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Channel 4 - Skint


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I am yet to hear anyone explain how forcing the unemployed to temporarily take up positions that would otherwise have to be paid employment for someone else who is on benefits is doing anything other than massage the unemployemnt figures? employers love it as it saves them from having to pay people a salary, the unemployed who are genuinly looking for a job cant get one as the employers have a constant stream of free labour so fail to advertise the positions , the only winners are the governbent who can declare the people in workfare as employed which means the unemployement figures go down and that makes them look good, its an old trick which i think Mrs T put to good effect after creating mass unemployment somebody in her governbent had the brainwave that was incapacity benefit , it meant that there was suddenly a huge drop in unemployment figures because a large percentage of the unemployed were switched to incap benefit from the dole

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Oh, I agree and my comment was about communsism in it's true sense in that every body has the same and works to the common good.


Human (primate) nature won't let it work in the greater sense though.


Possibly Penelope, and I think the smaller the better it is, but a Kibbutz ( I am assuming) is voluntary, pretty sure most communist countries enforce it on their population.


Ultimately, human nature takes over and as I once said to a champagne socialist who was ranting on about redistribution of wealth ( as long as it wasn't hers) if you gave everyone in the uk the same amount of money on a Monday, by Friday, chances are it would be back to were it was the previous week. Someone will have saved it, someone drank it, smoked it, ******** it or injected it away.


Others will have saved it or doubled it. Thus is, was, and shall be ever more.

Edited by Penelope
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I am yet to hear anyone explain how forcing the unemployed to temporarily take up positions that would otherwise have to be paid employment for someone else who is on benefits is doing anything other than massage the unemployemnt figures? employers love it as it saves them from having to pay people a salary, the unemployed who are genuinly looking for a job cant get one as the employers have a constant stream of free labour so fail to advertise the positions , the only winners are the governbent who can declare the people in workfare as employed which means the unemployement figures go down and that makes them look good, its an old trick which i think Mrs T put to good effect after creating mass unemployment somebody in her governbent had the brainwave that was incapacity benefit , it meant that there was suddenly a huge drop in unemployment figures because a large percentage of the unemployed were switched to incap benefit from the dole


As 'work experience' - clearly devil in the detail and would need to be targeted and skill level appropriate. For the long term unemployed who have fallen out of the routine of work, ie: getting out of bed at 7am and going somewhere and doing some graft under instruction would be crucial to getting them back on the road to work. If they have to do it anyway, i'm sure the effort going in to finding another job would increase. I dont buy all of that BS about not giving them enough time to find another job - how many people do you know who work, manage to find another job whilst working. Yeah, its tough out there, but welcome to the real world where money does not come for nothing.

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Oh, I agree and my comment was about communsism in it's true sense in that every body has the same and works to the common good.


Human (primate) nature won't let it work in the greater sense though.



spot on, and to build a system based on the presumption that everyone has a good work ethic will, and has been doomed to failure.

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As 'work experience' - clearly devil in the detail and would need to be targeted and skill level appropriate. For the long term unemployed who have fallen out of the routine of work, ie: getting out of bed at 7am and going somewhere and doing some graft under instruction would be crucial to getting them back on the road to work. If they have to do it anyway, i'm sure the effort going in to finding another job would increase. I dont buy all of that BS about not giving them enough time to find another job - how many people do you know who work, manage to find another job whilst working. Yeah, its tough out there, but welcome to the real world where money does not come for nothing.

if they wanted work experience they could go and do charity work ? i think you're missing the issue that some people just plain don't want to get off of there backsides and work and no matter how often you put them into a forced position that won't change their perspective on it , for a very small minority of socially/mentally challenged people it probably works , im not trying to make excuses for the bone idle but taking paying job opertunities away from those who are seeking work and forcing people who have no intention to work to do them isn't solving a thing , `, workfare is just a joke and contrary to your closing statement in this real wide world money does come for nothing where some folk are concerned as programmes like "skint" show only to well

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if they wanted work experience they could go and do charity work ? i think you're missing the issue that some people just plain don't want to get off of there backsides and work and no matter how often you put them into a forced position that won't change their perspective on it , for a very small minority of socially/mentally challenged people it probably works , im not trying to make excuses for the bone idle but taking paying job opertunities away from those who are seeking work and forcing people who have no intention to work to do them isn't solving a thing , `, workfare is just a joke and contrary to your closing statement in this real wide world money does come for nothing where some folk are concerned as programmes like "skint" show only to well


not at all!!! i would like to see people change perspectives, but ultimately i couldnt care less if they dont change their perspective after this, but i would like to see them being compelled into getting out of their beds and doing something if they expect the taxpayer to fund them. for the worst of this ilk, i would be quite happy to see them picking up dog **** in parks or breaking rocks until retirement. what i dont want to see continue is these people being handed cash to do **** all. (smoking tabs and drinking beer dont count)

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I am yet to hear anyone explain how forcing the unemployed to temporarily take up positions that would otherwise have to be paid employment for someone else who is on benefits is doing anything other than massage the unemployemnt figures? employers love it as it saves them from having to pay people a salary, the unemployed who are genuinly looking for a job cant get one as the employers have a constant stream of free labour so fail to advertise the positions , the only winners are the governbent who can declare the people in workfare as employed which means the unemployement figures go down and that makes them look good, its an old trick which i think Mrs T put to good effect after creating mass unemployment somebody in her governbent had the brainwave that was incapacity benefit , it meant that there was suddenly a huge drop in unemployment figures because a large percentage of the unemployed were switched to incap benefit from the dole

I slightly agree , but it would give them a work ethic and make them think" I might as well work and try to better myself , if I've got to get out of bed to do a **** job for my benefits" " I might as well get a job what I sort of like for the money"


There are many millions of people who get up every morning to do jobs they hate(proberbly most of us), but we still do them because we want to better ourselves and don't want to live like scum,


The work ethic has to be forced on those who can work, there should be no option, no work ,no benefits,


If you want money damn well EARN it!!!!!!!!!!!!! An old saying off my old man is"as long as you have a hole in your ***** you can earn money"





Edited by flynny
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A right wing military coup, then a dictatorship for a good few years would sort the ******** out. :lol:


lol nothing that extreme but i dont see why i have to pay someone else's employment insurance, no issues with paying for people who genuinely need medical support.


the last option is most likely i fear


Yep, still if we offshored the prison service we could get a good economy of scale...


doh ... we've tried that one already i guess

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99% scum on there no question, but admit to feeling more than a little sorry for the the young lass in tears with 4 quid to her name and the mess she is in thanks to her waste of space "better half" not nice to watch at all, trash TV at its very very best.



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99% scum on there no question, but admit to feeling more than a little sorry for the the young lass in tears with 4 quid to her name and the mess she is in thanks to her waste of space "better half" not nice to watch at all, trash TV at its very very best.




One minute she was enjoying the life and the next her predicament was all "the governments fault".

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GRRRRRRR openly breaking the law on TV smoking drugs why the **** isnt she getting raided/charged for it??? i honestly think you should have to drug free to claim benefits!! lets face it most of use have to abstain from illegal substances to keep our jobs an get paid!!!

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On way to court to fight for her kid while smoking a spliff ??? They don't deserve their children .

Kick the smack head on the street and I'll even throw in a coffin

not all of them are bad though...I have dealt with many due to work and have actually felt sorry for a couple of them.....not many mind

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