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Amazing BASC


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Simon from the Eastern BASC popped in to school today after an email conversation over the past few months. With him he brought along 4500 cartridges as a donation to my school shooting club! I am so thankful to him and BASC for the donation. We are not a funded club in any way and being a comprehensive school we have students from a range of financial situtations. This will really help develop the students further in their shooting and allow me to get at risk students on board.


One recent example has been a chap who comes from a single parent family and is a full time carer. His mum suffers significant mental health issues and he really needs some time out. He is joining the club to get out of the house and meet some new people. With such donations (including you lovely individuals on here) I can offer his shooting for free and hopefully make his life a slightly better place... even if he has to spend time with me!


A massive thanks to BASC for believing in your people and working to help develop young shooters and young people more generally.


(if any one wants to invade France, I think I've got enough ammunition now!)

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Some time ago (had to be - the video accompanying the presentation was VHS!) BASC had a very good schools shooting information package which would have been an ideal way to back up this and help offset the anti message that often can be generated in schools. I don't know whether an updated version is available - I think they came from the Education Dept. but notice that there's no such thing mentioned on the website now.

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I teach and like to encourage it but like you, the cost is prohibitive for too many kids. Maybe we can have a chat some time too?

Please drop me a PM when its convenient with questions and such


Some time ago (had to be - the video accompanying the presentation was VHS!) BASC had a very good schools shooting information package which would have been an ideal way to back up this and help offset the anti message that often can be generated in schools. I don't know whether an updated version is available - I think they came from the Education Dept. but notice that there's no such thing mentioned on the website now.

They have asked that I might put together some info/bullet points about setting up the club for anyone who asks them how they might go about doing it. The more schools the merrier, I just hope they don't then beat us in competitions!

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