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Ed Balls again


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The buffoon still carps on about how slow the recovery is etc etc, still won't tell us his policies on how he would handle things ( more spending). Yet what he has accidentally forgotten is that he had 13 years to screw things up. You are not going to turn it round straight away.

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Unfortunately there is a group of people who will fall for this tripe. It's easy to spend other people's money.


What people forget is that the previous new labour government came in to power on a good wicket - hanging off the coat tails of a strong conservative recovery. All they managed to do was tax and spend, squandering the lot.

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Every time I hear him and Milliband complaining about the state of the economy, I cant help but think of kevin and perry, they are like teenagers who trashed their bedrooms and are now complaining about how their parents are cleaning it up for them.


In the last few years of the Labour government I said to a few people that they appeared to be deliberately putting the country in such a state, so that it would be virtually impossible for any incoming government to turn it around in one term of office. Gordon Brown and all his party are no better than Saddam Hussein burning the oil wells of Kuwait as they left.

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another snout in trough merchant who along with his wife (yvette cooper) managed to flip a home 3 times at the taxpayers expense,fiddling ****, still as they say they only want the best for us.



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He's not the only one that Labour MP on Question time last Thursday was asked what would she would do about immigration she had no clue and couldnt come up with an answer. Then they all decided to gang up on Mr Farage because he has the all scared.

they cant stop immigration, its the only way they can get to see their own doctors.



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What's rattling Balls is the economic figures which show not only that the economy is stagnating but that the Coalition isn't cutting but has in fact been increasing spending just as Balls has been clamouring for since his party lost the election. Osborne, far from being the evil Tory hatchet man has it turns out been pursuing Ballsian policies almost to the letter and the results are in. Even the the BBC's Alice-in Wonderland economists are struggling to spin the results. Newsnight estimated that our present levels of debt will take 400 years to pay down. Mr Balls thinks this is not enough and would like to increase our borrowing. And that is without adding the 'off-balance sheet' (which is just Brown double-speak for 'too explosive to talk about') spending commitments, including unfunded public sector pensions. These add another £1 trillion to the debt. That puts us give or take some small change in the same league as Greece.

The squawking on the Labour front benches is the unmistakable sound of chickens coming home to roost.

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What's rattling Balls is the economic figures which show not only that the economy is stagnating but that the Coalition isn't cutting but has in fact been increasing spending just as Balls has been clamouring for since his party lost the election. Osborne, far from being the evil Tory hatchet man has it turns out been pursuing Ballsian policies almost to the letter and the results are in. Even the the BBC's Alice-in Wonderland economists are struggling to spin the results. Newsnight estimated that our present levels of debt will take 400 years to pay down. Mr Balls thinks this is not enough and would like to increase our borrowing. And that is without adding the 'off-balance sheet' (which is just Brown double-speak for 'too explosive to talk about') spending commitments, including unfunded public sector pensions. These add another £1 trillion to the debt. That puts us give or take some small change in the same league as Greece.

The squawking on the Labour front benches is the unmistakable sound of chickens coming home to roost.

Its a media myth that there are huge cuts going on. Not one 'non job' has been shed because david appointed internal peope to decide on cuts, turkeys never vote for xmas. If an outside company decided, then you would see real cuts, its a total farce the u.k., £26,000 is considered a terribly low amount to lay out on benefits for people, they dont even have to lift a finger for it and then the church, yes, the church waffles on about how inhumane it all is. Look at the guardian tomorrow, packed with public sector non jobs, our local swimming pool just laid out £5.8 million on a sliding roof for the swimming pool to copy the one at wimbledon, our theatre cost £25million with an initial quote of £15million. The spending levels are at 2007 levels which were suicidal back then, but now we only have 0.3% growth. Its all as daft as a brush, ex pats in sunny climates who turned their backs on the u.k. get a heating allowance, to me, that sums it all up!!!

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Quote from Kdubya

Posted Today, 02:04 PM

Boromir, on 28 Apr 2013 - 14:02, said:snapback.png

He's not the only one that Labour MP on Question time last Thursday was asked what would she would do about immigration she had no clue and couldnt come up with an answer. Then they all decided to gang up on Mr Farage because he has the all scared.

they cant stop immigration, its the only way they can get to see their own doctors.




Aw man that is just brilliant - I need one of those lying on the floor thumping my fist icons Har har har har :good::lol::yahoo:

Pushkin B)

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Labour in the Blair / Brown years were so appallingly corrupt that its going to take a hundred years to turn around the damage thats been done. And thats only if we can get a decent government that lasts a hundred years which is unlikely. History will be the judge of Blair and Brown but we can be the judge of Milliband and Balls.


Whatever your politics just remember, when Blair took over Britain was in the black. that must not be forgotten. He and Brown just borrowed money hand over fist and pumped it into making the country feel good.

Edited by Vince Green
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Ridiculed for being the grey man of politics, john Major left Tony Blair an economic position the like of which no incoming prime minister has benefitted from for a generation.

Blair spent it all and squandered the future probably eclipsed by Brown in ignorance and stupidity of all except buying the countrys vote. Politicians are the epitome of self interest.

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maybe we can use them as claypigeons or landmine clearance devices in afgan.just drop them from 500ft out of a helicopter onto minefields and see what happens .cant see as they have any other purpose in life other than to annoy the hell out of people by breathing :hmm::hmm:

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Labour in the Blair / Brown years were so appallingly corrupt that its going to take a hundred years to turn around the damage thats been done. And thats only if we can get a decent government that lasts a hundred years which is unlikely. History will be the judge of Blair and Brown but we can be the judge of Milliband and Balls.


Whatever your politics just remember, when Blair took over Britain was in the black. that must not be forgotten. He and Brown just borrowed money hand over fist and pumped it into making the country feel good.


Agree entirely, except that I believe their catastrophic borrowing and spending programme was intended less as a crude bribe than to create an institutionalised society dependant on vastly expanded government and State intervention and control. They meant to create a nation of babies. Or 'client state' as Brown called it. The old socialist concept of the command economy has been utterly discredited to the poiint of mockery but it didn't stop then trying to create a command society. Judging by the amount of squealing and foot-stamping at supposed austerity and the general economic and political illiteracy of so much of society, they largely succeeded. What a poisonous legacy.

Edited by Gimlet
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:good: I'm not getting into politics at all, but it does indeed occur to me every time Labour knock the Conservatives for the bad state, and slow recovery of the country, that it was them that created this mess!


Seems a little odd, and if it was the other way round I would be knocking the other party, I am not making a political statement! :no::good:

Edited by Dekers
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Thats exactly the way it goes dekers, what you can say is the global economy is far from good and the measures taken in the UK so far have been careful. On one hand they get moaned at for the cuts and on the other for not doing enough its damned if you do and damned if you don't. The fundamental facts are though public spending is too high and a lot of that is due to welfare now we are a country where people just aren't prepared to cut that out so measures are being taken to get it under control while the party in power has a noose round their neck of the lib dems. The defecit isn't growing which actually means a lot has been done because the interest payments on the debt are massive and these things escalate.

The main issue is the economy isn't growing / recovering but that is happening globally, that means every future prediction is exactly that a prediction or guess things will turn round when there is an inkling of a recovery and tax revenues go up. That is the major stumbling block at the moment companies aren't making the money to pay massive levels of tax as they do when they are profitable.

Has anybody noticed T Blair can't stop laughing...all the way to the bank.


the only saving grace with that is I haven't heard a thing about Gordon Clown

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The defecit isn't growing



Yes it is. It is growing less rapidly than it was but the Government is spending more than Brown did even at his incontinent worst and it has yet to address off-balance sheet spending commintments which are growing exponentially. It treats them with a discreet cough and changes the subject.

The road to Hell may be paved with good intentions but it is maintained with incompetence and political cowardice.

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you'll have to back that up as the only figures I can find show we have a small drop compared to last years borrowings. That comes from the ONS so should be reasonably accurate, bearing in mind tax revenue decrease which is the large indicator they have at least stopped deficit growth spiraling upwards

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