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WHSmiths petition. Please show your support and sign.


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A facebook page called "ban guns" has made a post supporting WHSmith, saying we are "bullys", and that we are "threatening" WHSmith.




The post is at the top at the moment. It reads:

"Well Done W H Smiths for standing up to the bully's! Here we have a classic example of those with guns bullying to get their own way. Countryside Alliance once again using threats... Strange how guns and threats seem to go hand in hand... Bite the Bullet, Ban Guns from Private Ownership."


Yet another example of how detached from reality some people are.


Reece, I've just had a look at the Facebook link you've posted and there doesn't seem to be any comments from 'Pro-shooters' - can we post our comments on there...? Obviously I have a Facebook account but really don't use it that much TBH so I didn't know whether or not we could air our views on their page....


Thank you,



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Reece, I've just had a look at the Facebook link you've posted and there doesn't seem to be any comments from 'Pro-shooters' - can we post our comments on there...? Obviously I have a Facebook account but really don't use it that much TBH so I didn't know whether or not we could air our views on their page....


Thank you,




Don't wast your time, they delete anything which questions them or is seen as pro gun, no matter how polite it is.

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Reece, I've just had a look at the Facebook link you've posted and there doesn't seem to be any comments from 'Pro-shooters' - can we post our comments on there...? Obviously I have a Facebook account but really don't use it that much TBH so I didn't know whether or not we could air our views on their page....


Thank you,




A while back a lot of shooters, including many members off here, posted comments and messages on the ban guns page, almost all were deleted within minutes of them being posted, the ones left were often out of context as a result. Even efforts to make neutral looking posts were quickly deleted.


'We'd like guns banned from private ownership so we can feel safe again. Also, anyone who says otherwise will be censored. PS, happy new year 1936, heil der furher'

Edited by cant hit rabbits 123
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Bloggs there is still plenty that you can do for the cause, please refere to the petition homepage, earlier posts in this thread, and the BASC key issue page. Alternatively if you have a little more time to give up, you could have a direct discussion with a manager of your local store, this sends papertrails to line managers, and up the Chain of comment internally within whsmiths. Thankyou to everyone for everything people can do for this cause. Another express reminder to send the petition link to all your contacts, not just shooting buddys, and then ask them to send it to all their friends. Yes chain emails are irritating but they will help further our reach!

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Well i think so far this is a fantastic effort on behalf of the shooting community, for a petition in its second week to be at over 7000 signatures. For this petition to be sucessfull however we need to once again broaden our horizons, please make sure that you send irritatingly regular reminders to sign this petition to all your contacts and please take the time to explain why this is so important to those who question its worth, Shooting aside, moves by business's like this one also threaten our freedom of expression which everyone should support that enjoys living in a democracy. Freedoms are only for those who defend them, and it is for this reason that our sport has been one that has been eroded away over the last few years. If we speak up now things may get better, if we stay quiet on an individual and organisational level, we condemn our sport. Remember this?

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Well got a reply from them to the email i sent


Dear Customer


Thank you for your email.


WHSmith aims to offer our customers choice, whilst striking the right balance and not acting as a censor. WHSmith seeks to do its best to satisfy all of its customers who often have strongly opposing views. We aim to display all of our magazines in locations where they are accessible to those who want to buy them, but do not offend those who do not.


Joanne Tyler

Customer Service Team Manager


SO wheelchair bound, Mobility limited and short shooter need not try buying them in smiths nor anyone under 14.......

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Has BASC sent out its email alert to its members yet? Activity on the petition is not speeding up as I thought it would.

An Action Alert email was meant to go out yesterday morning but because of a software problem it could not go out. That problem is being looked into by the people responsible for the software and I am hoping this can be sorted out this week. This is extremely frustrating.


Well got a reply from them to the email i sent


Do keep responding until you get a personal response.

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An Action Alert email was meant to go out yesterday morning but because of a software problem it could not go out. That problem is being looked into by the people responsible for the software and I am hoping this can be sorted out this week. This is extremely frustrating.


I thought the message had gone out but was being ignored, which would be very worrying. Glad that isn't the case. Hope it gets fixed soon so the alert can go out.

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Article in the telegraph




Have you seen the poll on there? Even though the article stresses that an under 14 can hold a shotgun license, the poll then gives one option as


'No, children are not allowed to obtain a firearms certificate until they are 14'

Now if thats not putting thoughts into heads I don't know what is.

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I'm disappointed that BASC hasn't emailed the whole membership about this


I asked that, and I got the following reply:


An Action Alert email was meant to go out yesterday morning but because of a software problem it could not go out. That problem is being looked into by the people responsible for the software and I am hoping this can be sorted out this week. This is extremely frustrating.


So it will go out when it is fixed.

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Got an update that it should be going out to a large number of members by the end of this week fingers crossed of course. BASC really are working very hard on this and are giving me regular updates on whats going on.

On an individual level, i would appreciate people writing to the editiors of your local newspapers, in regards to the issue and pay referance to the petition especially. I am constructing letters at the moment to send out to several newspapers and my local news papers and encourage you to do that same.

Furthermore please continue to place pressue on WHSmiths by talking to managers in store, and sending off a quick email everymorning when you can to smiths.

Please do not forget to upload your responses to store visits and emails to BASC's website in the key issue area!

Some great coverage here;




also on Saturday Jeremy Clarkson mentioned WHSmith's policy in his column.

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I have an interesting conversation going with smiths...


WHSmith aims to offer our customers choice, whilst striking the right balance for customers who often have strongly opposing views and not acting as a censor. We therefore aim to display such magazines in locations where they are accessible to those who want to buy them, but do not offend those who do not.


Our till prompt process has been in place for over 6 years and has never previously generated any customer complaints. In this respect, we have made no recent changes to these procedures. The introduction of till prompts with regards to certain shooting titles originated from the fact that a number of these publications have included 'cover mounts' attached to the front of the magazine, that have historically included certain firearm related products. With regard to the application of these procedures across our store chain, these till prompts have only been applied to a section of the gun related and shooting titles that we stock, in respect of a limited number of publications.


We continually look at all store procedures, including the use of till prompts, to determine whether they are appropriate in light of changing customer needs, legislative amendments and other regulatory monitoring. Our desire going forwards is to work more closely with the shooting magazine publishers to address the concerns that have been highlighted by all of the customers who have recently contacted us about this issue, in order to ensure that appropriate monitoring procedures can be applied, ‘prior’ to these publications being sent to the store for placing on sale.


I want to know what magazine freebies are subject to any age restriction legislation while not requiring and RFD to sell them???


In the past pellets may have been include but now they are covered by the VCR act and you have to be 18 buy and RFD to sell?

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