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Bunny problem


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I've got a small problem on my hands ! The owner of my new permission said he doesn't mind me shooting on his land if I get rid of the rabbits on there. The problem being I don't normally shoot rabbits as the smell of them knocks me sick and I don't eat them (soft I know) I don't like shooting things I'm not Gina use. If I was able to get a air rifle for summer and try and pop a few off are there any game dealers round lancashire that would want them ? Im not even botherd about being paid for them I just want to keep the land owner happy !!

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Thanks pal. My best mate has rimmie but even he's not allowed down. I'm not gona argue with him though as he might stop me going down ! You know what these old set in there ways farmers are like. I'll borrow a air rifle when it starts getting a bit warmer. Surley somebody would be happy to take the rabbits of my hands !

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Surely there is a hawking centre, lads with ferrets, zoo, even put an ad in the local for anyone looking for free snake/piranha food. The local butcher might sling you a quid or two. However, I think you will be expected to 'clean' them, which might mean you will need to invest in a clothes peg.

Edited by Alpha Mule
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I've got a chest freezer yes. Do they have to be gutted before frozen or not ? Bury market is a thought aswel



yes mate, gently squeeze any urine out of them and then gut them at you first oppertunity and throw the guts under a hedge or somthing where the public wont see them...then keep them cool till you skin and joint them...there are a few good vids on the forum at the moment...worth a watch..



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I've got a small problem on my hands ! The owner of my new permission said he doesn't mind me shooting on his land if I get rid of the rabbits on there. The problem being I don't normally shoot rabbits as the smell of them knocks me sick and I don't eat them (soft I know) I don't like shooting things I'm not Gina use. If I was able to get a air rifle for summer and try and pop a few off are there any game dealers round lancashire that would want them ? Im not even botherd about being paid for them I just want to keep the land owner happy !!

they stink more in summer than winter and there is less demand for the carcasses in summer. its also easier to get them under control before they get back to breeding. Theres a bird of prey /owl sanctuary at Preston not far from bypass will they not be glad of them?

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Roy you don't eat them because they smell? is this when your cooking or cleaning?


You probably know this but its worth posting


when I was a kid I shoot rabbits then my mam would cook them for my dad because he liked rabbit pie, the thing was it stunk the house out and the pie tasted awful, well my mam blamed the rabbits saying the one i shot must be different to the ones me granddad used to shoot, & me dad...... he blamed me mam,

See the thing was I'd shoot all day then clean & skin them the following day,...... it was a long time before i found out if you don't gut them very soon after their shoot it taints the meat, I don't know what others do but I do them within 20 minutes or so, problem solved



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Ye I think I know were you mean nr Preston . How would I tackle them in winter ? I rarely see the at the moment but when summer comes there everywhere ! Maybe ferreting ?

frankly the daylight is longer in summer and they are in their highest numbers due to the young being around (most will be killed by predators before winter realy sets in) Go out at night with a .22 rf , air gun or .410 and a lamp.

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I empty the bladder then gut them immediately,so the smell is barely noticeable.Unless a game dealer has specified otherwise this is as far as we go.All are headshot(as they're worth more)and although we no longer supply the local Bird of Prey Centre the only full rabbits they would accept were either headshot or ferreted.

Ask around your neighbours and especially those with dogs/cats;we used to get 1.50 for a skinned rabbit from people who wanted them for their pets.Skinning takes seconds with practise. :good:

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Soft as it sounds I just don't like rabbits. I've been shooting for 20 years since I was a 10 year old boy and can gutt pigeons, pheasants ducks etc all day long but rabbits for some reason I can't stand the look at ! Mad I know ! I wouldn't mind shooting them and just giving them straight to somebody but the thought of gutting them puts the shivers up me !! I surpose it's a bit of a fobia ! Do birds of pray places take them hole ?

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What about taking an apprentice out with you would the land owner have that. Or a son or family member that wants to get into shooting. you could have some fun, they can gut them. I'm sure people on here with ferrets would take the off your hands and u wnt have to skin them ..

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Well I keep thinking this to my self. I hate waste and don't normally shoot things just for the fun of it but I suppose these are a real pest and need sorting. Just like rats and crows etc. There's a river that runs down the bottom of his land. What the laws of throwing them in there ? Wait for the shock horror !!

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Just shoot them and leave them for the fox, or the crows. There is nothing to say you have to eat them, I probably wouldn't bother taking them home these days, I would just dump them. As you say, you wouldn't eat foxes, magpies, crows or rats if the farmer asked you to shoot them. People who keep hawks are always a good bet.

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