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South Dakota Teachers to be Armed...


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Because I'm respectful I don't need to use insult or sarcasm


It's enough for my to ask, the answer to gun crime is more guns? .......

fight fire with fire.

laws only restrict the people who obey them.

generally people who want to go shoot kiddies dont pay to much attention to the law.

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Yes because the uk has never had a school shooting/rampage.

Living under a rock? ???


look at the stats and its hardly as regular, evidence is there in the states that their approach doesn't work.


This idea will cost more lives due to accidents than it saves,

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look at the stats and its hardly as regular, evidence is there in the states that their approach doesn't work.


This idea will cost more lives due to accidents than it saves,

just look at the stats on guns alone.

without going and looking i think it was 3million known guns. id lay a bet theres the same number of unknown guns to.

it would take hundreds of years to get to the (mess) stage were we are now in the states.

just remember we as a country are tiny compared to America. and as a nation we roll over, the yanks dont.

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Yes that proves you are speaking with an informed prospective and really know what your talking about


You are welcome to your opinion but don't make the mistake of being sure your right especially as you have proved you don't actually know any details


No disrespect but I don't think ill be replying to you again because your views are not really bassed on fact so descusion is erelervent

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In other news, Colorado is about to ban the sale of all new magazines holding more than 15 rounds in the state. The Democrats ramming it through say it's to reduce the carnage in the event of another mass shooting.


Only problem is the worst mass shooting in US history (Virginia Tech- 32 dead, 17 wounded) was carried out with magazines holding 15 rounds or fewer. That should tell you how well that's going to work.

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I'm surprised no one has said


Yes in some respects they are flawed, and the paper work is a pain, and yes some forces are better than others but if that's the price that has to be paid for to keep mass shootings out of schools


I'm happy with that.

You can thank God if you want,but I don't think he has anything to do with UK gun laws.

Otherwise most of what you say is correct.The gun laws ARE flawed,and the paperwork IS a pain,and yes,some forces are BETTER than others,but this has been the state of affairs for years,since before Hungerford,Dunblane and West Cumbria.They were flawed then,and they remain so now,but even more flawed is the implementation of that legislation.


Who is paying the price for keeping mass shootings out of schools,'cos it certainly isn't us?Apart from the fact none of us have the intent,what is there in place to prevent you or I from walking into a school with our guns?

But,as long as you're happy!

Edited by Scully
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In other news, Colorado is about to ban the sale of all new magazines holding more than 15 rounds in the state. The Democrats ramming it through say it's to reduce the carnage in the event of another mass shooting.


Only problem is the worst mass shooting in US history (Virginia Tech- 32 dead, 17 wounded) was carried out with magazines holding 15 rounds or fewer. That should tell you how well that's going to work.


They are just as clueless as the muppets we have..... I haven't seen it but is a requirement that all teachers are armed? Or that they can be armed.....

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theres got to be more to it than that i dont think its that simple


These kind of people want infamy, they want to cause as much death and destruction as possible, so naturally they are going to carry out their attacks on places where they will meet the least resistance. Why do think there are never mass killing sprees at shooting ranges or gun clubs? Because they know they would probably only get a couple of shots in before they are gunned down by the other armed patrons.


They have armed classrooms in Israel. And do you know how many school shootings have been carried out by a lone gunman in Israel? Just one, back in 2008. A Palestinian man with supposed links to terrorist groups, managed to kill 8 people using an AK47, before being shot dead himself by an armed member of staff. Now 8 people dead is terrible of course, but i have no doubt it could have been a hell of a lot worse if the staff members weren't armed.

Edited by VikingRebel
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the only reason these morons chose schools is because they are gun free zones.
Imagine that a school a gun free zone what will they think of next. Remember most of the individuals that carry out the shootings kill themselves after so the chance of being shot by armed teachers is not going to stop them. If it did deter them they would just pick a less well protected target.
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You can thank God if you want,but I don't think he has anything to do with UK gun laws.

Otherwise most of what you say is correct.The gun laws ARE flawed,and the paperwork IS a pain,and yes,some forces are BETTER than others,but this has been the state of affairs for years,since before Hungerford,Dunblane and West Cumbria.They were flawed then,and they remain so now,but even more flawed is the implementation of that legislation.


Who is paying the price for keeping mass shootings out of schools,'cos it certainly isn't us?Apart from the fact none of us have the intent,what is there in place to prevent you or I from walking into a school with our guns?

But,as long as you're happy!


Yes I'm happy & I fail to actually see you point through


However you have a gun licence so there's a good chance you & I are of sound mind, this fact alone would make it less likely for either of us to commit such crimes, additionally if joe public has a heated argument with someone he can not go to Asda to buy a gun

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kennym - talk about others having a closed mind.



Any chance of some facts to support your "argument"? Or would they be " erelervent".:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


For the record - it's their country so it's up to them what they do. At least they are trying to do something, whether you agree with it or not.

Edited by Gordon R
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It's pointless and I think the potential for accidents far out weighs the potential benefits of stopping an attacker. I think the NRA have acted terribly in response to proposed new legislation by going on the counter attack and scaring people into thinking teachers need to be armed. A horrible fact of life is things like this happen. With incredibly high populations and human nature being what it is, there will always be some sick deranged people who do something which horrifies us. It's always been this way, mass killings are certainly not new to this world, and if anything society values human life more then it ever has before. To try and ban all guns or to try and arm every citizen isn't going to stop tragedies from happening.


However I don't think arming teachers will make it more likely that they will kill pupils, except by mishandling and misuse of firearms.

I think that the main reason why the NRA are so against changing / tightening up on gun laws is that they look at places like the UK and see it as a slippery slope to banning ordinary people from have a way to defend themselves other than holding there hands up as is the situation in this country and I for one do not blame them.

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It seems to me that the very argument for allowing people to have guns in the US is a paradox, they believe it gives them freedom, but it seems very oppressive to me for teachers to be armed with sole intent of shooting people... They are only looking to defend themselves against themselves.


Looking at it in another light I know how I would feel if my daughter was at a school in the uk where the teachers carried knives, machetes or axes to defend themselves and the pupils. If it was deemed necessary then the horse has already bolted and the society is pretty fubared.

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kennym - talk about others having a closed mind.



Any chance of some facts to support your "argument"? Or would they be " erelervent". :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


For the record - it's their country so it's up to them what they do. At least they are trying to do something, whether you agree with it or not.


sorry Gordon i dont see your point or you have missinterpated me, I dont have a closed mind but the post i was answering blatantly showed the poster was not in recipt of the facts, so any further responce was a waist of time

For the record it is their country at no point did I surgest otherwise I simply commented on the situation

as far as facts go I could quote a load but world governments cant agree based on fact so whats the chances of us doing so?


Finally i respect you and your views, mine seam to be differant.

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I think that the main reason why the NRA are so against changing / tightening up on gun laws is that they look at places like the UK and see it as a slippery slope to banning ordinary people from have a way to defend themselves other than holding there hands up as is the situation in this country and I for one do not blame them.


No I agree entirely, I would not encourage any further gun laws in the USA except making the ones they already have better, e.g better maintained and more thorough licensing checks. Legislation at the moment is targeting semi-automatic rifles which look scary to the ignorant. Which are rarely used in crimes. If the USA wanted to protect it's children rather then pass laws which incrementally took away constitutional rights then they would pass environmental reforms to reduce global warming and pollution. However the NRA's way of handling the situation doesn't seem to be putting up a rational argument but instead causing a hysteria, blaming video games and pretending American society is one under threat which requires an armed response.

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Just seen on the news that teachers in South Dakota can arm themselves...


Now call me mad or stupid or whatever, but surely this isn't sensible?


I understand they want to protect kids, but by giving guns to people in school seems bonkers!


How long before some teacher has has enough and wipes out the classy bully or the entire class...


Bound to happen...


But if someone decided to do this then they'd do it anyway.



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Are they to receive the same training as police officers? In a country where the are few restrictions an anyone buying a gun, how is the suitability of an individual to be armed in a class full of kids to be assessed? People who go into teaching are generally not the sort who would choose law enforcement or the military as a career. I would not want them armed and anywhere near my kids without a great deal more thought.




Sorry, but this just isn't true.



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Are they receiving the same training as police officers? In America the biggest cause of officer deaths, by far, is accidental shooting by other officers. This is the big elephant in this particular room. Arming teachers? yes if they want to I can see the logic in a perverse sort of way.


However, teachers, or anybody, actually firing a gun in a school = too risky for words. The logic I believe is to deter people from trying it in the first place but most high school shooters end up shooting themselves anyway so are they functioning on a level where it will deter them or excite them? Thats hard to predict

Edited by Vince Green
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theres got to be more to it than that i dont think its that simple


How many people choose to shoot up police stations, army bases, gun shops or shooting ranges? Very few and I would suggest that the numbers are, if not actually zero, then as close to zero as makes no odds.


How many mass-shootings have there been in gun shops in Arizona, Texas, Nevada?


Just about every mass shooting in the past couple of decades has been perpetrated in places where the possession firearms is prohibited or, at best, very heavily restricted


If you want to test the premiss then simply walk in to a public range in the US and try to shoot people. You won't get very far!



Edited by JonathanL
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I think that the main reason why the NRA are so against changing / tightening up on gun laws is that they look at places like the UK and see it as a slippery slope to banning ordinary people from have a way to defend themselves other than holding there hands up as is the situation in this country and I for one do not blame them.





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