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'Shooting porn' should be on the top shelf say animal rights g

Laird Lugton

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In principle I'm against the proposal,just to annoy the antis,but in reality I'm more or less indifferent.There are some supermarkets which refuse to sell shooting mag's full stop,(but do sell gaming mag's resplendant with ultra violent images, and soft porn) but it's no great loss as most kids I know are more interested in gaming than shooting anyway,and only have a gander through a shooting mag' if their Dad buys it.

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It’s a fair point to a certain degree.

Shooting is one of those things that some parents might want to keep away from their kids.


But, it’s a bit silly to moan about the shooting mags (assuming you can find any buried in the rest of the mags) but not mention all of the other mags that are harmful to kids.

The Cosmos and Heats that effect personal body image perceptions.

The car mags that are filled with semi naked girls and ‘avin it large fast boys’ with their ‘dangerously fast’ cars.

All the lads mags (even the less smutty ones) still aren’t suitable for kids.


I have two points.

  1. If you were to put them on the top shelf they would probably be even more desirable to kids, as that’s how kids brains work.

  1. If a parent want’s their kids protected from something, then it’s their job to do the protecting and make sure they educate their kids.

There’s no point in trying to shield the kids from stuff, it’s much better to discuss it.

I’ve no problem at all if a parent wants to educate their kids to avoid guns and country sports. That’s their right.
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Robl makes a good point, above.


Otherwise intelligent people are failing to see that shooting and country sports are as different from 'gangsta' gun culture as chalk and cheese. That's the message needing ramming home.


Game mags, lads mags, car mags etc etc contain material more 'offensive' than anything in Shooting Times!

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In a new report Animal Aid claims that the “lurid, pro-violence content" of country sports magazines could have a "corrosive, long-lasting effect on impressionable young minds”


Thats me screwed up for life then, i remember getting the Shooting times and shooting news weekly from a young age- before that it was Warlord comics. If they wanna ban something try those teenage mags that my eldest reads LOL.

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In principle I'm against the proposal,just to annoy the antis,but in reality I'm more or less indifferent.There are some supermarkets which refuse to sell shooting mag's full stop,(but do sell gaming mag's resplendant with ultra violent images, and soft porn) but it's no great loss as most kids I know are more interested in gaming than shooting anyway,and only have a gander through a shooting mag' if their Dad buys it.


I can understand why you may be indifferent, but you have missed something out.


If shooting magazines go on the top shelf, then all it does is further the warped message that shooting is "wrong" and "immoral".


The antis could never ban shooting all in one go. That's why they're trying to erode it bit by bit with stuff like this. We should not sit back and pretend it doesn't matter.

Edited by Reece
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I think this so called Professor needs to go down to the shops and have a look at the xbox,ps3 mags and see for him self all the blood and gutts in them ,i think he will find more blood et in them then in the shooting press!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

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On the other hand, it would make hiding that copy of Razzle inside Sporting Gun much easier for the walk of shame to the checkout if they were both on the top shelf...



If the antis have there way, it would be more socially acceptable to hide your copy of Sporting Gun inside a copy of Razzle. :/

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In principle I'm against the proposal,just to annoy the antis,but in reality I'm more or less indifferent.There are some supermarkets which refuse to sell shooting mag's full stop,(but do sell gaming mag's resplendant with ultra violent images, and soft porn) but it's no great loss as most kids I know are more interested in gaming than shooting anyway,and only have a gander through a shooting mag' if their Dad buys it.

Which supermarkets completely refuse to sell shooting magazines please?



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ASDA in High Wycombe has Shooting Times and Countryman's weekly. I suspect that the real driver is commercial demand, pure and simple.


As for the proposal, clearly ********, dreamt up by arguably the UKs most extreme animal rights organisation - I'm surprised The Torygraph gave it space. Should be roundly rejected and seen for what it is - an attempt to marginalise a law abiding group because one set of individuals sees fit to attempt to impose its morality on another.


I'll email ASDA and tell them I'm delighted to see such publications in there and how it encourages me to shop with them.

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Cars, motorbikes and trucks kill far more people on the roads than those engaged in country sports. Gaming magazines glorify dismemberment of adversaries and death, let alone encouraging youngsters to play on their games consoles. This causes damage to their eyes as well as encouraging agrophobia. Cooking magazine encourage the use of knives and all sorts of sharp impliments. DIY causes loads of accidents in the home every year. Knitting magazines encourage the use of dangerous weapons.whilst fashion magazines encourage people to get into financial difficulties by showing what the affluent can afford. This is beside the fact that it encourages young girls to diet incessantly to get down to medically dangerous levels of weight.


Maybe we should have all these magazines on the top shelf and have the front covered up with brown paper?


Just imagine how the price of food would sky-rocket if all the pests and vermin were protected. We all know the damage rabbits and pigeons do the crops. Half these tree huggers have never seen the damage let alone stepped into the countryside, yet would be up in arms if the price of their bread went up to £5.00 and a pint of milk £7.00. Lamb at £15.00 a pound (propper weights) and cooking oil at £10.00 a half litre. :o

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In a new report Animal Aid claims that the “lurid, pro-violence content" of country sports magazines could have a "corrosive, long-lasting effect on impressionable young minds”


Only in GB could something this absurd be suggested. What next-hide condoms because they encourage sex? I do wonder sometimes what on earth people smoke at home when i read things like this.

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