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Jeremy Vine show, put shooting mags on top shelf


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Just listened to the programme. Tree Huggers 1, Shooters 0.


If those are the folks speaking on behalf of shooting then woe betide us. I've done a lot of media work and training and the UKIP and CPSA bods fell in to all the traps. Indeed, the UKIP chap just made himself look an ****. The net result is the tree huggers sounded more rational and logical to any other normal, non-shooting person i.e. most of those listening to the programme.


The only two decent comments about the topic i.e. putting the magazines on the top shelf, cam from the wheelchair shooter and the 16 year old - perhaps they should speak for us.

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Would it be potentially beneficial for the likes of BASC and the Countryside Alliance to run regional media relations courses that are free to attend for members?


Shooters could definitely do with some lessons in the BS that the lefty loonies seem so well versed in!

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Online here for those that missed http://www.bbc.co.uk...player/b01m32xy 1:38 ish in it seems.



Shooting was on R4 earlier too re stolen guns used in crime


http://www.bbc.co.uk...player/b01m5n7z from about 16 minutes in why can't the understand that a low revocation rate means a very high % of law abiding certificate holders, not a lax control system!

Edited by HDAV
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Seems to be a broad attack on shooting , combining the top shelving of shooting mags and a Gun control network report on missing firearms, just on the news, what they are trying to do is just keep chipping away to make it a general feeling that shooting of any sort is wrong and bad. I have to disagree about the Vine show, I thought both put there points across but the shooting guy seemed the more reasonable of the two, with the anti guy more extreme, we have to move the general public view away that shooting is ONLY about upper class toffs blasting away at Grouse etc.

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Edit the animal rights activist has never read the "field". He must have kittens when he sees children at the meat counter in supermarkets!


I dont think Mr Tyler has a clue, and is trying to "protect other peoples children from things he doesn't like" definitely a cotton wool head.

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i cant get my head round the comment about kids having to look at dead animals in shooting mags and they should be 18 to read them how many of these kids that read it and take up shooting turn out to be murderers rapist and thieves i would,nt have thought any its just another way of trying to get the public on there side

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But it's perfectly ok for them to buy magazines that have screen shots of video games where they shoot at graphic people even ones they are talking too on headsets ! "It's only ok to kill animals attacking your home" what about the ones attacking your livelihood or invasive ones attacking native species


I would rather take my chances as a grouse or pheasant than a commercial reared chicken!

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result saves me bending down to get sporting gun of bottom shelf i can now collect my """""" mags and shooting books in 1 fall swoop who cares what them weido"S think about glorify killing of animals im sick of thinking im doing something wrong here when im not long live face book they let us put dead foxes on there for the world to see im proud to hunt shame i was was not born in america i wood have bigger guns .


**** the tree hugger"s and anti"S im not hiding its a shame the muppets don't have owt better to moan about like people with out jobs and state of are country and people who miss treat kids things like that thats much better now i feel better back to work and face book poker

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I caught part of it when the anti guy , whoever he was, was chuntering on about 200 dead pigeons. Possibley he believed they had been reared especially to be shot rather than the result of a neccessary pest control operation. The eejit running the show, was it Jerry somebody did sound biased against country sports.



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I haven't listened to it myself, but, IF it was biased then one would hope that BASC or the CA are going to put a complaint in? Nothing will change if they sit back and do nothing, and I certainly don't pay my membership for them to just look on.


Maybe someone from one of the organisations would like to comment? DavidBASC? Connor Gorman?

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BASC were defending us on radio 4 at the time I do wonder where the researchers get the details of people to phone in for these things not the worst vine session I have heard, my guess is there is a fairly anti researcher on staff


One hopes they have more than one media savvy employee.

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I listened to the show on and off while it was live and got the jist of it.


If anything is corrupting our children more, it has to be xbox games and the like. Chopping Zombies up, running round with the pick of all the best weapons and killing people as you choose, after you have smashed up that expensive car you just stole.


Xbox is where the feral kids with no respect for other peoples property, or life, future serial killers and the like, are being groomed, not shooting magazines, if of course you wish to believe in that kind of rhetoric.


Typical remark made by that veggie, but us carnivores can make an equally good argument why we eat meat, after all, as has been said many times, if we weren't meant to eat meat, then God would not have made it taste so good.


But personally I am not into banning ANYTHING, not unless there is irrefutable evidence to do so, and the court case takes as long as it does to convict a corrupt politician. Then after all those years we can be sure we did the right thing.

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The Animal Aid chap came across as desperate sometimes, and most of what he said seemed driven by his imagination. He claims to know alot about the industry, yet he comes out with very few points. His main concern seems to be that there are some pictures in which people are happy they have shot something. I suppose we should all look sorrowful after a red letter day and take a handy black arm band should we manage to down a few birds.


Its disapointing this was even given air time actually. Its like my good self going on the radio and 'demanding' that motor sports magazines should be made top shelf becuase they encourage dangerous driving and glorifying high performance cars to those who do not have a driving license.

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Dear All,


Yes we did have Bill Harriman on Radio 4 at lunch time yesterday, and of course we have loads of trained media people in BASC, apart from the press team all of our regional and country directors and several other staff are media trained.


Mr Vine certainly likes to take controversial issues and run a ‘debate’ on them on his show, that of course is his prerogative, and tiny pressure groups will try to punch above their weight by ‘demanding’ this that and the other.


The ‘top shelf’ issue is an attack by Animal Aid, and unlikely to go anywhere but of course we will keep an eye on it. There is no will in parliament at all to move shooting mags to the top shelf.



Edited by David BASC
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