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Sgt Mark Andrews gets his job back.

Dirty Harry

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When your own force goes to court to keep you out of the job I would have taken the hint.



The Chief Constable stated,


"The Police Appeals Tribunal accepted that Mark Andrews' actions were intolerant and discreditable and I felt they were a disgrace - there was no place in Wiltshire Police for this behaviour then nor is there now.


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Would you like to elaborate?


Most of us outside the system hear that his colleagues reported him, the video appears to show incontrovertible evidence of serious violence to a woman prisoner (drunk and obnoxious no doubt but no excuse) and a disciplinary hearing says he should be dismissed the force. Nothing to doubt the correctness of that decision so far.


I am therefore genuinely confused that 2 judges say his dismissal was wrong and that he should be reinstated, your comment suggests you agree with them, so what don't the rest of us know? I don't automatically think judges are nuts so am assuming there IS another explanation.

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I imagine sometimes judges have to make decisions they don't necessarily agree with to comply with sometimes arcane points of the law.


If the OP has knowledge then share it, otherwise it's just another tribal-police-closed-ranks-defend-colleagues-at-any-cost thing, which is worth less than nothing.


In the words of Ian Hislop, "If this is justice, I'm a banana."

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And he picks up thousands in back pay .... unbelieveable.

With a bit of luck his colleagues will make his position untenable and he`ll crawl back under his stone.


His colleagues will probably get dismissed for bullying if they don't all shake his hand and tell him how he is the best police officer since sliced bread!




Edited by Marine1980
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I think the facts are basically that he was found guilty by a Court and as a result, sacked by the Police.

He is then found not guilty on Appeal by a Court and therefore I assume logically the Police have to give him his job back.


Blame the Courts, blame the legal system, but I can't see where its the fault of the Police.

Or you could even accept the fact that he is not guilty and deserves to get his job back.

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I think the facts are basically that he was found guilty by a Court and as a result, sacked by the Police.

He is then found not guilty on Appeal by a Court and therefore I assume logically the Police have to give him his job back.


Blame the Courts, blame the legal system, but I can't see where its the fault of the Police.

Or you could even accept the fact that he is not guilty and deserves to get his job back.





To achieve the rank of Sgt he would have dealt with hundreds of people in all sorts of situations and in the video he clearly used his strength and size too excess dealing with the women in question. And for that he was dealt with by the courts in the correct way. When people are found guilty it is up too our justice system to deal out the necessary punishment not a serving police officer.

“A picture paints a thousand words” or in this case a video!

Regarding giving him his job back would you really want an employee?

With this history on his CV!







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As Cranfield has said he was acquitted so he was not guilty of the offence.


To everyone who says how could he do that to a woman I say EASY.

I've had a drunk woman bite me in custody. I've been punched, kicked and spat on by women.

A friend of mine was stabbed by a female drug addict with a dirty needle in custody. She said to him she was HIV+ and he would die.

I've dragged people to the cells and pushed them in before. It's unfortunate she landed on her face and got injured. I'm sure that was not the officers intentions.

I treat everyone the same and know that they can turn on you at any time.

I know that many of you will disagree with this but most of you have never been in these situations.




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I would not coment on the case or what the outcome was, but I can only agree fully with the experiences that Dirty Harry is refering to. If you have not had the displeasure to be dealing with an un rully, under the influence of whatever prisoner, in a busy custody suit you could not immagine the things that go on and the dangers that you face.

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Dirty Harry.

It isn`t about what`s happened to you. The woman wasn`t doing any of what you have mentioned.

If you can condone what he did then you are no better than he is.

No wonder our police force has lost the trust of the nation.


I would not coment on the case or what the outcome was, but I can only agree fully with the experiences that Dirty Harry is refering to. If you have not had the displeasure to be dealing with an un rully, under the influence of whatever prisoner, in a busy custody suit you could not immagine the things that go on and the dangers that you face.

She was guilty of falling asleep in her car, that`s it, nothing else.

Edited by Muggins.
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A lot of people lose their jobs depite not being convicted of anything. It's because most professions have standards and failure to meet or maintain a standard gives the employer opportunity to sack you. In simple terms it's called "not being good enough". His employers said "that while not criminal, his behaviour had fallen well below the standards expected".


Seems reasonable to me that he was sacked.



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To everyone who says how could he do that to a woman I say EASY.



Yes i quite agree,but not for a cop who is supposed to set an example and follow the law. Basically,the old red mist came down over his eyes and he lost control. For a police officer that is unacceptable no matter what you try to say.


and im not a cop basher either before anyone thinks it.

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