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Derek Bird's .22 CZ452 was described at the time as "this absolutely huge sniper rifle it was almost touching the floor. It had a massive scope and everything."

I'm not sure it makes much of a difference what a rifle looks like to the general public in all honesty.


There was a comment (I'm sure on PW at the time) to the effect that any rifle involved in any crime is usually referred to rather pejoratively as a "high-powered sniper rifle," be it 22lr, hmr, 308 or whatever.


I like wood on my guns, but I'm a bit of a traditionalist. If I was in the USA on holiday, sure, I would probably head off to a range and have a play with machine guns, 44 magnums etc but I'm sure I would get bored pretty quickly too.

Edited by Thunderbird
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"Anybody wanting to own the gun in Britain would need a section 1 firearms licence.


Yet crazed cabbie Michael Atherton held that very licence when he went on a killing spree on New Year’s Day 2012"



So are they saying everyone with a licence is a ticking time bomb?


I'm actually surprised we're allowed to do anything in this ******* country.

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I posted in a similar thread....Shocking reporting, must be a slow news day. Worryingly people will listen to it. Personally I have never dealt with a stabbing using a Rambo knife, they were all kitchen knives. Maybe the paper could do an outrageous article showing the £2 Ikea kitchen knife is a samurai sword clone ( both sharp and pointy aka the ruger 10/22 vs m4 carbine) and should be banned immediately.


As for not floating your boat, fair enough it don't float mine either but when were all fragmented and divided there will be no one left to argue and all guns will be banned, then they will move onto fishing or other perceived cruel/margin hobbies.

How would their time scale work, semi auto .22 then onto home loading ( to stop you acquiring ammo that might be used against whatever they have thought up) then onto the center fire boys (after all if they can shoot a hare at 704 meters they are clearly dangerous and the 22 semi gang has long disbanded so no support there will be few who can afford it now they can't homeload ) , swiftly followed by outlawing practical shotgun ( all that slug and hi cap mag business no no no, far to dangerous for you to have) and the onto the black powder boys. When all done the shotguns will be easy and the airguns are already being dealt with.

Then they could sit back and ban fishing or some other liberal idea they have thought up like releasing murders a bit earlier or legalizing drugs, as long as its not in their backyard if course.

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When (i can afford) to get my firearms for a .22 for fields i shoot on, Ill probably get the following:




Because I want one. Can't wait.


Urgh Gaz, you rambo-wannabe walt freak! If we ever met in person i don't think i could look you in the eye(!) :no::hmmm::lol:


For Gods sake there are some 'special' people on this forum. Something not being your taste is one thing but spinning out the same drivel you'd expect from the GCN hand-wringers is another matter entirely <_< Don't forget to come on here with the :smartass: comments when they come for our 'sniper' rifles (AKA a bolt-action, scoped, modded rifle), or 'streetsweeper' post office specials (24" barrelled SbS shotguns) :cry1::rolleyes:



I for one will be putting in a complaint here - http://www.pcc.org.u...acomplaint.html as I know a lot of the BBS crowd have.


If we let it go unchallenged then they will continue writing this drivel.




Good man, i sent mine off yesterday too :good:


Aayone else noticed the scope is on backwards in the picture :lol: I really hope that someone did that on purpose to highlight the ridiculousness of the 'article' :shifty:

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Every now and then i have some CO2 pistols that i like to punch paper with.. they come out every now and then and i really enjoy using them, heck some look like real guns.

Through that I can easily see how some people love range shooting and competition shooting, and if i lived in a different area with a range near by i would almost deffinately get involved. Just because its a firearm there is no reason why you cannot have fun with it, as long as you are safe.

Steel plate shooting or competition shooting for a day with a CF semi auto would be so much fun, ill never get to try or find out because of this countrys oppressive gun laws.

Same goes for pistols. The laws that ban these items serve no real purpose except to destory sport shooting, and prevent legal use of them.

We all know that ^.

What really gets me about this article is that it makes out that you can just walk into a shop and pick one off the shelf, When in practice there is a good strong well regulated on the most part system in place that helps weedle firearms ownership out of the hands of those who shouldnt have them.

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Well the press complaints commission have responded, allbeit provisionally. Seems as though a few have bothered to complain........



Dear Mr Livefast


Thank you for your email.


We are currently investigating this article following an earlier complaint. We will let you know the outcome of our investigation when we can.


Best wishes



Simon Yip

Complaints Coordinator


Press Complaints Commission

Halton House

20/23 Holborn

London EC1N 2JD


Tel: 020 7831 0022


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Well the press complaints commission have responded, allbeit provisionally. Seems as though a few have bothered to complain........



Dear Mr Livefast


Thank you for your email.


We are currently investigating this article following an earlier complaint. We will let you know the outcome of our investigation when we can.


Best wishes



Simon Yip

Complaints Coordinator


Press Complaints Commission

Halton House

20/23 Holborn

London EC1N 2JD


Tel: 020 7831 0022



I got that exact response too (aside from your name :D ).


I've seen what some other forums have sent to the PCC - they're all pretty much in the same vain.


Gonna be interesting to see how they respond. :hmm:

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