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HMR, How loud?

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Having been let down by one of my so called friends I want an idea how loud a HMR is with a SAK moderator fitted. I'm on the cusp of buying a 455 with laminated thumbhole stock but do have to consider a couple of places where horses are over the hedge of my permissions and don't want to end up not being able to use it.


What would the noise be equivalent to etc.

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during the day it's not too loud take a ruler put it on the table hand on one end and lift up and let it slap back down on table'

in the dead of the night though it can sound off with quiet a crack

bit vague but something like that

or pop over to Bedford one evening we can pop out for you to listern



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My 455 thumbhole with a 16 inch barrel and Sak mod makes a decent crack compared to a .22lr however the number of times I've asked the mrs if she's heard it from the yard when I've been out (often no more than a 100 yards away behind me as I'm walking out into the fields) and she's not heard a thing.

I would also the mr rabbit doesn't hear it from a reasonable distance when he's trying to work out why his mates just fallen over!

I can only equate it to a similar level of noise as my Hushpower 12g Baikal.

If you're anywhere near N Yorks you're welcome to see!

Edited by ben0850
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does give off a good crack when at night but its not too bad in the day unless your in a valley etc where it can seem loud, if i had to compare it i would say similar to a .410 but its a differant kind of noice, a loud crack instead of a bang, and depends where you shoot it, sometimes it can seem really loud and others hardly noticable, also what ever mod you have matters little as you will never moderate a supersonic round, you could spent a couple of hundred quid on one and maybe gain 2db reduction over a sak, stick with the 35 quid option.

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during the day it's not too loud take a ruler put it on the table hand on one end and lift up and let it slap back down on table'

in the dead of the night though it can sound off with quiet a crack

bit vague but something like that

or pop over to Bedford one evening we can pop out for you to listern



Thats a perfect analogy!


Sitsinhedges, if you're ever in the midlands soon, PM me and come and have a go.


They are nowhere near a shotgun loud, apart from Colins perfect comparison, a loud clap is about it.

Edited by kyska
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picked up 452 with sak mod last Monday. The way they are portrayed on some forums i was expecting it to be really loud but it really isn't. if your in a valley it will echo, but i went lamping with a friend and his 22 and can honestly say was not much difference. i genuinely shot 2 rabbits sitting next to each other with no problems. they did not scatter. if i had a choice between a 22 or 17hmr id pick the 17 all day long. bias i know, but i also don't mind admitting when iv made the wrong choice.

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I would say that the hmr is a little quieter than an unmodded .22 with subs. However the sound is very different. The moderated hmr has a very short, sharp crack to it, but the .22 is more of a explosive bang. Sorry, I don't really know how else to describe it.

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Have just got mine, Savage varmint, stainless steel 20inch thumb hole stock with SAC moderator. I was surprised at how quite it was to what I expected, fitted with a Nickon Monarch 6.5 x 20 it's awesome, Rapid not been out since, got it at half what it cost with 75 rounds fired,also 200 HMR V max. Chuffed. john.

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If you are after a 455 have a look on the stalking directory or pm me, I know of one going for £350 18 months old if that done next to nothing with mod and 2 mags,

Noise wise it varies depending on land big open fields it sounds quiet, between woods a bit of a crack

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How can you describe it?


The HMR has a right crack with whatever mod you want to put on it.


Most mods do a reasonable job of moderating the propellant bang but there if FA they can do about the sonic crack shortly after it leaves the barrel. The tone of which will change depending on your location.

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i have never heard the report of an hmr, how would it compare with an un-moderated .22 using subs.

In my opinion and experience an un-modded .22 using subs is both louder and a different noise than a modded .17

I doubt you would shoot 2 rabbits sitting within 3yards of each other with an un-modded .22 like I did with the .17 the other evening.




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There is a theory that the sound from an HMR is non directional rather like thunder which seems to answer why rabbits still hang around. Its possible other animals experience the same. Another vote here for the post about the ruler comparison by Colin, post 7. I would think its less spooky to horses than a shotgun.

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There is a theory that the sound from an HMR is non directional rather like thunder which seems to answer why rabbits still hang around. Its possible other animals experience the same. Another vote here for the post about the ruler comparison by Colin, post 7. I would think its less spooky to horses than a shotgun.



If I flick a ruler by the end it doen't sound very loud at all but if I strike a hard surface with one that is quite loud.


For shooting I would be very happy with the former.

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you need to hear one personally to get an idea, I took someone on here out last night to give him an idea and he was very surprised at how quiet it was compared to what he imagined from people posting about them. It was windy and the ground was open so the best possible options for loosing the noise but still it gave him more confidence in what to apply for.

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