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BBC story on lost/stolen guns


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I am considering making a complaint. Their coverage of minority interest groups has been disproportionately high, with both the 'Gun Control Network' and 'Animal Aid' receiving much more airtime than their current support levels would justify.


It is a topic that Jeremy Vine covers all too frequently and there is only one direction he steers the conversation in on each occasion.

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it was like Katy Price on tv the other day ,she went to a gun range in the USA and was horrified to hear that they have kids from the age of 5 in the gun range ,she had a good slag off about guns and the said that's why we don't have guns in the UK ,,just goes to show what she knows about the UK gun laws ,, THEN she poses in front of the press with her hooters and holding a pink AK47 ,i was going to complaint about that as well,,,,,and no i don't watch her on tv ,it was the wife ,i cant stand her and even worse for her to slag off firearms :angry:

Edited by pigeon pete
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Dear All,


This was a poor attempt by the Gun Control Network to bring pressure to bear on legitimate gun ownership. However, I agree it was significant that it was carried on Radio 4’s World at 1 programme.


Anyway, you will have heard that BASC’s Bill Harriman (Director of Firearms at BASC) was live on the show, basically taking the line that in context the number of guns ‘lost’ was tiny, they don’t automatically get used in crime and the fact is there is already enough legislation –we don’t need any more.


This point was supported by ACC Marsh, (top man in ACPO on firearms and licensing) who was also live on the show, who agreed with Bill.


I suspect the matter will drop now, but of course we are keeping a close eye on it.



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when a wildfowler meets his end on the marsh, does he lock his gun away? Ever had lugage go missing on a flight, do we not travel with guns? I just wish some would get real and face facts, some stolen guns are used in crime but many,many more are imported with drugs etc. Seen whats been occuring in Manchester ask the question how the heck do you loose granades? What about the eastern block handguns? none of those were about during handgun ownership in the uk.

Resourses and effort targeted towards legal gun ownership control take the focus of the real issues of illegal and never registered firearms. The very rise in handgun crime tracks this trend with large increases following the ban.

There are of course lies, darn lies and statistics. how many of these guns were recovered? how many are actually misrecorded serial numbers? how many are stated as lost in the system by police as they have yet to compile a national firearms registry database that works. Were are our shooting organisations on this?

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Dear All,


This was a poor attempt by the Gun Control Network to bring pressure to bear on legitimate gun ownership. However, I agree it was significant that it was carried on Radio 4’s World at 1 programme.


Anyway, you will have heard that BASC’s Bill Harriman (Director of Firearms at BASC) was live on the show, basically taking the line that in context the number of guns ‘lost’ was tiny, they don’t automatically get used in crime and the fact is there is already enough legislation –we don’t need any more.


This point was supported by ACC Marsh, (top man in ACPO on firearms and licensing) who was also live on the show, who agreed with Bill.


I suspect the matter will drop now, but of course we are keeping a close eye on it.




Thank you David!Now were the heck are all the noddy associations who distract resources from the one thats seems to always be first on these matters?

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So is Chrissie Hall saying that every body who gets ,robbed, mugged etc iresponsable ? , OK point taken for those gun owners who have lost, misplaced been lapse with security etc, but we cant stop people being theiving toerags, so we all have to take responsibility for being robbed, of course we like getting robbed of our guns dont we ? I THINK NOT Miss Hall,


ATB Flynny

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I am considering making a complaint. Their coverage of minority interest groups has been disproportionately high, with both the 'Gun Control Network' and 'Animal Aid' receiving much more airtime than their current support levels would justify.


It is a topic that Jeremy Vine covers all too frequently and there is only one direction he steers the conversation in on each occasion.


I would complain if I were you. Go for it.


Resourses and effort targeted towards legal gun ownership control take the focus of the real issues of illegal and never registered firearms. The very rise in handgun crime tracks this trend with large increases following the ban.


Yep. People do seem to focus on legal gun owners. They watch Hollywood films involving guns and seem to think it's the same in real life.


I've just cut and pasted this from the story


"There are nearly two million licensed firearms in the UK and 3,000 represents a tiny 0.15% of that figure,"


Talk about the gun control network clutching at straws lol.


Of course they do. That's all they can do. It's not like they'll gain statistical support by showing the whole picture.

Edited by Reece
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when a wildfowler meets his end on the marsh, does he lock his gun away? Ever had lugage go missing on a flight

Valid points those Kent actually, and ones I hadn't considered.

I suppose a lot depends on the interpretation of the term 'lost'.As the GCN were attempting to implicate neglect on the part of shooters,who are deemed responsible enough people to own firearms,and yet are 'losing' them,( they claim) I doubt they would bother to take the time to differentiate between instances such as you describe or any other method of loss as it wouldn't be in the interests of their agenda.

Dying on the foreshore or having ones guns mislaid by a courier can hardly be construed as neglect on the part of the shooter,but the GCN would possibly argue the point!

It would be interesting to know the circumstances in which those guns determined as 'lost' were in fact lost.

I can remember shortly after the handgun ban two coppers were collared for making a tidy profit by 'losing' in the system(to the criminal fraternity) handguns which had been surrendered as part of the compensation package.I also recall readng about a patrol car which had driven off and left an H&K MP5(with full magazine)on the roof of their car,which was subsequently handed in by a passer-by after witnessing it fall from the vehicle,and not so long ago a female officer leaving her handgun in the toilets at Starbuks.

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The guns network must have had a heart attack a few years ago when they read this report,rifles and machine guns and armoured vehicles all missing.



Ban the Army is what i say,they are out of control and on a power trip,acting like military personnel all uniformed up,oh hang on.................. :whistling:

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Thank you David!Now were the heck are all the noddy associations who distract resources from the one thats seems to always be first on these matters?


To be fair David Taylor from the CA was trying to defend game shooting against the vegan rants from Animal Aid director Andrew Tyler.

No mean feat considering he was following the totally bonkers comments of UKIP MEP and game shooter General Sir Anthony Cecil Hogmanay Melchett :ermm:

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it was like Katy Price on tv the other day ,she went to a gun range in the USA and was horrified to hear that they have kids from the age of 5 in the gun range ,she had a good slag off about guns and the said that's why we don't have guns in the UK ,,just goes to show what she knows about the UK gun laws ,, THEN she poses in front of the press with her hooters and holding a pink AK47 ,i was going to complaint about that as well,,,,,and no i don't watch her on tv ,it was the wife ,i cant stand her and even worse for her to slag off firearms :angry:


Wasn't there a piece in Clay Shooting earlier this year where the vacuous one and her family went Clay shooting with Cheryl Hall and pronounced how much she had loved it etc etc? Hypocritical or what? If i cared i'd bother :lol:

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