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henry d

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same old same old im afraid,little bits of scum hiding behind masks and attacking women.

if confronted when alone and fishing the best course of action is to comply with their wishes in a courteous manner and pack up your gear.the same goes for when out shooting,guns should be sleeved and any confrontation avoided.

actually thats utter ****,if fishing and attacked stab them with a bank stick then throw them in.hold them under the water with a landing net until they drown.or offer them a sarnie with some small hooks in it.





my own opinion and not endorsed by any owner,moderator or member of this forum.


that said if im fishing and i see some low life soap dodger attacking a fellow angler i will leave a rca card with them :)

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*** didn't anyone get their collar felt?


Ah of course, there was probably someone speeding on the ring road and all the bobbies were busy.... and the helicopter was dealing with parking offences on the high street.


The worst bit is that with all the troubles there are in this Country (let alone world), 30 or so people mobilise to attack what?... the criminal waste that goes on in the public sector, the knife culture amongst teenagers, the chaos affecting state pensions, the war on terror, the lack of affordable housing, the difficulties facing the rural economy, hoodies, government stealth taxes, the erosion of civil liberties and detention without trial.... no.... fishing.


Oh yeah, come on fight the power. Tossers.

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same old same old im afraid,little bits of scum hiding behind masks and attacking women.

if confronted when alone and fishing the best course of action is to comply with their wishes in a courteous manner and pack up your gear.the same goes for when out shooting,guns should be sleeved and any confrontation avoided.

actually thats utter ****,if fishing and attacked stab them with a bank stick then throw them in.hold them under the water with a landing net until they drown.or offer them a sarnie with some small hooks in it.





my own opinion and not endorsed by any owner,moderator or member of this forum.


that said if im fishing and i see some low life soap dodger attacking a fellow angler i will leave a rca card with them :o

Endorsed by me mate. :) Wouldn't want to waste a sarnie or small hooks though. Both far to valuable to waste on the scum that is fishing saboteurs. :) I know of someone who put a couple of them in the lake after they started pushing around a Mum and her kids. :P


FM B) :D:)

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good point mungler and as a way of reducing what you mentioned here goes -

by ridding us of just one of these vermin we reduce the waste in the public sector ( no free legal advice for a dead one )

stab one and leave the knife in,thereby taking one more knife off the streets

a dead one cant claim a pension

they thrive on terror tactics,do your bit-kill one

a dead one wont need a house

use a dead one as fertilizer to help the rural economy

bury one in a hoodie but empty his wallet first


hold a kangaroo court,find the little freak guilty and :) thereby saving money for the tax payer.shame more of them dont go on hunger strike really but cant have it all ways.



same as my previous post,the above reflects my opinion alone and not those of any member of this forum.

but by god i mean it

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Cowardly ******** the lot of them. I'd love to see one of them try anything with me, i'd love nothing more than to sleeve my gun and kick the living **** out of some of these morons.


Little chance of it ever happening though, since I am not a woman or a child so they will likely go and pick on an easier target.


The thing that gets my blood boiling is what exactly do they think they are achieving by doing this? Nothing at all, in fact as the article says the anglers were even more resolved to go out there and do as they are legally entitled. The plod should have arrested them all and charged them with breach of the peace, wasting police time, assault and abh.


Soap dodging people hating beanfeast eating crusty ****wits the lot of them.


I am sure with some time and effort just about all of them could be done for student loan evasion, squatting, false benefit claims and tax dodging. As well as shower and haircut dodging.


Better still, if they love animals so much I have a plan. Add up all the crusty animal lovers and divide by the number of rescued animals (rspca/rspb/dogs charity I can't remember the name of). Then each animal lover gets a share of the animals :) What possible excuse could they give for not accepting said animal? :)


See how much time they have for harrasing women and kids then.

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my own opinion and not endorsed by any owner,moderator or member of this forum.



:D:) :o


same as my previous post,the above reflects my opinion alone and not those of any member of this forum.

but by god i mean it

:):) B) :P:lol:



Forgot to say I`m at the grouse tomorrow :P

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my own opinion and not endorsed by any owner,moderator or member of this forum.



:D:) :o


same as my previous post,the above reflects my opinion alone and not those of any member of this forum.

but by god i mean it

:):) B) :P:lol:



Forgot to say I`m at the grouse tomorrow :P



Be lucky H :P




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Bloody typical.


These people make an effort risking their life (litterally) to detain a few of these terrorists and the police come to the scene ask the people to return home to give statements and let the culprits go :)


WTH is this country comming to??




I will tell you LG, Rivers of blood! the sooner the better lets get it sorted, anyone got a copy of BNPS flier???


pavman from the white middle class Christian pulpit reading from the sermon: I am an English Gentleman therefore I hunt Fish and Fornicate

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pavman from the white middle class Christian pulpit reading from the sermon: I am an English Gentleman therefore I hunt Fish and Fornicate


Not entirely what Mrs P tells me :)


Anti's against fishing...yeh in spite of all the (lies) promises from many quarters that fishing was safe from this now they're getting the fox hunting treatment. Maybe just maybe now they (the fishing folk) will join with the hunters and shooters and I do mean JOIN to slay this menace once and for all. Not too many of them on the marches etc typical ostrich pose but now maybe they will stand up and be counted (after all aren't they the most popular sport) How many times must I say...divided we stand united we fall. Lets get together and stamp OUR mark on this country after all it used to be ours!

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Forget the fish, forget the foxes, forget the grouse.......and lets not forget the guniea pigs...


They don't really give a **** about animal welfare ........


Their real agenda is/was CLASS WARFARE and the opportunity to cause chaos and mayhem with a bit of intimidation thrown in.


BUT with the advent of their attacks on the angling community I really belive that they will now be shown up for what they are. Surely 7 million anglers ain't going to take this sitting down?

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I'd like to think I'm fairly handy but when faced with 35 anti's with baseball bats and bits of wood I'm afraid I'd let discretion be the better part of valour and head for the car....then run as many over as I could.


Not really relevant but heres a tale from my past. A mate of mine was number one on the antis hit list, pictured on the cover of their rag 'Howl', death threats, etc. We were very anti anti's using an old landy to push their minibuses into ditches, filling their cars full of guts, giving the ring leaders a pasting etc, it all came to a head when a load of anti's ambushed him with a 'road block'. Anyhow, to cut a long story short, he just put his foot down and pushed his way to safety in his car, trapping one of the heavies tween his car and their transit, legs squished, the works. Suffice to say after that we never saw any antis again.



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