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Woman Saves Fox - Video


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It's a Country Sport Gents - and we all need to stick together.


It might not be your thing, but remember you are being shown bits of film which deliberately tries to get you on side with the anti-hunting brigade. Same could be done for any other country pursuit.

It's illegal mate.


So you want to show support to a group that are breaking the law? I won't be.


I would think they were drag hunting which is not illegal and stumbled across by accident, I am sure when these video's are being posted to try and have our sport banned you will want all the support you can get, are we sure we know when this was filmed? be very careful what you post as I am sure there are plenty who are not our kin who read this forum and you will be hoorified to find out how a few of these anti's minds work, have a little read of the "stop the cull" page on facebook to see what I mean. I am afraid we are all targets, I can asure you that you are seen no different to those who support hunting, anti is anti and you kill foxes the same as they did, you can put forward all the arguments you want about being humaine but you will not win with those folks.


I think in the interest of countryside sport we should all just agree it was probaly an accident dont you????

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Good on her-I'm no lover of foxes but these idiots are breaking the law-but I bet they get away scot free.Bin a country sportsman for over 35 years and never have,nor will,support hunting in this way,

Good on her-I'm no lover of foxes but these idiots are breaking the law-but I bet they get away scot free.Bin a country sportsman for over 35 years and never have,nor will,support hunting in this way,



if all of us stood together when we had the chance to... then perhaps the hunting ban would not of happend , i just hope that shooting does not go the same way because by the looks of it half the members on here will hang us .....



makes me wonder how many antis are on pigeon watch :hmm: and letting this topic still be allowed on here says it all really ....... :sad1:

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Its not antis its simply ignorant people who have not experienced the many different sides of fieldsports, they usually use airguns and form opinions on sides of the sport from what the LACS etc show and what they imagine to happen. That imagination bit can be a long way from the truth a decent pack of hounds the fox is very dead very fast.

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Its not antis its simply ignorant people who have not experienced the many different sides of fieldsports, they usually use airguns and form opinions on sides of the sport from what the LACS etc show and what they imagine to happen. That imagination bit can be a long way from the truth a decent pack of hounds the fox is very dead very fast.

Spot on. There are many many ignorant posts on here. I've never been fox hunting - but I get it. I've never been big game hunting, but I don't think it's about p e n i s size. I've never used a bow on live quarry, but I appreciate that it is a completely different skill and method of kill from using a rifle. I've never seen or heard of game birds being dumped other than in extremely dubious circumstances (i.e. planted) so I tend not to take claims too seriously any of the other nonsense that the animal rights terrorists peddle. Unfortunately, the nonsense seems to be swallowed hook, line and sinker by some people, even on here. I'm not saying everything is perfect - it's not - but let's not be duped by dodgy claims, videos, web sites, photos etc from the kind of people who want to see an end to pretty much every form of country sport, with the possible exception being clay pigeon shooting, but I'm not a massive fan of that - might run into Dennis or similar characters! :oops:

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It is quite clear from some of the posts on this thread that after foxhunting has been completely banned that some PW members will sit on their backsides and let shooting sports come under more threat than they are already under rather than be proactive to defend them.

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It depends JDog our shoot went on the liberty and livelihood marches so showed solidarity with hunting this forum has a lot of beginners on it who really don't know much about the countryside and shooting in general so the opinions can be quite strange at times. However outside it there are an awful lot of committed shooting people who will stick up for country sports

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Interesting thread to see so many divided viewpoints on what is essentaily a common ground :hmm: My view is its a set up. The hounds clearly had no idea what to do with it. I have been hunting on many occassions as a youngster. I have seen a few kills, and it was over faster than a "bullet to the engine room" that is so often advocated here as the most humane method of dispatch. Had that truly been a wild fox it would have had half her face off, so disgusting behaviour on her part. They are not on a save the animal crusade, I'm not sure they give a flying fig, its a class war in the main and they use these dishonest and cruel methods of making thier point.


I am a Farrier, and have had my clients, clients horses and children, squirted in the face and eyes with ammonia. The youngest of which was 7 at the time and hospitalised. I had aclient whos barn containing horses and calves was set alight and burned to the ground. This is the side of "Animal lovers" versus the Toffs that you never see.

There seems to be a few on PW that just don't get the country bit. Employment relies on it, landscape conservation depends on it. I am in my small way part of it and reliant on it for my income and enjoyment of life. Do I go hunting, shooting, ferreting or fishing for the enjoyment of killing? No I don't. I do it because the countryside is my way of life, for which I have imeasurable respect and affection.

Clearly a lot of PW members don't hunt/shoot/fish. However the remainder of us ALL hunt, beit pheasant,rat,pigeon,rabbit etc ect. One mans pursuit may not be that of another. So lets stop the condemnation and in fighting and be united on protecting all that we hold or we will lose it.

Edited by turbo33
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Interesting thread to see so many divided viewpoints on what is essentaily a common ground :hmm: My view is its a set up. The hounds clearly had no idea what to do with it. I have been hunting on many occassions as a youngster. I have seen a few kills, and it was over faster than a "bullet to the engine room" that is so often advocated here as the most humane method of dispatch. Had that truly been a wild fox it would have had half her face off, so disgusting behaviour on her part. They are not on a save the animal crusade, I'm not sure they give a flying fig, its a class war in the main and they use these dishonest and cruel methods of making thier point.


I am a Farrier, and have had my clients, clients horses and children, squirted in the face and eyes with ammonia. The youngest of which was 7 at the time and hospitalised. I had aclient whos barn containing horses and calves was set alight and burned to the ground. This is the side of "Animal lovers" versus the Toffs that you never see.

There seems to be a few on PW that just don't get the country bit. Employment relies on it, landscape conservation depends on it. I am in my small way part of it and reliant on it for my income and enjoyment of life. Do I go hunting, shooting, ferreting or fishing for the enjoyment of killing? No I don't. I do it because the countryside is my way of life, for which I have imeasurable respect and affection.

Clearly a lot of PW members don't hunt/shoot/fish. However the remainder of us ALL hunt, beit pheasant,rat,pigeon,rabbit etc ect. One mans pursuit may not be that of another. So lets stop the condemnation and in fighting and be united on protecting all that we hold or we will lose it.


well said mate.......

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Interesting thread to see so many divided viewpoints on what is essentaily a common ground :hmm: My view is its a set up. The hounds clearly had no idea what to do with it. I have been hunting on many occassions as a youngster. I have seen a few kills, and it was over faster than a "bullet to the engine room" that is so often advocated here as the most humane method of dispatch. Had that truly been a wild fox it would have had half her face off, so disgusting behaviour on her part. They are not on a save the animal crusade, I'm not sure they give a flying fig, its a class war in the main and they use these dishonest and cruel methods of making thier point.


I am a Farrier, and have had my clients, clients horses and children, squirted in the face and eyes with ammonia. The youngest of which was 7 at the time and hospitalised. I had aclient whos barn containing horses and calves was set alight and burned to the ground. This is the side of "Animal lovers" versus the Toffs that you never see.

There seems to be a few on PW that just don't get the country bit. Employment relies on it, landscape conservation depends on it. I am in my small way part of it and reliant on it for my income and enjoyment of life. Do I go hunting, shooting, ferreting or fishing for the enjoyment of killing? No I don't. I do it because the countryside is my way of life, for which I have imeasurable respect and affection.

Clearly a lot of PW members don't hunt/shoot/fish. However the remainder of us ALL hunt, beit pheasant,rat,pigeon,rabbit etc ect. One mans pursuit may not be that of another. So lets stop the condemnation and in fighting and be united on protecting all that we hold or we will lose it.


completely agree :good:

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Well said Turbo33, as for some of the others on here they should'nt be allowed into the countryside.

There does seem to be a lot of ant's on this forum.


What a load of tosh, the flat cap and whippet brigade on here are far too quick to call others antis just because they may not agree with the 'lets kill it all' attitude that way too many people on here seem to have.


Personally I would rather be an anti than have such a blinkered view of the world, make of that what you will!!

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Well said Turbo33, as for some of the others on here they should'nt be allowed into the countryside.

There does seem to be a lot of ant's on this forum.

Not sharing the exact point of view with someone doesn't make you and anti (or an ant for that matter), nor does it prevent you living, working or shooting in the countryside. :no:


I do agree with most of what Turbo33 says, but in my experience around here there hasn't been any reduction in the number of people enjoyiing a day out as part of a (legal) hunt since the ban - I have seen fewer hounds so there may have been some implications - but for the most part I see more riders now. I see them fairly regulally as I live in the heart of the Southdown and Eridge Hunt country, people aren't going to give up their horses or stop riding because of the ban.

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I thought my post would annoy a few.

The fact is there are a lot of idiots that have posted on this thread, that have given the anti hunting, shooting, fishing crowd

an awful lot of ammunition to have everything banned.

We have had the expert shots that have never wounded a bird or an animal, they should be shooting in the Olympic team.

Anyone that takes part in a country sport ie shooting, should not knock another man's country sport, "together we stand

divided we fall", once the anti's see us condemning one another, they will have won.

I could give a few examples on here showing how the idiots comments are damaging country sports, but I would then be

giving the anti's more ammunition.

Think before you knock another man's sport on here, there is a life beyond your keyboard.

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I thought my post would annoy a few.

The fact is there are a lot of idiots that have posted on this thread, that have given the anti hunting, shooting, fishing crowd

an awful lot of ammunition to have everything banned.

We have had the expert shots that have never wounded a bird or an animal, they should be shooting in the Olympic team.

Anyone that takes part in a country sport ie shooting, should not knock another man's country sport, "together we stand

divided we fall", once the anti's see us condemning one another, they will have won.

I could give a few examples on here showing how the idiots comments are damaging country sports, but I would then be

giving the anti's more ammunition.

Think before you knock another man's sport on here, there is a life beyond your keyboard.



:good: :good:

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I am not sure that they are 'antis' but some of the posters on here are very blinkered. At a time when all country sports are under threat hunting, shooting, fishing, ferreting people et al should stick together. Don't some of the posters realize that the attack on using lead shot is merely a wedge that some organisations will use to try to get shooting live quarry banned altogether?


This forum is not a good place for such stringent views against hunting to be aired.

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It depends JDog our shoot went on the liberty and livelihood marches so showed solidarity with hunting this forum has a lot of beginners on it who really don't know much about the countryside and shooting in general so the opinions can be quite strange at times. However outside it there are an awful lot of committed shooting people who will stick up for country sports

i'd have to agree with that after reading some of the comments on this thread


so consider this folks, divide and conquer, remember thats their plan it always has been and always will be, split feild sports into groups and remove them one at a time, even better if you can play one feild sports group off against another! Don't ever forget that these idiots read posts on here too, and we educate them so willingly, i've said before there should be a seperate area for this type of discusion!

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Not sharing the exact point of view with someone doesn't make you and anti (or an ant for that matter), nor does it prevent you living, working or shooting in the countryside. :no:


I do agree with most of what Turbo33 says, but in my experience around here there hasn't been any reduction in the number of people enjoyiing a day out as part of a (legal) hunt since the ban - I have seen fewer hounds so there may have been some implications - but for the most part I see more riders now. I see them fairly regulally as I live in the heart of the Southdown and Eridge Hunt country, people aren't going to give up their horses or stop riding because of the ban.


Its quite different round here Falcon. I used to have 30+ hunting folk on my books. I have 1 now that goes out once in a while. I was between 4 hunts here and would see them on a weekly basis. 1 has gone completely and rarely do we see the others. I think the publicity surrounding the ban swelled the numbers initially as people who had never been out came to see what hunting was. I do feel there was a foolish air of arrogance within the hunting fraternity leading up to the ban, They were mostly members of the British Feild Sports Society and felt they were too big and powerful to need the support of the shooting community, who were largely members of WAGBI. How wrong they were!

I'm not suggesting that the anti's have been completely successful in their fight. However, the disruption becomes tiresome but for a few stalwarts. I did see a hunt last week whilst on my way back from shooting, and the field was less than 10.

Its quite clear that country sports, call it what you will, are on the decline for a variety of reasons. I think changing lifestyles plays an enormous part in that equation. How many of our previous relatives did what we do now and how many youngsters are carrying it on? Certainly not many round here. Ipads being the xmas must have, instead of something hunting/shooting/fishing related. Although it seems from the figures, shotgun licence application/grants seem to be on the increase, our collective sports are being driven underground from public awareness. There is a strong undercurrent out there that is trying, with a modicum of success, to make social pariahs out of anyone involved in field sports. It is really important to stand fast and represent our sports in the strongest way.

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I must say, it surprised me how the hounds acted, I would have expected all of those around to be on it. Are they usually this laid back?


Yes, when I was a boy about 8 years old my dad put me in a kennel with about 40 fox hounds. They licked my skin off, I thought it was great hanging off the ears and climbing all over these large dogs that are now considered ferocious. I personally think it's so wrong that fox hunting is banned.




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I think we all need to think very carefully about our replies on this post before we post them! Don't forget thet we as shooters are responsible for killing a great mant foxes than the hunt are. I was led to believe (I am certain that I will very quickly be corrected if I am wrong) that fox hunts were allowed to hunt a drag trail and in doing so there is always a possibility of a fox being flushed "by accident" and if this happens then the hunt are acting legally as long as they have not gone out with the pure intention of flushing and pursuing a fox. This short video clip gives no indication as to whether this pack of hounds were drag hunting (Which they are quite entitled to do) or if they were in fact out with the sole intention of hunting a fox.

I do have to say that the woman either has a lot of balls or is totally stupid going in and grabbing the fox in the way she did and I am extremely surprised that the resy of the pack were not on it a lot quicker and the fox being obviousy terrified for it's life could quite easily have made quite a mess of her!

I'm not sure that I would like to comment any further without knowing all of the story rather than the little bit of this clip that a few of the anti hunting brigade and furry friend huggers want us to see. Let's all remember that when a video is shortened to just a little like that it can very easily be taken totally out of context, something that the "antis" are quite happy to do in order to show us "cruel and murderous blood sporters" in as bad a light as possible!


Well said Frenchie :good: :good: :good: :good:

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