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what's the dumbest thing you've ever heard?

Paddy Galore!

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Last year I was visiting my mum in hospital after a stroke ( 85 ) , she said the fella in the next room was fit for his age and looked like that man off Ebay with the abs ? , couldn"t work out what she meant as she kept saying " you know the one off Ebay , Hazzle somat .?


Then it clicked and I said do you mean Baywatch ? , thats its she said .

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A woman who was notorious for butting in to other peoples conversations.


Me - Talking about food on a menu : They have chicken gizzards on the menu


She (butting in) : Chicken gizzards. What are they ?


Me : Well theyre gizzards from a chicken




A teacher friend has some classic quotes.

I dont know why I've burnt today. I dont usually burn in England as the sun is different ???

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my wife came out witha classic the other day whilst we were driving past Blackpool victoria hospital she announced some one had died of a case of amtrack the previous week whilst i was offshore!! i laughed and said how did he get hit by an american train?? she meant anthrax as there has been a couple of the local smack rats bought the farm through a dodgy batch of heroin!


People saying that anything below size six shot is no good for shooting pigeons. :shifty:

he he passes tin hat!! :innocent:

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Just remembered another one from a friend who is involved in 'fashion'. This 20 year old university student and I were watching the news around the time of the Olympic tickets going live and all the trouble with re-sale and counterfeits, and she just piped up "I'd like to go to this black market, you can get everything there."


The look of disbelief stayed printed on my face for about 3 days.

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I was in a training group with a bunch of women, and we were playing one of those stupid games to get people talking to the rest of the group...


The game involved throwing dice.


The last one to throw was a blonde, bit ditsy - stereotypical 'blonde type'.


She needed a six.


She threw a six.


"Oh wow, what are the chances of that?"




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Not so much said but..... My wife once picked up an audio cassette with no label. Saying "I wonder what is on this?", she shook it and held it to her ear.


A passenger of mine asked as we we were approaching the airfield: "What height are we going to be when we land?"



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Just last night whilst discussing the location for a stag do my mate came out with "We're going to go to England"


The same mate said he'd better get some anti-histamine before going on holiday, "I dont usually get hayfever" he said "but you never know" to which someone replied "it's because the airs different in France!"

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Both from my wifes work and both have been previously posted.

By the way person A is my wife in these scenarios


A- Pass me that phillips screwdriver so i can sort this computer screen out

B- No you cant use it

A- Pass me the screwdriver please

B- No its not the right one

A- Look you idiot i am the one looking at the screw head.. pass me the ******* phillips screwdriver


A- You really are a complete idiot arent you!!


A- Could someone come out my car has a flat battery and i need to jump start- i have the cables and know what to do

Followed by complete silence

A- Is no one gonna come help me all you have to do is pop your bonnet

Followed by more silence until:

B- We would but your freelander is a lot bigger than the rest of our cars.

A- You really are a complete idiot arent you!!

Edited by ferguson_tom
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An ex work colleague went on a driving holiday in Ireland for his honeymoon in the late 1980s. He pulled into a garage which had an attendant and he said ''fill it up''.After a few minutes petrol was pouring all down the side of the car and he said to the garage attendant ''hey what are you doing''. The attendant said ''I'm just rounding it up to nearest pound for you sir''...........!!

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Ill give you a couple from a guy i work with.


So, im stood outside having a smoke break around christmas last year. As i look up, there are canadas flying over. I say to him i would love a go at them with a shotgun. He asks me where they are going. "they fly south for the winter!" i tell him. He stares at me for a minute and says..."Where to? London?"


Another classic from the same bloke. He asks me about how shotguns work, and that they only have one trigger, yet fire two shots. "Its all down to inertia" i tell him. ........"Ah yes, that place in Scotland!"

I think he meant Ayreshire.



And just another from a different chap which i overheard today. He was telling the other fitters that he has been granted his concealed weapons permit. The world is full of em.

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