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Doc Holliday

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Mrs H & I have been invited to a friends/neighbours birthday/halloween party. Given the type of people they are, and the time of year, the theme is bad taste. Mrs H is going as Mailyn Monroe (I don't think she's quite got the idea) and I was thinking of going as Marilyn Manson so we could go as The 2 Marilyns. Anyhow, I've pretty much given up on Marilyn Manson as there's nothing really available, although I could probably muster something up. Whilst trawling through some websites, one outfit caught my eye as being exceddingly bad taste. But the question is, is it too much? The outfit? Jimmy Saville.

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Mrs H & I have been invited to a friends/neighbours birthday/halloween party. Given the type of people they are, and the time of year, the theme is bad taste. Mrs H is going as Mailyn Monroe (I don't think she's quite got the idea) and I was thinking of going as Marilyn Manson so we could go as The 2 Marilyns. Anyhow, I've pretty much given up on Marilyn Manson as there's nothing really available, although I could probably muster something up. Whilst trawling through some websites, one outfit caught my eye as being exceddingly bad taste. But the question is, is it too much? The outfit? Jimmy Saville.


One things for certain, you'll scare the life of any kids that are about.

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Or a tea towel on your head, some aviator sunglasses and a dress with a plastic guitar and go as the Tali-band


I did one similar to that once, tea towel, dark glasses, blackened teeth - I spent the evening in character letching over women as a dirty arab!

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Chuffing hell Neil!!! Anything goes in a bad taste party but remember you have to get to and from there. The chances of a kicking increase when on the streets in conventional fancy dress but donning a Saville would be make a sound kicking a cert!


That's what was concerning me Rob. Although it should be ok, it's in a village hall in some out of the way back water place (famous last words). On the upside, I have talked Mrs H out of going as Marilyn Monroe and now possibly going as Shirley Temple to complement my JS get up. Will keep you posted.

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