pinch it out. Likewise birth sacs and feotuses in pregnant does. (Also loved by ferrets).

With a bit of practise you can skin very quickly without making any cuts up the legs. With the head and legs removed - I also use a hand axe - start at the belly flaps pushing the skin clear of both thighs and round the small of the back then invert the legs out of the skin like removing a pullover. Easier with does than bucks and easier with both when still warm. At the back end the skin is now only attached around the tail. You can either leave it there until you've ungloved the front end and then pull the lot carefully off over the tail which will leave a skinned tail bone, of you can pull the skin off the tail first and then off the front end which will usually leave the scut still on the tail bone. This is what I do because I remove the tail with the anus and the scent glands. Hold a skinned leg with your four fingers and push the tail aside with your thumb. Carefully run a knife through the thin membrane down between the tail and the thigh and you'll see the yellowy green scent gland beside the tail. Roll the knife blade round to the groin and round to the back of the tail just to break the skin keeping the glands on the tail side of the blade. Do the same holding the other leg. You'll have two little cuts meeting in a V just behind the tail. Rock the knife til it nips through the tail bone at the point of this V then grab hold of the scut wiggle it and gently pull and the tail together with the scent glands and the remains of the anal canal will come out in one piece leaving a clean hole through the pelvis. I also nip through the pelvic girdle and pinch out any fat and ligaments. You're left with an very clean and neat back end with all nasties gone. I give rabbits to my mother and a few other old folk in the village and I always dress them for them like this because the carcase looks so clean I know it won't get wasted.

I never cook the carcase with the red offal still inside because it darkens the meat, but chopped up with a few herbs it makes very good forcemeat.

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or try the squeeze gutting method I found it on you tube all you do is squeeze hard below the front legs then keep squeezing down the full lenth of the body and the whole lot comes straight out the anus. all it leaves in the body cavity is the heart lungs and and for some reason the kidneys :) look it up it is brilliant for the squeamish, one bit of advice if you have a stupid spaniel dont let the little ****** near you when you do this as mine things it is a great game to catch the guts at they come out and play with them

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I don't find that deer guts bother me. If anything the smell when you open them up can be quite reasonable? That's assuming there's no green - that stuff isn't so good! :sick:


Rabbit guts are the worst thing I do regularly. I will always maintain that rabbits do not smell like food! When I cut a deer open it makes me hungry, when I gut rabbits in the evening I often go straight to bed without eating! :oops:

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  • 2 weeks later...

After about a thousand you get use to it. Deer don't bother me either, the only things I hate gutting are ducks, ducks innards are really gross, everything else isn't a problem, pheasant, partridges, deer, lambs, pigs etc. all fine. But ducks are simply revolting, poking your little pinky through the '***** to make sure all the poop is gone is likewise simply rancorous. We never wear gloves when doing ducks either, that doesn't help.

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After about a thousand you get use to it. Deer don't bother me either, the only things I hate gutting are ducks, ducks innards are really gross, everything else isn't a problem, pheasant, partridges, deer, lambs, pigs etc. all fine. But ducks are simply revolting, poking your little pinky through the '***** to make sure all the poop is gone is likewise simply rancorous. We never wear gloves when doing ducks either, that doesn't help.



the best ones to gut are ducks that have been feeding on frosted potatos, they smell lovely :sick: :sick:


instead of poking your finger up its hole try cutting the whole ring piece away, hold the ring piece between finger and thumb and cut it away so there is nothing left connecting the pipe to the body. this way the guts come away clean and you can be sure there is nothing left to contain any nastys :thumbs:

Edited by aister
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the best ones to gut are ducks that have been feeding on frosted potatos, they smell lovely :sick: :sick:


instead of poking your finger up its hole try cutting the whole ring piece away, hold the ring piece between finger and thumb and cut it away so there is nothing left connecting the pipe to the body. this way the guts come away clean and you can be sure there is nothing left to contain any nastys :thumbs:


Just as you do with deer. Thinking about it that's what I do with everything, deer, rabbits and fowl. You don't eat the ring so get rid of it.

There's something wrong with ducks though, they are walking sewers. They're the only creatures I know that will eat rabbit paunch, including the contents. I'm going off duck.

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