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Ammo limits and time.

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Here is a question for you.


I can buy 500 and hold 750 rounds for my rimfires, when I buy 500, how long do I have to wait to buy the "other" 250 (assuming I have none at home)?


My local RFD said the Police were cracking down on people buying ammo, leaving the shop and then returning to buy the balance of the limit.


So, what are the general rules or experiences found?





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You can buy 500 today, and the remainder the same day if you wish. The RFD should have no objection selling them to you. As long as you don't go over your holding limit, then no law has been broken. Also, if your holding limit was 750, and you bought the 750 in one transaction, providing you used, say 200, you could purchase that amount the next day. The RFD does not know, or needs to know what you have at home.

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Im puzzled if your not happy with your buy and to hold limits get them changed, my FEO said if you need more just let me know I hold 500 .17HMR and buy 400 its more than enough but I know I can change it, a friend of mine has to hold 1000 and buy 1000.

Just change it mate


Edited by Alanl50
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I thought as much.


I'm not that unhappy with the limits though I have been thinking of changing them, esp. now I have my new semi auto, but as I have had my certs for less than a year I was going to wait a wee bit.


It was just a query about protocols more than anything else.


My nearest RFD is 20 miles away and it's a bit of a pain getting there, my FEO said I could get the limits reviewed if I joined a club and did more target shooting.

Edited by White Lodge
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Here is a question for you.


I can buy 500 and hold 750 rounds for my rimfires, when I buy 500, how long do I have to wait to buy the "other" 250 (assuming I have none at home)?


My local RFD said the Police were cracking down on people buying ammo, leaving the shop and then returning to buy the balance of the limit.


So, what are the general rules or experiences found?





Cracking down ? in what way can they "crack down" on something that is perfectly Ok, legal and effects nobody and bears no relevance what so ever on public safety. Is that person stupid? or just so far up themselves they cannot see daylight?

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Here is a question for you.


I can buy 500 and hold 750 rounds for my rimfires, when I buy 500, how long do I have to wait to buy the "other" 250 (assuming I have none at home)?


My local RFD said the Police were cracking down on people buying ammo, leaving the shop and then returning to buy the balance of the limit.



Am I missing something "Buying the balance of their limit" means to me they might have no ammo but say 600 to keep 500 to buy on their cert. If they had completely run out then it is perfectly legal to buy 100 then return and buy 500 taking them to the 600. At no time have they exceeded their limit, so no law has been broken.









sorry seem to have inserted into the quoted post

Edited by kent
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I went to buy some ammo last week and as I had none at home I asked my RFD if I bought 500 when could I buy the other 250 and he was reluctant to let me have any more that day. I was interested in the time scales involved, could I buy 500 leave the shop, put the ammo in my truck and then go back in and buy the rest?

As long as I buy no more that 500 in any one transaction and stay within my limits i should be able to buy what I want.


I suppose it is his name is on my cert and it may look dodgy to some FEOs.

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could I buy 500 leave the shop, put the ammo in my truck and then go back in and buy the rest?

As long as I buy no more that 500 in any one transaction and stay within my limits i should be able to buy what I want.


I suppose it is his name is on my cert and it may look dodgy to some FEOs.


The answer is Yes, on all of the above.


Some RFD's copy the information directly to your licencing force, so if you go between dealers on the same day they will also know.

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Last time I did this I did the one transaction then followed straight up with another lot. The RFD just wrote down the two amounts I could have to make the total and then charged the card twice. All he did was ask if I had any more ammo other than the first lot and I said no - simple really.

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If you are practicing doing steel plates you can easily shoot 500 in a morning and another 500 in the afternoon.


Its beyond discussion because if you really are a dangerous fruitloop who has slipped through the system you are just going to stockpile them, and anyway 500 would be more that enough to do a massive amount of harm even if you didn't..

Edited by Vince Green
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pay you a visit to see if your holding more than allowed


And you do not have to let them in. The police have zero authority to spot check certificate holders and, in my opinion, no certificate holder should let them in.


Obviously, I'm not advocating doing anything illegal.




The answer is Yes, on all of the above.


Some RFD's copy the information directly to your licencing force, so if you go between dealers on the same day they will also know.


I don't know of any RFD's who report ammo sales to the cops. Lots of hassle for something which isn't a requirement.



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If you read your cert it says something along the lines of. Rfd is satisfied your not excceding your limits.

So if you can buy 500 hold 700 and buy andshoot 500 that morning then go back for another 500 he might not be satisfied.


That condition is yet another one of those weird things about firearms law that you probably very often sign knowing that you may not be doing so lawfully. I mean, how can you possibly 'satisfy your self' that the transaction won't put the certifiate holder over his holding limit if the history of transactions shows purchases already up to, or exceeding his limit? Quite simply, you cannot unless there is some proof that he has shot it all or otherwise disposed of it.



Edited by JonathanL
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Put in for extra but make sure you can justify extra , easy way to do that is to have a bit of a shoot a thon and get plenty put on your ticket over a few weeks/ months


Nothing wrong with buying 500 in the morning and then another 500 in the afternoon


We have to keep a log of what we sell so it might flag up in a Log check and they might ask a few Questions as to Why you purchased 1000 in a day, as long as you say i shot 400 in the morning then its Good reason


Dont what ever you do say you want your limit raising because you can get bullets Cheaper per 1000 , Never goes down too well with the police

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Sorry to jump this thread but what if you reload and want to buy bullets i can buy 100 & hold 120 in 223 and 243 what if i wanted to buy 2 different weight bullets say one weight for foxes and one for deer were do i stand in the same caliber

Expanding bullets count towards your limit, even if you dont make them into cartridges.


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