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1 moment of stupidity and I've lost everything


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The Police do have the power to seize your guns but you will get them back.

They have to satisfy themselves that you are safe to have them back and a report will be sent to your firearms licensing officer.

I wouldn't worry as you clearly haven't done any thing wrong and you haven't made any threats etc.

Give it a couple of weeks and then ring the licensing officer asking when you can have them back.

Sorry to hear about the breakup of your marriage mate as I personally know how painful it can be.

Keep us posted !!



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Guys thanks for all the support and especially to the two guys that PM'd me thankyou! I've managed to have a bit of sleep and now got a clearer head!

I think it's come to a head due to stress on both our parts including kids, builders and me working away! I've just booked her a week away with a mate at a spa, anything is worth a try as my marriage is worth everything to me. I fully understand why the police have done it but what I don't understand is if they see me as a threat (which I'm really not) why take the guns and leave my shot gun and FAC certs as I won't but I could just pop down the gunshop now and buy a couple of rifles and as many shotguns as I wanted! It's almost like a half hearted attempt?

PLEASE don't take that last bit the wrong way but if I was a screaming synchro which is obviously the reason for taking them why leave someone with the option to buy more?

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I think the guns are the least of your problems, and I can understand how the police have acted.


What's important now are your children, it's going to be hard for them to understand what's happening and they'll need your help. Reassure them that nothing is their fault, and that you love them just as much as ever. Kids have a way of blaming themselves for things like this and they'll probably be worried that you will disappear altogether and have "another family" instead of them.


Perhaps you could talk to the police, explain how wrong they are but that you understand their actions and ask them to make sure the guns are properly looked after until you are ready to take them back to your new home, into a friends safe or for storage at an RFD. My local RFD charges a couple of quid per month per gun.

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The position you are in now I have been in before, your world falls apart at the thought of losing your wife and Kids. I was lucky enough to have my child come with me!


The police are acting to protocol and in most cases you eventually get the Guns back when you have sorted yourself out mentally.


If you were to arrange a friend to store them for you that may be a way forward as I stored my Uncles when his wife died. He never did pick it back up. He handed over his license 4 month later and never shot again. I think that was down to a running joke with my Aunt about the morals of shooting.


The police have a pretty thankless job IMO sometimes they get things wrong but on this occasion i think they did it right, you sound like your in a world of hurt at the thought of losing your wife and kids. Your guns are material matters compared to your family. Now more than ever focus more on whats best for you and the family.


I would advocate a talk with Relate or a guidance group to see if you can save your marriage. 20 years is quite a strong marriage and sounds like you could both make it through with some help.


I hope you can work things out!



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Guys thanks for all the support and especially to the two guys that PM'd me thankyou! I've managed to have a bit of sleep and now got a clearer head!

I think it's come to a head due to stress on both our parts including kids, builders and me working away! I've just booked her a week away with a mate at a spa, anything is worth a try as my marriage is worth everything to me. I fully understand why the police have done it but what I don't understand is if they see me as a threat (which I'm really not) why take the guns and leave my shot gun and FAC certs as I won't but I could just pop down the gunshop now and buy a couple of rifles and as many shotguns as I wanted! It's almost like a half hearted attempt?

PLEASE don't take that last bit the wrong way but if I was a screaming synchro which is obviously the reason for taking them why leave someone with the option to buy more?


You may well find you have them back by the weekend, it might of just been their opinion to take them there and then to let the situation calm down. Rash decisions and all.

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To be fair the copper did say that he didn't want to take them and that if he was concerned of the welfare of myself, my wife or kids he wouldn't have gone and left me in the house! Apparently it's a Devon and Cornwall policy. He was a mega nice bloke though he waited about 45 mins while I took off all my scopes and packadged them all for transporting.

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and me working away!


Not sure how long you've been in your job but I've worked in the oil industry for over 12 years and spent a minimum of half the year away and it is an absolute relationship killer.


My missus would always send me emails telling me how she was looking forward to me coming home but within a day or two we'd be having massive rows. This was virtually every or every other time I came back and made me feel dreadful. There are a lot of stresses for couples in those situations finding a coping strategy is the trick, for me I just make sure I try and get active and out of the house before cabin fever sets in.


Good luck mate

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Thanks for the advice guys, the misses has gone away for a couple of days do I've got a bit of quality time with the rug rats! (kids) I've also spoken to BASC, and they said that they have illegally taken the firearms without a warrant and used a common law act or something where they can seize firearms if they see that somebody's life is in immediate danger which was completely wrong in this case, as stated by the police office that came and left me and the wife to it in the same house after they left. Anyway just spoken to firearms dept and been told there will be a case study in 6-8 weeks so I've now been told to put in a formal complaint including my wildfowling, Pheasent and deer stalking fees which obviously I'm losing out on.

To be fair to my wife she even spoke to them and offered to drive down there this afternoon to be interviewed or what ever they felt nessasery to realise this is all been blown out of per portion And taking my guns would only put more of a strain on our relationship which she hopes (in her words) to sort out.

Edited by Marine1980
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all been blown out of per portion And taking my guns would only put more of a strain on our relationship which she hopes (in her words) to sort out.


Well that's a positive note already. It sounds to me that you've been given a wake-up call. I hope you're listening, and I hope she is too. Get everything out in the open, clear the air, don't let anything fester, and with luck you can remember why you got together in the first place.


Don't lose hope, I've seen some really bad situations resolved happily. Avoid that insidious need for revenge and you have a chance, take it and be prepared to forgive and change.


Best of luck.

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After a couple of mini arguments over the last couple of days my wife finally told me last night that it was over. We have been together for 12 years and it is killing me to think I'm losing both my wife and three kids. Anyway there was no argument or raised voices but I did need to clear my head so I decided to go for a drive. In my stupidity I told my misses during the talk that I couldn't live without them all. So I went for a drive and when I returned the wife had rang the police and stated I was missing after an argument so I was met by two police officers at my front door! Anyway after chatting to both me and her and realising that it was just a domestic the nice officer told me he would be seizing all my guns! Even the wife argued this fact and said that I never had and never would do anything to hurt her and the kids but they took the lot anyway. Now I understand if I had been aggressive or threatening in anyway but surely it's reasonable for a bloke to go on the 3 hour drive to clear his head after his wife of 12 years has said its over?

Sorry for this post first thing in a morning guys but I could never describe to anyone how I'm feeling right now, I'm well and truly gutted about the wife and kids.




Hope this gets sorted out buddy, remember times a great healer, bit of time apart will hopefully resolve it!!, would'nt worry about your weapons


Good Luck

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Hi mate,


Firstly I really hope you and the missus can sort something out and in the grand scale of things, your kids come first and thats your prioity.


I am astonished that the police are being criticised for seizing your guns. My criticism is that they did not seize your certificates at the same time. Look at the circumstances. You state that you cannot live without them and drive off. . The Police are called They didn't just turn up out of the blue. ( by who and what was the nature of the call? Maybe the wife calling to say that her husband may be away to kill himself. Who knows.)


The police have a job to do and all this talk of them acting illegally ect. Rash decisions and all that. Good grief .Think about it. Leave them with the police as they are not going to charge you storage fees! Concentrate on sorting things with your family. The shooting will always come again


Having been there before I truly hope that you can get things sorted and what is it they say. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. And good luck

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Guys first of all can I say that I've been a member on here since 2006, and even though i don't spend that much time on here or rearly make a massive input in to the site overall, I'm truely impressed and over whelmed by the support ive been given by pure strangers and for that I can only give you all the biggest thankyou ever.



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