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What would a Ukip Britain look like?


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Yep, sounds good to me on paper BUT...don't forget who actually runs the country!

I think that if they did get in to power they would find that we are in such a mess that they wouldn't be able to implement many of their good ideas because the Civil Service wouldn't let them!





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It's about time people stop being scared about offending other people.


Boot camps- to right, prison is a ******* holiday camp. It should be run more like army basic training with restriction of privileges for ******* up and rewarded with a extra hour in bed for working hard. Prison officers should be feared and respected


Benefits for up to 3 children- how many problems will this solve, it was only the other week I was reading about the woman with 16 or so kids getting a house specially built for her with our money!!


Scrapping the politically correct cps- thank **** for that.


Everything they say should already be happening right now. One thing I would like to see defence wise is hand defence contracts out to British company's instead of sending it all abroad to places like china

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I contacted UKIP a while back and they are pro shooting, so don't worry about them being raging antis.


A UKIP Britain would be brilliant. We wouldn't give over £50 million a day to the EU for the privilege of having over 60% of our laws made in a different country, we would have hardly any wind turbines destroying the landscape, we'd get rid of all the pc nonsense which seems to have taken over, stop listening to the European Court of Human Rights, we would have a stronger military, etc.


UKIP will have my vote at the next election. Might even help them with campaigning if I can.

Edited by Reece
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I think they need to sort out their energy policy, Coal fired stations will only last so long, even if we totally disregard the effect on the environment, we need a renewable and viable alternative to be endorsed by the government, and fast.


is that right? wonder what the Germans are building a lot of right now :hmm:




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I think they need to sort out their energy policy, Coal fired stations will only last so long, even if we totally disregard the effect on the environment, we need a renewable and viable alternative to be endorsed by the government, and fast.


That's the only thing I disagree with them on, but Britain is only responsible for 2% of global emissions, so what we do makes no difference. That's why I can tolerate their climate change skepticism.


Besides, they're not opposed to renewables in principle, they just don't want them to receive excessive government subsides.

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I'll be voting UKIP at the next election as long as my local candidate isn't a complete numpty...


Coal fired power stations... open the coalfields back up and create jobs too, which in turn will create wealth etc.. etc.. yes we can import it cheaper but creating jobs and wealth here means people have money to spend and our economy grows... we need to get back to being self sufficient instead of relying on cheap imports (of anything!)

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I think they need to sort out their energy policy, Coal fired stations will only last so long, even if we totally disregard the effect on the environment, we need a renewable and viable alternative to be endorsed by the government, and fast.

I think they need to sort out their energy policy, Coal fired stations will only last so long, even if we totally disregard the effect on the environment, we need a renewable and viable alternative to be endorsed by the government, and fast.

Theres enough coal under ground to last over 200 years.surely thats long enough to find a renewable source.

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I'm voting UKIP as well, last years Corby's by-election all my family that live there voted UKIP and they were strong tory voters before that. I agree with building Coal fire power stations instead of spending millions subsidising(spelling) wind turbines. The money that we save from this should be finding more alternatives that wont scare our landscapes so much and are more efficient.


LAB LIBS and CONS have all lost the plot they only think of themselves and how much they can make for themselves, they all have interests and business's in Europe so you can forget about any referendum they offer us even if they promise one.


OK then, defend this; Ban schools from showing Al Gore's film, An Inconvenient Truth.


What`s next after this?


Cause that film is a load of bull that why. Propaganda or what.

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I'm voting UKIP as well, last years Corby's by-election all my family that live there voted UKIP and they were strong tory voters before that. I agree with building Coal fire power stations instead of spending millions subsidising(spelling) wind turbines. The money that we save from this should be finding more alternatives that wont scare our landscapes so much and are more efficient.


LAB LIBS and CONS have all lost the plot they only think of themselves and how much they can make for themselves, they all have interests and business's in Europe so you can forget about any referendum they offer us even if they promise one.



I wouldn't trust the outcome of the vote on any referendum from the Libs, Labs or Cons....they are all liars.....money grabbing ones at that.


So they will also be doing some book burning then?


Yep...I would....starting with the quoran.. or whatever it's called......evil little Novels these religious books.

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Climate change is happening its been happening ever since Earth was made, man cannot keep the climate the same if Mother nature wants to change it, all that we are doing is probably hastening it.


When I was at school I was told that by now there would be no Arctic or Antarctica yes they have reduced in size and probably will disappear one day but what can we do? Do the Scientist know for sure that if we stop using fossil fuels that everything be back to normal? Can there be a normal Climate? What is a Normal climate?


And plus alot of our freedom of speech has been taken away already.


Sorry for taking this off track.

Edited by Boromir
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Climate change is happening its been happening ever since Earth was made, man cannot keep the climate the same if Mother nature wants to change it, all that we are doing is probably hastening it.


When I was at school I was told that by now there would be no Arctic or Antarctica yes they have reduced in size and probably will disappear one day but what can we do? Do the Scientist know for sure that if we stop using fossil fuels that everything be back to normal? Can there be a normal Climate? What is a Normal climate?


And plus alot of our freedom of speech has been taken away already.


Sorry for taking this off track.


agree global warming is poo its freezing outside.



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OK then, defend this; Ban schools from showing Al Gore's film, An Inconvenient Truth.


What`s next after this?


Factual documentaries are fine, but Al Gore's film verges on propaganda. I do believe in man made climate change, and the evidence of it is overwhelming, but they should not present only one side of the debate.


Britain is responsible for only 2% of global emissions, so what we do is irrelevant. But most scientists agree that climate change is happening and is largely man made. Some claims have been misleading and/or exaggerated, but the climate is changing and humans are a major part of it. I believe in it, but I'm not going to avoid voting UKIP just because I disagree with them on one issue. If Britain was responsible for a larger percentage of global emissions than 2% things would be different.


Besides, the UKIP website says "ban schools from using global warming propaganda such as Al Gore's film", it's not limited to one film, depsite what has been suggested. Opposing propaganda films in general in schools doesn't strike me as unreasonable.


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agree global warming is poo its freezing outside.




Don't mean to be pedantic, but global warming/climate change is a long term general trend. Huge difference between a trend over several decades or more and what the weather happens to be outside right now.

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