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Channel 4 - Skint


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No just the North, I live in Harlow, Essex and it's equally full of low life, non working, chav scum who's default mode is aggression and abuse. My local Co-op (I know) has just employed a security guard in an attempt to stop shop lifting and aggression towards the staff, who are all realy nice people.



It's amazing they have any shops in *****horpe given that all the locals appear to just go shop lifting and not shopping.

Northern monkeys, hang your heads in shame

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It is the overly generous welfare state that makes the lifestyle they choose reasonably comfortable, add the lenient attitude to crimes of theft and violence and it all helps to generate this sort of behaviour.


To return to a more rational state will be very difficult to achieve as there will be plenty of bleeding heart liberals berating the harshness.


Trouble is the ratio of putter inners to taker outers is just not adding up any more so massive borrowing has to take place, who loses from that? Once again the putter inners.

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It is the overly generous welfare state that makes the lifestyle they choose reasonably comfortable, add the lenient attitude to crimes of theft and violence and it all helps to generate this sort of behaviour.


To return to a more rational state will be very difficult to achieve as there will be plenty of bleeding heart liberals berating the harshness.


Trouble is the ratio of putter inners to taker outers is just not adding up any more so massive borrowing has to take place, who loses from that? Once again the putter inners.

Admirably put! The future looks dim!

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Where has the sudden rash of tree hugging / bleeding heart liberals appeared from, I certainly can't remember it being the case in the 80's and 90's. Labour must have had a secret breeding program when in power.


IMO they are more of a risk to this country than either immigration or knuckledraggers, the country now has no real backbone to deal with the problems as it should.

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My missis and I want a child together but because we both work we can't afford it .

I work 50 hours a week minimum as a joiner and missis in aldi grabbing as many hours possible . It's blooming stupid


I know that feeling the wife and I made the big decision of not to having kids due to same reason. Yet everyday I see these delinquent family's with multiple kids from various parents all living off benefits. Think it sums it up when I did a new patient check on this 19 year old and asked him his occupation and he had no idea what the word even meant so had to explain it to him since he had never worked a day in his life. Then when asked if the pregnant girl with him was his girlfriend his reply was "well she's the current one"


Must admit I didn't watch it since saw the preview and thought I'd only end up shouting at the tv :lol:

Edited by Ian.S
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That bloke who said that he had worked for 23 years and paid into the system.......so he deserved to get some back !!


What a tool !!!! with all those kids.......all those benefits.........I'm sure he will get every penny that he ever contributed back ( and then some ).


Our country is full of scum bags. I am sick of hearing the same old **** : There's no work...........there's nothing to do.............there's no hope !!!


SHUT UP !! get out of bed and look for a job........go to work..........pay your way, if you can't manage that then the least you could do is try and behave like a human being !!


SCUM.......utter SCUM !!! don't start me on immigration, or the huge influx of euro-trash heading our way...........you think the UK is messed up? just wait and see what the next 5 years will bring !! We're doomed.....glad I've got a gun !! (not that I would use it for anything other than clay pigeon shooting your honour )

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Where has the sudden rash of tree hugging / bleeding heart liberals appeared from, I certainly can't remember it being the case in the 80's and 90's. Labour must have had a secret breeding program when in power.


IMO they are more of a risk to this country than either immigration or knuckledraggers, the country now has no real backbone to deal with the problems as it should.


yep i remember when you could laugh at a Bernard Manning gag


I think that may be ilegal now

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yep i remember when you could laugh at a Bernard Manning gag


I think that may be ilegal now

And how i laughed when i saw him. Had me falling about. Look at a comedian now, like a rep for the guardian. Councils decide on their material, unless its a private gig, but then you always get a traitor in the audience filming and reporting back.

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Easy way to solve a lot of this, (I did not see the program):

if you get state money you have to get out of bed like everyone else: pick the paper up round the streets, on the motorways, Canals cleared, Graffiti scrubbed off, do Gardening for the old age pensioners (Under Supervision)<<:::

All the pot holes in the road need mending: There are thousands of JOBS out there, but you do have to get them out of Bed to Earn their CRUST Eh..

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Didn't need to watch it I see it every day working in their houses

2 things that boil my **** are lazy benefit scoungers and immigrants both who are on the gravy train from last labour gov and the do gooders

I have a thing now where I check the tax disc on cars at the houses i work in its amazing how many have disability cars


So let me get this right, and correct me if I am wrong, you are checking the cars of everyone you work for? Why on earth would you do this? Are you medically trained? Are you a government agent, bringing those who are not disabled to justice? If not then why would you do it?

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So let me get this right, and correct me if I am wrong, you are checking the cars of everyone you work for? Why on earth would you do this? Are you medically trained? Are you a government agent, bringing those who are not disabled to justice? If not then why would you do it?

I would think he is looking to see if the tax is in date,and has noticed that a lot of them state disabled on the tax disc,if they are out of date there is a hot line to dvla.

Remember if its not taxed it means there is no insurance,so if you are hit by one then you can't claim against their insurance.

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how many people on here have actually done good for themselves and have come from broken or poor homes.? I bet its quite a few. my sister and I were brought up in a council estate that was really rough. iv never met my dad. my sister is a drug addict, but iv done really well for myself. I got an education, went to college, got married 2 years ago. im 29 not had any help from no one. PLEASE DONT right of every youngster that you see or meet because they come from a poor background. my wife went to night school and done here a levels last year, and is currently doing a nursing degree in Liverpool john moores uni. as its they only way we think we could think about having kids in this very materialistic world. I had an apprentice a few years ago that knew so little about the world it scared me. he came from a very rough area but you would not guess now. he will properly be my boss one day! he thought newts were lizards and totally freaked out when he found one. he didn't even know that Britain had native snakes. I could go on but I haven't got all night.

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