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Chinese lanterns


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Report from the BBC:




A friend of mine had one land on his tent whilst still alight. Being at a festival and having drunk what would be enough to kill a small dog he wasn't in any fit state to rescue himself. Luckily the people next door dragged him out, a minute later the tent was gone burnt out.


I find these all over my permission in the summer, with wire and bamboo frames. People don't seem to care or realise the damage these can do, the more councils that ban them the better. A total ban like other countries would be best.

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I have been told (but have no proof) that there is a type of lantern that is not dangerous.

That is made from fully bio-degradable stuff, no dangerous wires or anything, and will burn out long before it drops.


That if launched correctly on a non-windy evening is perfectly safe to use.


The main problems seem to be with cheap wire balloons, or ones which are launched incorrectly that float over a hedge then crash, or launched on windy days in inappropriate areas.


As with all things – it seems a small number of irresponsible users are causing problems for the sensible users.


Alternatively – I have been misinformed, and they are all dangerous.

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A few years ago, i was fishing off of budleigh nr exmouth and just called into the coastguard that i had landed, they said ..agh whilst your on the radio..can you see any flares, we have just received a call saying three slow flying lights are going over Budleigh....


all i could see was 3 chinese lanters heading towards Budleigh from the beach.....

agh yes said the coastguard :lol:


if you are going to set these things off especially by the sea..inform the coast guard 1st :lol:

Edited by jasper3
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The kids of mate of mine let some off at his funeral earlier this year, It seemed a very good way of them understanding that he had gone.


But common sense tells me that it is a dodgy practice, have I read somewhere they were designed for war, to carry fire to enemy castles in china in ancient times?

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I find it interesting how many members have mentioned the word "ban". Just because I don't like something doesn't mean I'll meddle with it. Think about it chaps, talk like this falls quite close to home when you consider other subjects...


I like the idea of the biodegradable ones. They shouldn't land when they're lit.

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about 2 years ago a farmer on one of permissions had a very LARGE old barn burnt down, full of hay/straw/feed and about 2 dozen cattle !!! the barn had been made from an old viking long boat apperantly and was hundreds of years old, when the fire brigade investigated the fire they could find nothing wrong with the wiring etc, but a witness came forward and said they had seen chinese lantern,s in the sky earlier that night,, so the fire brigade came top ther asumption that they were the cause of the blaze, so loss of animal life, feed etc, and one very old irreplacable barn !!!! so thats why i don,t like--use chinese lanterns any more :sad1:


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i work in a very big building and when i go on the roof to check on it there are about 2 or 3 a month burnt out ,we have a ash felt roof and i would hate to think of the damage it could do if it caught alight ,it seems to be ok to set something alight and let free to drop and litter ,if a copper seen you drop a crisp packet .bet he would do you ,,there again all you have to do is say the word fireworks lol

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