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What has happened to these poor peoples human right's?


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They live in caravans tents etc, taking advantage of our slow eviction process to trespass on private land, they make a bloody mess where ever they go, they fly tip any rubbish they can`t use, they dont pay national insurance but still get treated when they`re ill, they don`t pay income tax, they don`t pay council tax, they think our laws on planning etc don`t apply to them, we are expected to clean up after them, they have a high percentage of thieves among their ranks. we have enough trouble with our own travelers and gypsies. I for one don`t want european travelers over here, and I hope they get stopped at the borders,

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That is exactly how an illegal encampment should be dealt with. No messing and the ultimatum of leave or we'll send the dozers in.


Problem is in this country the government are concerned with everybodies rights apart from the people who actually call the U.K home so they will probably be welcomed here. The U.K laws for dealing with illegal encampments are a joke and basically tie the hands of the police and council from doing anything constructive quickly, meaning that court warrant has to be obtained for eviction and we all know how quickly the wheels of justice turn.


Vive la France (Just in terms of people power and dealing with encampments)

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I remember something at school a few years ago (secondary school). There was an assembly about this sort of thing and the teacher tried to talk about how it could be the beginning of a third world war, comparing the French government to the Nazis.


I sort of believed it at the time, but a few months later, I read that it was an illegal camp that was cleared, not a legal one.



That is how it should be done over here. I'm not exactly opposed to human rights, but it is not anyone's right to be above the law.


Another thing worth noting is that when we criticise gypsies/travellers, we get branded "racist". When someone rants about the shooting community, it's "free speech". Traveller is a lifestyle, not a race. Shooting is a lifestyle as well, so I think either the shooting community gets protection as well, or the travellers have theirs removed.

Edited by Reece
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Irrespective of how you feel about the camps themselves, this headline sounds so much like something from Der Sturmer or a 1930's German newsreel that I cant help but feel a tiny bit worried:


"How to crush a gypsy camp French-style: It took us 10 years to clear Dale Farm but France's ruling have smashed six Roma camps in as many weeks. Guess where the gypsies want to come next"

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Traveller is a lifestyle, not a race. Shooting is a lifestyle as well,


I’m not entirely sure you can compare the two in that manner.


Shooting is for most of us a hobby, for a few a job.


Being a traveller is a culture.

That is to say, the genuine Romanian Romanies or the Irish horse families have a genuine tradition of travelling.

My history is a little flaky on the subject, but I think they traditionally followed the harvest providing manual labour.


Unfortunately there does seem to be a relatively recent (30-50years) change in that culture that sees the numbers growing, the number of illegal fixed camps increasing and a growing number of criminals in their midst.

It seems that some of the community these days are little more than travelling criminals.


It’s one thing to have a few horses grazing and some wooden mushrooms for sale on a grass verge for a week leaving behind nothing but some squashed grass and wood chippings, it’s quite another to see the state of a local carpark after a large group have stayed there for a couple of months.


As for the international methods of dealing, I have heard it described like this;

When confronted with a problem, England tries to find a long term solution. So we talk about permanent camps, integration, protection and so forth.

France however just deals with the symptoms. Kick them out and move them on.

It’s probably because we’re a relatively small island with no ground borders, we have to deal with things, whereas France can just kick em next door.

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Indeed, thin end of the wedge and all that. The French are certainly less tolerant than us with this kind of thing. The question is, is this action just isolated to the gypsies or are another group next on the list.


From speaking to my French colleagues I got clear impression this is specific to only the gypies from the normal person in the street perspective. Time will tell.


Edit: comments follow on from Zapp's

Edited by Raja Clavata
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Irrespective of how you feel about the camps themselves, this headline sounds so much like something from Der Sturmer or a 1930's German newsreel that I cant help but feel a tiny bit worried:


"How to crush a gypsy camp French-style: It took us 10 years to clear Dale Farm but France's ruling have smashed six Roma camps in as many weeks. Guess where the gypsies want to come next"


All the more reason we should take a tougher stance . I dont advocate smashing up their homes ,but I do advocate sending them straight back home if they havent got a job and are not going to contribute to our economy . We have a young romainian family living four doors from me in a rented hou se and they are the nicest couple you could ever want to meet . Both of them work and are welcome in my home at any time .


Harnser .

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How the hell can this action be compared to the Nazi treatment of these travellers?-I dont see any extermination camps being built-This is just a case of a Country that acts when action is needed and doesnt pussy foot about costing its law abiding citizens a kings ransom.These people do not contribute in any way to a system that they demand protects and serves them-throw them out and good riddance.Vive le France! :good:

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The amount of damage they do is amazing you watch any program's about gypsy and they claim there good people they don't steal stuff or do anything wrong, where I live every drain cover in 5 miles went missing in a week, the deer on one permission have all gone missing due to gypsy's even when there 4x4 got locked in the field the police was not intrested, there was a elderly gentlemen in his 80's who lived a few miles away the gypsy's went knocked on his door beat him to a pulp few weeks later he dies, the culprits? The local gypsy camp.... Shame this country didn't stick them on a plane and take them as far away as possible and do everyone who lives in the countryside/country a favour!

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The amount of damage they do is amazing you watch any program's about gypsy and they claim there good people they don't steal stuff or do anything wrong, where I live every drain cover in 5 miles went missing in a week, the deer on one permission have all gone missing due to gypsy's even when there 4x4 got locked in the field the police was not intrested, there was a elderly gentlemen in his 80's who lived a few miles away the gypsy's went knocked on his door beat him to a pulp few weeks later he dies, the culprits? The local gypsy camp.... Shame this country didn't stick them on a plane and take them as far away as possible and do everyone who lives in the countryside/country a favour!


Most of them are all right as people, and most follow the law very well. The ones which follow the law I am all right with.


The law breaking ones are actually a minority. But this minority is still numerous enough to cause problems, like the ones you mentioned., and I agree with your sentiments.


At dale farm, I seem to remember someone was killed in a dispute with the travellers over something.

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Most of them are all right as people, and most follow the law very well. The ones which follow the law I am all right with.


The law breaking ones are actually a minority. But this minority is still numerous enough to cause problems, like the ones you mentioned., and I agree with your sentiments.


At dale farm, I seem to remember someone was killed in a dispute with the travellers over something.


Yes maybe some are alright as people but as I learnt at school one ruins it for the rest, I could never trust one or even attempt too, when I go lamping on my own in 550 acres of fields with only the farmers house at the beginning, and it's a known area for gypsy's deer and hare coursing I still poo my self walking around thinking they could be watching me, but hay that's my problem ;)

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I remember something at school a few years ago (secondary school). There was an assembly about this sort of thing and the teacher tried to talk about how it could be the beginning of a third world war, comparing the French government to the Nazis.


I sort of believed it at the time, but a few months later, I read that it was an illegal camp that was cleared, not a legal one.



That is how it should be done over here. I'm not exactly opposed to human rights, but it is not anyone's right to be above the law.


Another thing worth noting is that when we criticise gypsies/travellers, we get branded "racist". When someone rants about the shooting community, it's "free speech". Traveller is a lifestyle, not a race. Shooting is a lifestyle as well, so I think either the shooting community gets protection as well, or the travellers have theirs removed.


Travellers actually are classed as a 'race.' Stupid, but it was confirmed by--I think the EU, or possibly the UN--in 2002.

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Travellers actually are classed as a 'race.' Stupid, but it was confirmed by--I think the EU, or possibly the UN--in 2002.


It is stupid, I agree with you. Race is something you are born with and have absolutely no control over. They could stop being travellers if they wanted to, therefore it should not be labelled a "race".


The UN is normally a toothless tiger. They tried to stop the dale farm eviction, if I remember correctly. It didn't work, obviously.


This is true, a supervisor of mine got suspended a few years back for racial abuse, after he called a member of staff a thieving gipsy ******.


Terrible that. What has the world come to?

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France and australia have the right idea " IF YOU HAVE NOTHING TO CONTRIBUTE TO OUR COUNTRY YOU AINT GETTING IN BYE BYE", END OF STORY. it's bout time our government listened to the people who keep this country going and pay taxes (on bleddy everything) and give the working person a bit of slack,"( I wont get started on that one we would be here along time).


ATB Flynny

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