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Rape in your area?


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Morning all

I have a fair bit of land to shoot over, some say more than my fair share…lol

One farm not far from me of a 1,000 ac last year, and the years before had a 50/50 Rape, cereal.

This year the farmer has not drilled any Rape at all and has left a good few fields for spring drilling.

A farm 30 min away from me has drilled some rape, but nowhere near the amount he normally puts in.

This seems to be the case with most of the farms I shoot over, most seem to be following the same plan of drilling in the spring.

Every cloud has a silver lining, and I am looking forward to a good bit of shooting in the spring.

Now I'm thinking this maybe down to the wet weather, or is it?

My question is, are the farmers around in other areas of the country following the same plan this year, or is it just around here.

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I would imagine that the pattern is repeated in most arable crop growing areas of the country and it is entirely due to the wet ground.


Some of my farmer friends tell me now that if the wet weather continues they may not be able to sow spring cereals. That would be an exceptional circumstance

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The biggest problem is actually getting to an area where the birds are! Plenty of pigeons but the farm lads are setting bangers out and just pushing the birds in the centre of the monster blocks of rape!

A few phone calls and an hours meeting with the local dedicated pigeon shooters would result in less chasing and more shooting!




Edited by The Essex Hunter
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We managed to get our rape drilled but have had to redrill 8 acres due to our neighbours damned partridges grazing it off despite or efforts to get rid of them, we've probably lost another couple of acres to pigeons as well.........boss moans about the pigeons then asks a local chap to come shoot them bypassing me despite knowing I'd come and shoot them so as far as I'm concerned they can graze the whole lot off!!!

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Not good down here. 2 fields poor germination and choked by grasses as it was too wet to spray off. They are a write off. Another about 50% of the field is ok the rest much the same as the previous two. On another farm 30% lost to poor germination and 15-20% massive slug damage. I think PC is on to a hot one, in that spring seed could be in very high demand/shortage.

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I would say there is more rape than normal in some areas that i shoot. I drove round yesterday and had a look. There was a couple of hundred here and a couple of hundred there on some fields, nothing really worth setting up for. I will probably only venture out if i get a specific request by a farmer or i get a really itchy trigger finger. The best time for rape is March - june.

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