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Channel 4 - Skint


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Shhhh I'm watching it now on +1 hour.


Don't spoil the plot of the show :lol:


I don't know anyone let alone know anyone specifically stupid enough to appear on a program like this. How did they think they would come across?


No shame in this Country anymore, and it's shame that's part of the glue that is a society.


I'm not part of the same society as these people, but here they are, on my telly and living off the tax I pay.






Does everyone up North fiddle the dole, smoke gear and put their feet on the settee (aka 'sofa' for the Northern chaps out there)? I bet they do in Hartlepool, that's pretty near to S****horpe

Edited by Mungler
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99% scum on there no question, but admit to feeling more than a little sorry for the the young lass in tears with 4 quid to her name and the mess she is in thanks to her waste of space "better half" not nice to watch at all, trash TV at its very very best.



Yeah, a real poverty case they were, 60 inch tv and a wedding on the tax payer! Scrounging ********, feckless morons should be forced to stop churning kids out, get that scruffy **** of a boyfriend on a workfare scheme. I think these lifestyles are totally offensive to decent people who do the right thing and go to work. The welfare state desperately needs reform. Thanks to the last labour government breeding has become a career option. Utter madness.

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Does everyone up North fiddle the dole, smoke gear and put their feet on the sofa? I bet they do in Hartlepool, that's pretty near to *****horpe





It seems that all the monkeys moved to S****horpe after the Hartlepool crack down.

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Holy poop - I've just got to the 21 year old with 5 kids by 3+ different fathers (I lost count and was too busy being gobsmacked when they went to the twins) and who says no one should judge her.


Oh spare me.


On the bright side, she's kept her figure and looks.

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but admit to feeling more than a little sorry for the the young lass in tears with 4 quid to her name and the mess she is in thanks to her waste of space "better half" not nice to watch at all,

But watch it again on 4OD, note the size of their telly, the fact he was playing an xBox game console and the Samsung Galaxy phone on the arm of her chair!


Makes her whining that they don't have anything a bit easier to bear.


I had to sell loads of my stuff to avoid losing my house when I became single and lost an income, maybe they should try the same instead of blaming the government.

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But watch it again on 4OD, note the size of their telly, the fact he was playing an xBox game console and the Samsung Galaxy phone on the arm of her chair!


Yep, I saw all of that and a gold ring on every finger of each hand - she could have had that lot weighed in no problem and solved all her problems.


I got half way through the program and had to stop, overwhelmed by a mixture of extreme anger, depression and pity. I went back to watching Part 3 of the 6 Part documentary series on Auschwitz that's on Netflix - at least that tragedy is in the past.

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And a tragedy not of their own making, unlike those portrayed on this programme who only have themselves to blame.


Just had a young girl with two little tots moved ino the end house of the row of that I live in. Knocked on the door last weekend to ask if it was ok the cut back the laurel that had grown over the pathway and subsequently the path to her front door (house has been empty for 4 years), she answered, the house reeked of skunk, both her and her boyfriend (yeah bruv, wah yah wan bruv - he souldn't be living there) had bright red eyes like **** holes in the snow, with one toddler and one crawler and the obligitory pair of staffs that are locked in the house all day.


******* oxygen thieves!!!!

Yep, I saw all of that and a gold ring on every finger of each hand - she could have had that lot weighed in no problem and solved all her problems.


I got half way through the program and had to stop, overwhelmed by a mixture of extreme anger, depression and pity. I went back to watching Part 3 of the 6 Part documentary series on Auschwitz that's on Netflix - at least that tragedy is in the past.

Edited by Zapp
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But watch it again on 4OD, note the size of their telly, the fact he was playing an xBox game console and the Samsung Galaxy phone on the arm of her chair!


Makes her whining that they don't have anything a bit easier to bear.


I had to sell loads of my stuff to avoid losing my house when I became single and lost an income, maybe they should try the same instead of blaming the government.

Been their too . I had to sell motorbikes to clear my overdraft :( but the change brought me a nice lanber 12g :)

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i watched it last night, to be honest i felt really sorry for that girl living in that horrid house with that crack head, what hope has she got?? sat there feeding that dog a chocolate bar...and that thing she lived with smoking crack..


what hope has the country got if we allow people to live like that,its just tragic..this is england not some third world dump..


such a shame

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unfortunately the real problem with the benefits system is that as you can see from this show money is just automatically paid out to dossers. The government dosnt ever tackle this just comes up with ways to fiddle the disabled claimers to make it look like they are doing something about it.

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Sadly it’s easy if you don’t want to help yourself theses days. A few years back I was unemployed for 10 months following getting booted from Uni as a mature student due to failing end of years exam to be told every time I signed on I wasn’t entitle to ANY benefits since I had been in full time education for 2 years even though I had paid tax and worked full time for 8 years before I went to Uni due to the 2 years in further education they wouldn’t pay me anything. BUT if I got my girlfriend (now wife) pregnant and she quit her job they would give us all the benefits we would need to live comfortably off the state.


As for jobs out there for people that want them I also find hard to believe I’ve been looking for a new job for the past 2 years since becoming part time at work due to health problems caused by work stress and get the interviews but not the jobs.

Edited by Ian.S
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But watch it again on 4OD, note the size of their telly, the fact he was playing an xBox game console and the Samsung Galaxy phone on the arm of her chair!


Makes her whining that they don't have anything a bit easier to bear.


I had to sell loads of my stuff to avoid losing my house when I became single and lost an income, maybe they should try the same instead of blaming the government.

I got myself on the outside of most of a bottle of wine when it was on. So may have this wrong but i am sure she said she normaly got £1600 benefits per month and her rent paid. If thats the case no wonder she has all this stuff. I am friends with a family with 3 kids the husband works 60 plus hours a week earning simular money and still has to pay a morgage.

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I think their should be no minimum wage, reason being people will get paid the true value of what their job is worth, if you compare a lot of minimum wage jobs some are well overpaid. We should also set up shops where these people have to go to spend their vouchers, this way they cannot be sold and what they buy monitored. This could possibility be located next to or as part of the job center. This would make them turn up. We should have voucher systems for the tax payer where we get free labor for a day (of which job seakers) work. We pay them to live why shouldn't they work for us? We should have a system where if your caught with drugs, or any crime your benefits stop completely. If your caught drinking or smoking then your benefits lowered, luxurys should be sold and any assets you own before the system gives you a bean. They should be fined for not respecting council houses or for any damage they cause. Until you make it uncomfortable for them then they won't change.

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Sadly its easy if you dont want to help yourself theses days. A few years back I was unemployed for 10 months following getting booted from Uni as a mature student due to failing end of years exam to be told every time I signed on I wasnt entitle to ANY benefits since I had been in full time education for 2 years even though I had paid tax and worked full time for 8 years before I went to Uni due to the 2 years in further education they wouldnt pay me anything. BUT if I got my girlfriend (now wife) pregnant and she quit her job they would give us all the benefits we would need to live comfortably off the state.


As for jobs out there for people that want them I also find hard to believe Ive been looking for a new job for the past 2 years since becoming part time at work due to health problems caused by work stress and get the interviews but not the jobs.



Your last comment in your post sounds like you should be on the show mate!!!!!!!! Get off your ****, Lower your expectations and get a job. You failed your exams, Why didnt you re sit them? It is upto ourselves alone to pay our way and better ourselves.


Stop moaning and be positive something will turn up mate,





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wish we had that much a month!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good on you LC for being a responsible hard working member of society, I know it must be bad news mate when you are going out to work and some scrounger on the dole is better off than you are,







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lets hope you never lose your job

I have years ago lost my job a couple of times. I worked at a supermarket a garage and as a labourer all above board not cash in hand to make ends meet. There is work out there if these people wanted it. The problem is they are paid more for sitting on their ***** and having more kids.

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I have years ago lost my job a couple of times. I worked at a supermarket a garage and as a labourer all above board not cash in hand to make ends meet. There is work out there if these people wanted it. The problem is they are paid more for sitting on their ***** and having more kids.

Hear, Hear, bang on mate, as long as you have a hole in your **** you can find work





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lets hope you never lose your job

And there lies the problem, yes as I said 99% of the scumbags shown in this version of trash TV, do not in reality deserve better than they have,for instance to have 9 kids is not just irresponsible, without income it should be criminal! But there are those with genuine need, and for anyone to say they did not feel a little sorry for the plight of the young girl on the show (the one who did not constantly use profanity or scream like a spoiled petulant child ) then they have no compassion, its easy to get caught up in the they are all the same rhetoric but truthfully not all are, fail to recognise that and you lose humanity, and I for one fully admit to feeling so so sad watching this prize version of TV dog dirt.


Oh and bungler as for us up north being all the same, some of us do work and some of us probably pay more tax per year than those you revere can only dream of,and I really do not mind one bit if its spent on people with real need,after all they may even pay their SKY subscriptions B) eh!



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