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Sad Day For A Beautiful Bird.

Elk hunter

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One of the guys from PW who came on a Beginners Day with me came back yesterday to pay on my range. Sam and I have become friendly since culling a deer and I invited him over to learn a little in the use of fire arms and shooting at different ranges along with ballistics.

But we first went to get my roe targets out of a small barn on the land. On entry we saw a dead bird on the floor. Soon realised it was a barn owl, fell down the chimney and couldn't get out. Don't often go into the barn and the owl had starved to death. Couldn't stop thinking about it, such a beautiful bird that has died an awfull death.

Went back to day and buried it, made me feel better along with some chicken wire over the chimney.

It's still sad.



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I don't think I've ever seen a barn owl. Plenty of tawny owls though, we have loads of them.


Might try putting an owl box up sometime. There was an article in the BASC magazine a while back about barn owls and their conservation.

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used to breed them years ago aswell as south african barn owls and tawny owls truelly magnificent birds and a pleasure to behold.we have owl boxes out on a farm and a pair that breeds there every year to help out we also leave out a pile of day old chicks when times are hard .a little help for these birds goes a long way.if you have some land it doesnt take much to put a box up or contact owl trust and they will help.

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They are beutifull birds! I was out last friday in very thick woodland (checking out a new perm) and i saw a long eared owl for the first time! Around the same size and coulor as a tawny owly but had big yellowy/orange eyes! Ive spent many a day in the country but that was a first for me! All my perms have regular barn owl visits! Are they on the up then?


Im told long eared owls are most common down south?

Edited by fabarm gamma boy
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sadly killed a few when i used to work nights and travelling home.they make you jump hitting the side windows at 60 mph

Was once driving our 7.5 tonner back from a job early evening and ducked as I saw something out of the corner of my eye just before it hit the windscreen.Made a helluva bang and bounced off.Realised it had been an owl,and when I looked at the screen there was a perfect imprint in white powder,of the owl,on the windscreen!

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