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Whats the point of working sometimes

leeds chimp

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renewed the tax credits last week and got the letter today to confirm it all.

Since i did overtime last year to make up for what i lost when i was off with my eye operations and i earnt a bit more than i thought i would.


They have deducted £130 a month off the payment. Thats near enough what i get paid before tax for the 2 shifts extra i was doing. Whats the point of doing the extra if i actually lose more money doing It? Thats the problem with the whole benefit system. Taking money away for people that WANT to work hard to get a better life.


Would be better off if myself and partner were on the dole or just did not work as many hours each

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And if you were on the dole you could stay in bed til 11am and then get up, slip into your burberry tracksuitt and new trainers and watch Jeremy Kyle on you 60" 3D plasma whilst smoking a couple of packets of fags and making an effort to become more obese..whilst the rest of us mugs are up at 0630 to go to work to pay for it...

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And if you were on the dole you could stay in bed til 11am and then get up, slip into your burberry tracksuitt and new trainers and watch Jeremy Kyle on you 60" 3D plasma whilst smoking a couple of packets of fags and making an effort to become more obese..whilst the rest of us mugs are up at 0630 to go to work to pay for it...

.......and turn out a kid a year, plus others if you had a few girlfriends.......all little earners. Then there's the crack round and lead stripping


Or you could be a bank manager.

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you work so your taxes :-


1. keep bailing out the bankers

2. keep the immigrants in cars, houses and mobile phones

3. keep Royal family in lifestyle they are accustomed to

4. wont be spent on police, NHS or armed forces

5. can be abused by politicians false expense claims



sorry im in a bad mood today with this miserbale weather ! :no:


feel free to add any more i missed off

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They are taking money out of MY pay, to pay YOUR tax credits. But I am not crying about it :rolls eyes:

to some extent you are right Jo but we are a low income family and would be better off on benefits.


Last tax year i would sometimes work a 63 or more hours a week to make up what i lost when i was off as only got £82 a week SSP and that was it to pay for a mortgage bills etc.

It just feels that being penalized for working more . The tax credits were used for nursery fees but now its does not seen worthwhile SWMBO going to work as we now have to find that extra money so she can go to work

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Thats what im saying, a couple in that situation would get quite alot of benefits which is daft.


Anyway, when we talk about benefits its always hard to say because we never know a persons full situation. The idea that someone is working and receiving benefits never seems a good idea.

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Thats what im saying, a couple in that situation would get quite alot of benefits which is daft.


Anyway, when we talk about benefits its always hard to say because we never know a persons full situation. The idea that someone is working and receiving benefits never seems a good idea.

would you work for £3.20 a hour as Thats what SWMBO will be on now we have to pay the nursery fees for her to go to work? Thats what the working tax credits are for is to help a family on a low income "afford" to go to work

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My son works off shore and his average monthly tax deductions are £2000. You should speak to him about people on benefits . I worked all my life and accrued a works pension and old age pension and I am still getting screwed for tax . Sorry not to much sympathy from me .


Harnser .

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My son works off shore and his average monthly tax deductions are £2000. You should speak to him about people on benefits . I worked all my life and accrued a works pension and old age pension and I am still getting screwed for tax . Sorry not to much sympathy from me .


Harnser .

Why, that's less than the cost of keeping the average convict in prison, or the average 12 person immigrant family in South london!


He really must pay more to society :P

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but Thats partly what i am saying is wrong.

That people working get less than those on benefits.

I personally went from working 2 nights a week which was enough money for me to finding a new job that could do more hours when we knew little Chimp was on the way. Not everyone can find/get jobs that pay £20k a year

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It is crazy that people work and are at best marginally better off than not working. The incentive isnt there. To avoid the **** storm I wont give my views on how to fix this.


Luckily I'm not in that situation but do work long hours on my day job and then managing the accounts for my wifes company on weekends and evenings (20+ hours a week on top of the day job). The tax man had a large chunk of my directors bonus last year which made me question why we bother. I know its for the long term and the sacrifice made now will reap rewards in the future but it always feels like we're being shafted for wanting to progress.

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. Not everyone can find/get jobs that pay £20k a year


I would not even get out of bed for £20k a year. I agree with the chap above about people whining over how much child/family/working tax credits they aren't entitled to. IMO they should stop the lot of them!!

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