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Gun Safety? Finger up the Barrel of a Semi Auto


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I'm sorry mate but I think you will find that the army saying with a 7.62 SLR was "Cock, Loch and LOOK" not FEEL!

I would dare anyone to try putting their finger into my Breda to check it had an empty chamber as the spring is so strong that if they touched the trelease button it would take their finget clean off and stop them from picking their nose for ever!

They did you had to feel if there was a round in the chamber ,did it thousands of times

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I'm sorry mate but I think you will find that the army saying with a 7.62 SLR was "Cock, Loch and LOOK" not FEEL!

I would dare anyone to try putting their finger into my Breda to check it had an empty chamber as the spring is so strong that if they touched the trelease button it would take their finget clean off and stop them from picking their nose for ever!


No good looking when it is dark,and a light will give your position away,always cock,hook,look,feel,clear,ease springs. just checked and all the fingers are still there.(8 years of slr)


My .22 is very accurate with eley subs,but has a habit of not ejecting an unspent round when cycling the bolt (all the wax they slaver on),so i still check with finger and torch.

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No way, no finger in, no blowing down the barrel from the business end!!! Just buy a safety flag, simples. If you are so tight you don't want to buy one you should consider whether you are in the right mind to own a gun. Safety should not be compromised by stupidity or tightness.

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No way, no finger in, no blowing down the barrel from the business end!!! Just buy a safety flag, simples. If you are so tight you don't want to buy one you should consider whether you are in the right mind to own a gun. Safety should not be compromised by stupidity or tightness.


Why on earth should i consider if i'm in my right mind to own a gun because i don't want to own a safety flag?


I've checked the barrel on my auto with my fingers many times, but with the bolt held just incase.


These safety plugs may be all well and good but when its 4am, very dark and blowing one hell of a gale down the marsh they are just another unnecessary nonviolence.

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Safety first un load how ever you feel safe only you can do that ,all the advice people give is good and bad only you your self can judge your own mind , I was taught to feel if the chamber was empty, I obligate bolt action rifles and over and under, if I had semi I would look, feel never had a problem with it in the 80s ,oops a lie a browning 9 mm pistol never felt the chamber 2 in the morning finger up the mag housing release slide pulled trigger and bang never ever dido forget again

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No way, no finger in, no blowing down the barrel from the business end!!! Just buy a safety flag, simples. If you are so tight you don't want to buy one you should consider whether you are in the right mind to own a gun. Safety should not be compromised by stupidity or tightness.


How do you check for barrel blockages then ?


Do you just remove the flag and hope for the best ?


Not particularly safe really firing on hopes and dreams !!!

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Best thing to do is leave the auto in the cabinet and use the o/u. Then you can use your finger to pick your nose. Auto dont belong on clay grounds.


Auto's are as safe as the person behind the trigger, the same with o/u's fair enough the user has to take extra care so others around them can see they are unloaded. I am seeing more auto's being used now and enjoying using them.


Is that you, Dennis?


As soon as I read the post I thought of Dennis :D

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I was taught "body bolt magazine" remove mag, pop you finger in it to make sure, that way if cold and tired you can't complete the drill without removing the mag and won't chamber a fresh round. Pull back the bolt and check the chamber is clear visually and there is no round anywhere in sight. When u cock put the gun over to the right so anything would fall out.

Release bolt, safe direction and dry fire.

Worked in the army just fine for me. Still pop 2 fingers in the chambers in the ou when I slip it. No way to accidentaly pop a loaded gun away.

Gun safety is free so there should be no excuses.


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