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Gay fine ?


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What was the fine for ?

Not being allowed to share a double bed - in a christian household - whose values and view of life is protected by legislation ? - not the god -bashers.


This therefore leads to a philosophical question - how can God exist if he allows the 'faithful' to have their beliefs questioned and to be fined as well, by those he condemns (in the bible).

Muslims would, I suggest, have a different perspective and probably not many of 'the true faith' run B&B's


Cue Henry.


Just placing cats adjacent to pigeons.

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Nick Griffin's become involved now backing the religious zealots,I bet there happy about that fruit cakes support.

You can't discriminate against people because of their sexuality,how hard is that to understand.

There on a hiding to now where trying to carry this on,people will just think there like the Taliban.

Grown ups with an imaginary friend,I can't take any of them seriously.

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What was the fine for ?

Not being allowed to share a double bed - in a christian household - whose values and view of life is protected by legislation ? - not the god -bashers.


This therefore leads to a philosophical question - how can God exist if he allows the 'faithful' to have their beliefs questioned and to be fined as well, by those he condemns (in the bible). Rubbish Theology.

Muslims would, I suggest, have a different perspective and probably not many of 'the true faith' run B&B's


Cue Henry. Happy to oblige!


Just placing cats adjacent to pigeons.



Nick Griffin's become involved now backing the religious zealots,I bet there happy about that fruit cakes support.

You can't discriminate against people because of their sexuality,how hard is that to understand. Yet you can force someone to suspend their beliefs, what kind of ethics are those then?

There on a hiding to now where trying to carry this on,people will just think there like the Taliban.

Grown ups with an imaginary friend,I can't take any of them seriously.


Don`t expect a reply soon, just off to work :D

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Honestly cr^p like this just makes want to head off elsewhere. Too many people have more rights than others??!! Maybe that guy (thug looking, yes I saw him too) appeared threatening in some visual respect and the "owners" who cannot now choose who they allow into "their" own home. Ahhh behold the media gets hold of it and says "It's a gay thing" this will work!!


Personally I don't think we will ever know the full story.

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I always assumed hotels, B&Bs, pubs and the like reserved the right not to admit people, whatever the reason. Apparently that isn't the case any more. Do these people go to the hotel saying "We're gay" just to stir things up?


yeah my thoughts exactly i thought you had the right to choose who you did business with!

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Isn't it obvious,who ever Nick Geiffin sides with is wrong.

Nice try Henry but your trying to make discrimination and ethics the same thing and its not.

You can't discriminate against people because of their sexuality no matter how much it upsets your beliefs,it's that simple,get over yourself.

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I'm not going down the religious route. I just genuinely don't understand how the subject of who's gay and who isn't keeps rearing it's head. I'm not gay, but I may or may not have some weird sexual preferences, but if I did, that's for me and the mrs to know and not public knowledge. Why does the "gay card" need to be aired publically? What does it have to do with anything? The couple in question must surely have mentioned the fact they are gay or they would not have been refused.

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i havent heard about this but like walshie i assumed hotel owners had the rights to refuse if they so wished, maybe it is the case and maybe it isnt.. but even if they do have that right if they openly said no because someone is gay then they broke the law.. its not down to our views as we all have them for and against, its down to the law, and a law made in a christian country... persoanlly i believe if they did refuse solely because they where gay then they deserved a fine, £3k is a lot though

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What seems to have been lost in amongst the whole gay thing is that the owners say that they wouldn't let unmarried straight couples share a double bed either.


But would unmarried straight couples have gone down the discrimination route?

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It is plain to see Mungler was not involved, because neither of the complainants started windmilling at the B&B owners at any point.


Yes, they took poor legal advice. :lol: :lol:


no because if you are straight and normal no one looks after your interests or beliefs.


Straight and normal :lol: Excellent description.

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If you do business you can't discriminate without facing the consequences. I don't care if they run that business from their home. I don't care if they claim it it related to marriage (curious, because I bet they wouldn't. The fact of the matter is that the guest house owners were behaving inappropriately and have paid the (relatively small) price.

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