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Torch Relay Violently Attacked


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Whilst I would normally agree with the above, I do feel the 'security' guy acted as he has been trained to do: caught in the corner of his eye, someone heading towards the torch, and reacted :blink:

Another case of can't win whatever the result.....would you rather he just made his own decisions as to what is a risk and what isn't? I just feel sorry for all of them and glad that no-one was actually hurt :good:

its a torch not the queen what was the kid going to do assassinate it :lol: i know lets throw a kid in front of a car to protect a bit of metal

Edited by storme37
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Whilst I would normally agree with the above, I do feel the 'security' guy acted as he has been trained to do: caught in the corner of his eye, someone heading towards the torch, and reacted :blink:

Another case of can't win whatever the result.....would you rather he just made his own decisions as to what is a risk and what isn't? I just feel sorry for all of them and glad that no-one was actually hurt :good:


Yes mate i think you may be right. If he did not know that the bike rider was only a boy when he had to act.

I dont think there is any real harm done. Apart from the kid in a bit of shock afterward, And the guys probably made it up to him once they found out he was not a real threat to anyone.


But i do believe in better safe then sorry. Even kids can be a threat, you hear about kids being made to do stuff to get into gangs or being promised something in return

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At the risk of invoking Godwin' Law:


"The Olympic Flame was lit by a concave mirror in Olympia, Greece and transported over 3,187 kilometres by 3,331 runners in twelve days and eleven nights from Greece to Berlin.."


So how come we have now ended up with it taking weeks of messing about and costing a fortune.

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if he was a copper he should have known the differance between a real threat and a kid escaping the crowds = suspension /charges if family pursue it , if it was a gayboy sia holder he should be charged with assault as the boy did nothing wrong .the tuffboy in the tracksuit had no controll over his actions that could have easily ended up under the bmw . total disgrace to any security service . they should have handcuffed the boy then kicked him in the head for good measure to show the crowds how fuff they are .

this torch carp is costing millions and gaining nowt .one big advertising stunt for the sponsors .

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Every evening this ridiculous torch relay comes on the news, and most nights I see an example of the security team being a bit OTT. Not normally as bad as this incident - just people wanting photos being roughly shoved out of the way.

A couple of the security team were inteviewed the other night and I got the impression that these guys aren't the brightest and best that the police have to offer. If running alongside the Olympic torch really is the greatest honour of your career, as these guys seemed to suggest, then that says it all.

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Heavy handed my left nut,


The torch security team are there to do a job. They carried this out calmly and without fanfare.


How else are they supposed to protect the torch.....


I forgot the PW 704yd hindsight, armchair warrior gun

Though I agree with some of what you said,, on the other hand as someone else said once he had stopped the lad and realised what it was he did not need to continue with his whole Kevin Costner routine.As I said before I worked the doors for years and have saw Doormen that were **** scared of real men but would over react with young lads to make them look real hard and Scarey at the exspenice of the kid. Think in my opinion at is only my opinion this is the case here.....

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So, if the lad on the bike ran into the torch bearer knocked him over and rode off what would you be saying?


Where are the security team, what a waste of money etc etc etc.


The police cannot do right for doing wrong.


Should the the lad on the bike have been where he was? "NO" case answered.


I am not a fan of the torch/Olympics but I am a fan of the the Police force, whom it seems get the blame for everything at the moment. responding too quick or too slow.


Would you be a Policeman/Woman? just think for a moment about the Police Officer in Clacton (off duty)

Edited by bakerboy
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Would you be a Policeman/Woman? just think for a moment about the Police Officer in Clacton (off duty)


That's a low ball.


The police can never be questioned for their conduct as a result?


What about the matter of Ian Tomlinson, it would be pretty lame to row that into the Claction PC thread?


There's good and bad in all walks.

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I think the lads a bit of a plank, he can see there is strong security around the torch so why would you cycle up to it? Common sense obviously didn't prevail. The fact is the police have probably been told nobody allowed in the "security bubble" that they form so they have done there job. The fact the kid was on a bike cycling towards the torch bearer makes him a threat all the police did was take him down the car would only of been doin 5-6mph at most so not really a massive chance of him getting hit run over as dont take long to stop a car doing that speed.

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looked a very OTT response to me - he looked like he was just cycling past, and anyway its just a bit of metal, not unique - 8000 of them made, most of which are now on ebay. i could have understood it a little more if it was the queen holding it, or the lad had driven directly at it - but he didnt.

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How the hell did we get to this when a kid on a bike is seen as a security threat, and football fans have to be fenced in at mathes. Watch the fans in the tour of france running along side the riders up the mountains. No bodyguards there and all the police do is close the roads. This country is in big trouble

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They know not to approach the torch,he was stopped-problem solved. :good:


you really should change your name to perfection,if modern day mindless plod cant tell a real threat from an excited kid on bike :o we have no sodding hope whatsoever from the overzealous control freak mentality that you so willingly applaud.



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Heavy handed my left nut,


The torch security team are there to do a job. They carried this out calmly and without fanfare.


How else are they supposed to protect the torch.....


I forgot the PW 704yd hindsight, armchair warrior gun


Why the hell does a fat bloke with a burning stick need security anyway???


The whole thing is a bloody farce from start to finish :blink:

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at least they dealt with this one right, but for **** sake to say they were trying to steal it :no: jeez the sooner they toss this bloody torch off the white cliffs the better.




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Over excited kid on a bike, or theiving scum bag trying to nick the torch? He may well have been innocent, but, the police deal with kids that are completely out of control and have no respect for authority day in and day out. This may, rightly or wrongly, alter their perception towards kids. It was a split second decision to make and I believe he made the right one. If that kid had grabbed the torch and got away on his bike what would you all be saying then? Just because he was a kid certainly doesn't make him all innocent and harmless.

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