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disposing of a fowl or game carcass

big bad lindz

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How do most of you dispose the carcass of shot fowl or game.

I have heard that it should not be put into your normal household wheely bin. Does this change between local council’s.

I am talking mostly about birds that have been breasted and or legs removed as well, leaving behind the rest to be binned.

The most I have had at any one time is 5, 3 phesant & 2 goose.

I usually double bag them and put it in the bin. I dont want to ask the council in case they get narky about it.

Although I have some woodland near to my house with no public access paths, I dont want to just dump them in there although I know there are foxs and ferral cats about that would clean them up.





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A few years ago I had reason to speak to our local council with reference to waste disposal. Whilst I was on the phone to a really helpful lady (honest!) I thought I'd chance my arm and ask her about my own situation. Basically the bottom line was that as long as I wasn't a commercial operation, which I'm not, there was nothing preventing me from putting dog waste from my kennel or carcasses etc from shot birds in my bin. Her advice was to wrap it as well as I could before doing so. I now double bag anything and everything and put it in the bin.

The big downside to this is the bloody fortnightly bin collections. As I only live a mile from a recycling centre I often take a bag or two there. Rather than ask the guy down there the specific question I just asked if I was ok dumping household rubbish as I was worried about the smell etc from decomposing waste that was only collected once a fortnight. His reply was that if it was ok to go in my bin it was ok to take it to the centre. Good enough for me

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