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PRVI Partizan .243 ammo? anyone got any experience?

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Since i got my .243 variation ive been looking into ammunition.....PRVI Partizan in 100gr .243 comes in at a very reasonable price of £11 at Kent Wool Growers where other more recognisable brands such as Winchester and Remington are twice that price and more!


Has anyone used PRVI ammunition is it of a lesser quality round than the branded ones? or is it just as good?



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I have actually found it often better than a lot of ammo twice its price. Its not inferior as a lot of people try to say, it just doesn't come from USA, shipping and importers add a lot to the price of ammo like Winchester, Remington and Federal, OK, so it comes from Eastern Europe but its actually made in one of the biggest and most modern factories in the world.


But, like all ammo there is only one way for you to find out. .243s tend to be a bit more fussy about 100grn and less fussy about 90grn.

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I have actually found it often better than a lot of ammo twice its price. Its not inferior as a lot of people try to say, it just doesn't come from USA, shipping and importers add a lot to the price of ammo like Winchester, Remington and Federal, OK, so it comes from Eastern Europe but its actually made in one of the biggest and most modern factories in the world.


But, like all ammo there is only one way for you to find out. .243s tend to be a bit more fussy about 100grn and less fussy about 90grn.


I well second every word of that mate. It is worth trying different types of ammo to see what your rifle likes the best but i personally would start by trying Partizan and if your rifle gets on well with it then stick with it!

I am lucky as my .243 loves Partizan ammunition which often gives me well under a 1 inch group at 100 yards so I don;t see the need to try other and more expensive ammunition which is often almost twice the price. Partizan ammunition is often a little underated purely because it is cheap, don't let the price fool you, in many cases it can perform just as well if not better than many other types of ammunition.

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used to use this in my 223 aswell and found it great for foxing. tried 60 rounds through my 243 and was great at first but then started going all over the place . couldnt figure it out. out foxing one night and kept missing thought id lost my zero so put gun away. tried to rezero next day and couldnt get it to shoot straight. i pulled some of the heads off and found that instead of being 100gr as labelled the first i pulled was 90gr so i did another 88gr and so on it turned out that not one of the 10 rounds i pulled had a 100gr head on it. used to swear by ppu but know a bit weary so i started reloading my own.

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Wow so there really is a varied experience on use of this round, sounds like its a case of suck it and see! once i get my rifle together i'll by a couple of boxes and see how she likes it! fingers crossed she does as it will save me a lot of money straight away.


my next question would be why is it so cheap and if its (in some cases) as good as a 'branded' round, why are the branded ones cheaper?

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