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But it's a very, very big gamble to vote for a party with no track record and no clear policies. For those that say I don't care what their policies are, I'm votim for them anyway, I would say wait for the substance and then make up your mind otherwise it is only a protest vote - not a good enough reason to represent the countries interests.

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But it's a very, very big gamble to vote for a party with no track record and no clear policies. For those that say I don't care what their policies are, I'm votim for them anyway, I would say wait for the substance and then make up your mind otherwise it is only a protest vote - not a good enough reason to represent the countries interests.


I am less conserned about a party with no track record in government than with the existing track records of Labour and the Conservative. A vote for them is not a gamble. It is a racing certainty for more of the same policies that have dismantled our sovereignty, our borders and our economy.

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A party (Ukip) cannot expect to base its policies solely on immigration. What do they have to say about defense, education, legal reform, the NHS, taxation, economy, reducing defecit, etc etc etc. By all means vote locally to scare the big 2/3 but would you really want to put them in charge!


Here you go.




Policies are being updated and new ones being discussed, but remember that the media has a big say in which are the most publicised.

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But it's a very, very big gamble to vote for a party with no track record and no clear policies. For those that say I don't care what their policies are, I'm votim for them anyway, I would say wait for the substance and then make up your mind otherwise it is only a protest vote - not a good enough reason to represent the countries interests.


It's a bit of a catch 22, how is UKIP going to get its own track record if people don't vote for them? If people followed that logic then change would be impossible. The LibLabCon have track records and none of their track records fills me with hope.


UKIP seems to have a good way to deal with this problem, focus on local and European elections first, that way people will see how they cope in a position of power. If they do well in those positions, they are in a better position for the general election. If they couldn't deal with a position of power and then crashed and burned, very few people would vote for them.

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The risk is that they are short sighted and would endanger long term growth and development for short term political gains. One big problem I have is with some of the consequences of their policies. If they were in power they would slash funding for renewable energy and research into climate change and at a stroke would cripple one of our last world-class industries and send all of our brightest and best minds straight to the US, Germany and Japan - and pretty much anywhere else in the world. This would leave Britain in a very precarious position as we would no longer be draw for the vast number of international scientists and graduates that look to Britain's universities for solutions to the world's problems. We can't compete on the world stage without developing new technologies as we can't produce anything low-tech at a price the world wants to pay, which will leave us with banking and services as our main industries - not the Britain I aspire to have.

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Remember when Tony Blair got elected he had never run anything before in his life. He did a terrible job but inexperience was not the primary cause of that. Cameron again, no previous track record of any note before he got the big job. Brown was just plain weird. Who knows what was going on in his mind?


This is part of the trouble with our present political system, Milliband is the same, utterly untested. We appear willing to hand the reins of power to people I wouldn't trust to run a chip shop


We would be better off taking the winner of the next series of the Apprentice and making them Prime Minister. At least we, the public, would have seen twelve episodes of them doing something first.


Nigel Farage seems to have some understanding of the issues and can articulate them. I think he has a good head on his shoulders. I can't speak for the rest of the party

Edited by Vince Green
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Remember when Tony Blair got elected he had never run anything before in his life. He did a terrible job but inexperience was not the primary cause of that. Cameron again, no previous track record of any note before he got the big job.

This is part of the trouble with our present political system, Milliband would be the same, utterly untested.

No but they had many, many MP's in the house for decades and the back-room staff with the experience a leader needs to make effective decisions.

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I find it hard to believe that people would even consider voting in more of this socialist dogma, oh hang on a minute, new labour created a monster public sector, a massive benefits culture, a huge underclass culture, deliberate mass immigration, vested interests galore, yes, i can see why some people would vote for more new labour, they would be silly not to!!!.



The truth is, the anti right wing propaganda force is so powerful and so slick, that it is often completely overlooked that john major, (that working class, grammar school boy) actually left the u.k. with a treasury bank balance that was in the black, sounds unbelievable doesnt it? Its true!


I think we have to vote ukip, the tories are now liberals and we know all about new labour. I dont care if they hit the ground running, everyones got to learn, i trust them, i am sure thay can improve things.

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We know labour/cons/libs are a joke who tell a bunch of porkie pies and go back on all their promises whereas UKIP have at worst a question mark against them so logically it should be a good idea to vote for them. Dont forget the definition of insanity is repeating the same action again and again and expecting a different result each time.


Climate change, bah, when was the last time someone mentioned acid rain? that sort of thing is to sell papers and get tax out of people.

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It's a bit of a catch 22, how is UKIP going to get its own track record if people don't vote for them? If people followed that logic then change would be impossible. The LibLabCon have track records and none of their track records fills me with hope.


UKIP seems to have a good way to deal with this problem, focus on local and European elections first, that way people will see how they cope in a position of power. If they do well in those positions, they are in a better position for the general election. If they couldn't deal with a position of power and then crashed and burned, very few people would vote for them.

I agree to a point, voting for the 3 main parties because that is what has always been done is dangerous and leads to profession politicians that don't understand the 'real' world, but is it less dangerous to vote for party that hasn't got any coherent policies and no experience in running one of the worlds biggest economies? My fear is they grow too fast - although I doubt they will as close scrutiny will show a few flaws. But UKIP have done us all a favour by shaking up Westminster and getting them to listen to the people, that can only be a good thing.

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But it's a very, very big gamble to vote for a party with no track record and no clear policies. For those that say I don't care what their policies are, I'm votim for them anyway, I would say wait for the substance and then make up your mind otherwise it is only a protest vote - not a good enough reason to represent the countries interests.

Well said!

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The tories , lib dems and labour governbents have all lied , backpeddled on promises and policies and managed to get us further and further into debt whenever they have been in power, they only represent their own interests . I have never voted before but this time im gonna get off my rse and give UKIP a chance for the simple reason that i dont trust any of the main parties due to their historical records of incompetance , UKIP may not be any better than their predecessors but if we dont give them a chance we will never know , voting in parties with a track record of incompetance and failure is not a sign of intellegence or good judgement

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Just took this quote out of their countryside and farming policy's, don't know if anyone has seen this


3.21 Hunting with dogs

UKIP does not support the ban on hunting with dogs, and would allow referendums on a county basis on the subject of lifting the current ban.


28 Hunting with Dogs and Angling

UKIP does not support the total ban of hunting with dogs, which has been a practical failure. UKIP believes that this is a matter best decided at the local level by local communities, and therefore will allow county-based referenda to overturn the ban within county boundaries on the basis of a simple majority. Where hunts cross county boundaries, co-terminus referenda could be promoted. Recent EU legislation that has made life difficult for anglers will be scrapped.

Edited by Gilberts1989
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Surely inexperience at Westminster is a good thing, it'll take them a least a full term to work out how to fiddle expenses properly.


LibLabCon MPs in this country have got into such a false sense of security that they honestly believe they are untouchable and don't have to represent the people that put them in power in the first place. The Commons has become a big boys club for career polititions who are there to further themselves and their bank balances with no regard to keeping this once great country in order.


I hear what people are saying about UKIP being the noobs but surely everybody has to start somewhere and I would much rather grasp this chance with both hands for a change in the political horizon of the UK than give an insane vote to one of the big 3 who truely do believe that they have done nothing wrong.

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Does anyone think that the recent death of Margaret Thatcher may have contributed, in some small part at least, to UKIP's success?


There has been a lot of navel-gazing and calls for more decisive policies and I wonder of UKIP appear to provide that, hence the uptake in interest, compared with the general trying-to-please-all-and-pleasing-no-one approach of the main three?

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The tories , lib dems and labour governbents have all lied , backpeddled on promises and policies and managed to get us further and further into debt whenever they have been in power, they only represent their own interests . I have never voted before but this time im gonna get off my rse and give UKIP a chance for the simple reason that i dont trust any of the main parties due to their historical records of incompetance , UKIP may not be any better than their predecessors but if we dont give them a chance we will never know , voting in parties with a track record of incompetance and failure is not a sign of intellegence or good judgement

very good analogy that, :good: just look at the "we will have a referendum" pledges starting to come out after their trouncing by UKIP bet it will be after the next election not before, so that means it would never happen, and even if we did have one,as with the Irish it will be keep voting till you come up with required outcome, still you will always get the lunatics who wont change and will stick with old school failed regimes, strangely they are the same one,s who also believe in man made global warming, and fairies at the bottom of their garden :lol: :lol:



Edited by kdubya
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very good analogy that, :good: just look at the "we will have a referendum" pledges starting to come out after their trouncing by UKIP bet it will be after the next election not before, so that means it would never happen, and even if we did have one,as with the Irish it will be keep voting till you come up with required outcome, still you will always get the lunatics who wont change and will stick with old school failed regimes, strangely they are the same one,s who also believe in man made global warming, and fairies at the bottom of their garden :lol: :lol:




You're so yesterday. We don't have global warming anymore, since science discovered there hasn't been any. Its called Climate Change now.

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You're so yesterday. We don't have global warming anymore, since science discovered there hasn't been any. Its called Climate Change now.

I know but I was trying to appease the "believers" you know the ones with egg timers in their ears.



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A party (Ukip) cannot expect to base its policies solely on immigration. What do they have to say about defense, education, legal reform, the NHS, taxation, economy, reducing defecit, etc etc etc. By all means vote locally to scare the big 2/3 but would you really want to put them in charge!


Even one of their own officers (can't recall which but it will be on record somewhere) described trying to organise his party as "like trying to herd cats". Every party makes promises and finds when in office that it is a darned sight harder to deliver than to promise. They all then spend the next 5 years blaming the mess that the last lot left them to deal with. UKIP would be no different.

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One of the posters on the previous thread said the swing to UKIP was not to do with immigration - even though he voted for them. :lol::lol: :lol:


This morning William Hague had woken up to the fact that immigration was an issue - unlike his party chairman.

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Even one of their own officers (can't recall which but it will be on record somewhere) described trying to organise his party as "like trying to herd cats". Every party makes promises and finds when in office that it is a darned sight harder to deliver than to promise. They all then spend the next 5 years blaming the mess that the last lot left them to deal with. UKIP would be no different.

maybe, but at least a lot of uncaring, theiving, traitorus, career politicians will be out of work and learning a bit about reality, well worth a vote for UKIP just for that.



Edited by kdubya
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Even one of their own officers (can't recall which but it will be on record somewhere) described trying to organise his party as "like trying to herd cats". Every party makes promises and finds when in office that it is a darned sight harder to deliver than to promise. They all then spend the next 5 years blaming the mess that the last lot left them to deal with. UKIP would be no different.



maybe, but at least a lot of uncaring, theiving, traitorus, career politicians will be out of work and learning a bit about reality, well worth a vote for UKIP just for that.




Agree with the sentiment, but people should be careful what they wish for, those who say it couldn't be any worse are just plain wrong, it could be much, much worse and it won't be the politicians of any party who will suffer the most but Joe Bloggs - as usual.


That said we live in a democracy (of sorts) and people can vote for who they wish it's just a shame that the choice is between such desperately poor alternatives. Posh boys who haven't a clue about ordinary lives and couldn't give a damn, slightly less posh boys who haven't a clue about ordinary lives or much else, or "mine's a pint" Nige and the herd of cats. As for the Lib Dems, they blew it and are a lost cause for the foreseeable future at national level anyway.

The country is screwed whoever gets in, the difference may just be the time it takes.

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No but they had many, many MP's in the house for decades and the back-room staff with the experience a leader needs to make effective decisions.


Milliband seems to me like he'd be more at home at a Star Trek convention than a cabinet meeting, I wouldn't trust the sap to run me a bath let alone a country.


I'll be voting ukip, and all this about them not having experience is bull, as someone else has mentioned what experience has Cameron, Blair and brown had before they got in.


And of course ukip have policies on education, unemployment etc but who ever asks them about it? I've only ever seen people probing farage about Europe trying to make him look a fool and failling. If you vote labour it'll go back to how it was, Tories it will stay how it is, its got to be worth trying ukip in the hope of change. Lets face it everyone moans about immigration, Europe and how Great Britain's going to the dogs and now you've got a party willing to try and address those issues head on and people are still moaning.

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