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Any good allergies out there?


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Its Bentonite for me. I've been itching like flea ridden dog all day after a line failure with hilarious consequences (if you were watching), not much fun being on the recieving end though. The Psoriasis is going for it tonight. :no:


Any weird ones folks?

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Is there such a thing as a GOOD allergy?


Bit of an Oxymoron :hmm:


I'm the epitome of an oxymoron. I was born in Oxhey... Need I say anymore.


It's not funny, but I'm horribly allergic to quorn (the fake meat stuff). I am violently ill within minutes (sometimes hours). Poohing and spewing. Disgusting stuff - vat grown mould!

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I think I have an allergy to leather.


Sometimes my head is really bad when I wake up I look down and sure enough every time there my leather boots are still on my feet again. :oops:



If I'd drunk less, I might have remembered to take the darn boots off :rolleyes:

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It is not good and I honestly think it might kill me one day, that's definitely not good.

I don't understand how you can be OK all your life and then develop a really bad allergy to something. I used to be fine with sesame, mostly seeds as that's what's on Big Mac buns (for example) and regularly bought loaves covered in sesame seeds. Not regularly as in every day but maybe every month or so. Not as if I OD'd on the stuff to set it off.

These days I reckon a Big Mac bun would see me off.

Very scary when it gets me, cos eating out is fraught with danger. I avoid obvious foods but you don't always know. Last one was a spicy stew of all things. Who would think that would have sesame in it.

My missus freaked, I swelled up like the Hulk or summat. Only way I can get through it is to stay calm, not easy with your missus freking out. :no:

Edited by 39TDS
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I am a chronic asthmatic/bronchitic,with the usual crop of substances that set my chest off. Grass pollens, horsehair, mould, some perfume carriers, The glue on most sticky plasters/wound dressings/surgical tape (REALLY useful! :angry: ) and acetone fumes, so I can't use aftershave/ stinky stuff, and I used to have to leave the room if my wife was polishing her nails, I also have to be really careful what paints I use around the house. Used to it after 57 yrs, just be careful what I do....

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Penicillin and the related family of drugs - coma inducing, could be dangerous one day so have a bracelet.

Was given it once when a child to help get over Chicken Pox (why I dont know) I was flat out for 3 weeks apparently.


I'm also very allergic to stupidity, arrogance, lack of consideration for others.......... the list is long.

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As above with penicillin and really should get myself a bracelet. Vinegar is the other one, mainly pickled things, makes my eyes bloodshot and the area around go red, my wife calls it the angry panda stare.


Trouble is, I like pickles so occasionally throw caution to the wind and go panda for a few hours.

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Seafood especially if mixed with only a small amount of alcohol for me but I never knew until a few years ago when at a very posh wedding - it was a real cringeworthy way of finding out :blush: :blush: :blush:. I'm sure this story will generate a few giggles...


At said wedding was set meal with, yes you've guessed it, prawn cocktail starter, not ever tried them before so get stuck in - really disliked it but wasn't going to be the only one leaving it on our table so forced the rest of it down along with the free couple of glasses of wine (no other significant amount of alcohol - yet). Within 10 mins I felt like I had been on an all day bender - my head started spinning, I felt nauseus, broke out in a cold sweat and starting to shake all over. I just managed to make it to the end of the speeches before stumbling off to the toilets and that's where I stayed for the next 4 or 5 hours, missing all the free booze and entertainment :no: hell I was ill and from both ends too. Finally felt safe enough to emerge for the last hour or so and painted over the faces of most of the guests was look at that drunk what's he doing here spoiling our Ellies wedding (I'd have thought the same of me without knowing what had happened TBH) - thankgod the bride and groom who were close friends knew better of me and did their best to relieve the embarrassement somewhat. By the time the taxi picked us up I was feeling almost normal and of course stone cold sober too - not that I'd have dared touch anything but water the rest of that night - the upset stomach lasted for nearly a week with the service station toilets along the M4 on the drive home the following day taking most of the punishment :lol:


I've been told since that most forgave my "drunkeness" when they realised that most of the wedding album was made up of my photos - the pro photographer (a family member) had apparently screwed up most of the shots - luckily I'd taken my gear and what I had taken before falling ill, mostly informal stuff was just what they were looking for :).


I've since repeated the seafood experiment just to make sure but this time did so in the safety of my own home and parents watching on - they didn't believe me at first - and yep sure enough a few prawns + just one bottle of cider = :eh::sad1::cry1: :wacko: :sick: :sick: :sick:

Oh well lesson learned stay away from seafood - that suits me, it's foul stuff anyway :)

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For me its Eggs,

Cannot stand the sight, smell or the very thought of eating any form of egg ie fried, poached, boiled etc etc.

Used to murder as a truck driver when every where does 'Set Breakfast' including egg or multiple of eggs.

Someone would come and sit down and start stirring their sloppy fried egg or dipping their sausage in it (oooerrrr that sounds worse)

and I'd be off like a shot and hurling me guts up.

Cant even eat a breakfast if I know theyve put an egg on in error and then taken it off = Its been there :sick:

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