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Channel 4 - Skint


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I haven't watched this programme yet,and have no intention of do so.I watched the trailers before the series started and realised I do enough shouting at the telly as it is,much to the annoyance of my OH.

There are many like those on the programme around here,some of whom I know quite well.My experience of them is that they are anything but 'skint'.I often see a few of them sat outside one of the town centre locals on my way home from work.

What am I doing wrong?

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I haven't watched this programme yet,and have no intention of do so.I watched the trailers before the series started and realised I do enough shouting at the telly as it is,much to the annoyance of my OH.

There are many like those on the programme around here,some of whom I know quite well.My experience of them is that they are anything but 'skint'.I often see a few of them sat outside one of the town centre locals on my way home from work.

What am I doing wrong?


I know its mad mate, I wish I could sit outside the pub on a sunny afternoon and let somebody else pay for my drinks, "Oh hang on a minute flynny give your head a wobble you cant!!!! , your at work earning and hopefully will have enough of your wages left over at the end of the month to take you and the wife out for a couple!!!!!!!


The whole system is wrong, damn wrong, PS youre doing nowt wrong mate lets not think like that or else we become like them!!! a damn parasite on societys backside





Edited by flynny
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Lets not get nit picky mate!!!! It's OBVIOUS my posts are aimed at sroungers, not legitimate folk who have come upon hard times,or the disadvantaged among us,






No lets, how on earth do you find out if someone is a scrounger and those who are disadvantaged?

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No lets, how on earth do you find out if someone is a scrounger and those who are disadvantaged?

By using non lefty sympathisers to conduct interviews and research, backing it up with private detective work if necessary. Remember the baby p case, that evil bitch was interviewed by a dopey social worker and when asked if there was a man in the house, endangering the child she lied through her teeth, and yet he was upstairs hiding in a cupboard. This was after about 40 odd seperate visits and not one had the scruples or IQ to save the kid. We have brains in this country, but they are wasted!

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When it comes to taking kids off idiots they just get pregnant and have another kid. They didnt look after the kid the first time and are too stupid to change so you will just have a constant string of kids going into care.


The baby P thing is quite simple of course the social workers new they were dodgy but they have their hands tied by the stupid lefty system that says no-one is really bad and end up not being able to actually do anything about it through fear of being sued.


The bottom line is some people shouldn't be allowed to bread in the first place there's no use trying to do something about it after the fact, some people are genuine oxygen thieves.

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When it comes to taking kids off idiots they just get pregnant and have another kid. They didnt look after the kid the first time and are too stupid to change so you will just have a constant string of kids going into care.


The baby P thing is quite simple of course the social workers new they were dodgy but they have their hands tied by the stupid lefty system that says no-one is really bad and end up not being able to actually do anything about it through fear of being sued.


The bottom line is some people shouldn't be allowed to bread in the first place there's no use trying to do something about it after the fact, some people are genuine oxygen thieves.

are you a believer in eugenics?

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No lets, how on earth do you find out if someone is a scrounger and those who are disadvantaged?


It's easy you help the can doers and leave the cant doers.


Henry so far you have said nothing about how to help the problem just pick at anyone's else's suggestions. Iam wondering wether your living on benefits and are worried about losing them

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When it comes to taking kids off idiots they just get pregnant and have another kid. They didnt look after the kid the first time and are too stupid to change so you will just have a constant string of kids going into care.


Iam not so sure they would kept having babies if there was no gain to be had

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everybody should believe in it to the point where you want to find as decent, intelligent and trustworthy a person to create children with. The system starts with the basis that everybody is "good" and in most of the cases they are not and wont ever be.

i like the cut of your gib. You are no nazi, just sensible

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Henry so far you have said nothing about how to help the problem.....


Iam wondering wether your living on benefits and are worried about losing them


Firstly, you don`t help a problem. Second, my personal preference is to remove the poverty trap and allow people to be empowered by those in a position to do so, this will need a lot of cash and also a change in social ideology, so calling people scroungers and chavs because they do not fit any social structure "normal" people cling to is not on as it allows power structures to form a framework that oppresses those who need help. There`s a lot more but I don`t have time...


Yeah I`m on benefits, those I provided for myself and my family over a lifetimes work, less six months when I left the services. A service pension transferred into fire service and I retired two years ago, I am now doing my honours degree and also work at a placement for minimum wage, or less if they cannot afford to pay me as I am still too young to sit on my backside and do nowt....is that good enough to stop you wondering?

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Easy way to solve a lot of this, (I did not see the program):

if you get state money you have to get out of bed like everyone else: pick the paper up round the streets, on the motorways, Canals cleared, Graffiti scrubbed off, do Gardening for the old age pensioners (Under Supervision)<<:::

All the pot holes in the road need mending: There are thousands of JOBS out there, but you do have to get them out of Bed to Earn their CRUST Eh..

Wish I could get paid what THEY get paid, for doing 40 hours a week. Free rent £84, Free Council Tax £25, plus around £71.70 for JSA


£180 walk out for 40 hours. I get LESS than that for WORKING!

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sorry but how about a good christian upring the values of a good work ethic you get out what you put in now my son is a elecrical engineer my daughter getting married this year she worked in a a oap home and had to give and carry on giving life saving treatment to a old lady who didnt recover shes got more balls than me but this is how we was brought up.. a lot are not so fortunate as us they dont need putting on the scrap heap they just need teaching the skills this country needs to make us great again

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how many people on here have actually done good for themselves and have come from broken or poor homes.? I bet its quite a few. my sister and I were brought up in a council estate that was really rough. iv never met my dad. my sister is a drug addict, but iv done really well for myself. I got an education, went to college, got married 2 years ago. im 29 not had any help from no one. PLEASE DONT right of every youngster that you see or meet because they come from a poor background. my wife went to night school and done here a levels last year, and is currently doing a nursing degree in Liverpool john moores uni. as its they only way we think we could think about having kids in this very materialistic world. I had an apprentice a few years ago that knew so little about the world it scared me. he came from a very rough area but you would not guess now. he will properly be my boss one day! he thought newts were lizards and totally freaked out when he found one. he didn't even know that Britain had native snakes. I could go on but I haven't got all night.

I was brought up in the 70s - 80s on a Council estate. Lived with both parents. Dad worked all the hours god sent, we had very little "a lot less than people have today" we had our own allotment and grew a lot of our food. Out clothes were nearly all hand downs. We loved it as Kids. A lot of diciplin at home though.


We had to ask to start eating, ask to leave the table, no back chat "this was met with a belting" chores had to be done or else!


We still got to have holidays, although all in this country!


Mum n Dad struggled for many years but managed to BUY their house. Us four kids went our own ways. All of us work for a living, My two sisters and my Brother. My Brother has 5 kids and is finding it tough with little money!


One sister has 2 kids and a Mortgage but looks like She MAY lose the house :(


The other has 6 kids and renting but doing well


Myself I rent my home. I have one Son and find it difficult as I am on NMW as a FLT driver. There wasn't a lot of choice and a NMW job is better than NO job.


I have a Car but do 4000 - 5000 a year due to petrol costs. I often act as Taxi as I am the only person in my family that has a license. Because of this I tend to be the one who tries to keep us all together.


I only wish I could get what they claim is the Average wage of £22.000 a year. That would be nice. I get no more than £10.000

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Quote of the series last night, you don't get nowt for owt. Then. The trailer for next week he say he needs £500-600 a week from a job to get off benifits. They are not all bad though that guy who got the forklift job was up for working after looking for 7months.

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Quote of the series last night, you don't get nowt for owt. Then. The trailer for next week he say he needs £500-600 a week from a job to get off benifits. They are not all bad though that guy who got the forklift job was up for working after looking for 7months.


that chap with the 7 kids probably thinks he is doing a great job raising them too. every other word was **** or **** , either infront of or directly at his children. no positive parenting from him at all, and so the cycle of stupidity continues. If he was inclined he could help his children access opportunities through education that would lift them out of this cycle, sadly he is too stupid to do this.

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