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Pot, kettle, black

English archer

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As I have mentioned on here before, my wife is badly disabled.

A year ago, she was at the point where I could return to work, but has now gone downhill, and faces possibly losing her leg.

So after I got made redundant 2 months ago, I became her carer again.

Ever since then, I get nothing but abuse from one of out neighbors, he calls me a scrounger, sprays cans of pop over our car, and says we don't deserve benefits, and a motability car, just because my wife can't walk.

The irony of this? He has not worked a day of the four and a half years we have been here.

I could not abuse anyone for claiming benefits, and even more so while claiming myself.

We would gladly give up the car and DLA,in return for a working leg and hip, but obviously that will never happen.


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That's shocking you need to take photos and write down what happens and when and report this guy! Benefits are for those who deserve them and your wife clearly does you showed your willing to work when she made a improvemen, its not his business to decide who and who should not claim them im sure nobody would chose benefits over there leg.

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As I have mentioned on here before, my wife is badly disabled.


A year ago, she was at the point where I could return to work, but has now gone downhill, and faces possibly losing her leg.


So after I got made redundant 2 months ago, I became her carer again.


Ever since then, I get nothing but abuse from one of out neighbors, he calls me a scrounger, sprays cans of pop over our car, and says we don't deserve benefits, and a motability car, just because my wife can't walk.


The irony of this? He has not worked a day of the four and a half years we have been here.


I could not abuse anyone for claiming benefits, and even more so while claiming myself.


We would gladly give up the car and DLA,in return for a working leg and hip, but obviously that will never happen.


No-one in your position should have to take that sort of abuse from anyone. It seems that you are doing the right thing by keeping a diary of the abuse and then letting the proper authorities handle it rather than get to the stage where you end up facing up to him and ending up in trouble with the police. I'm sure that you would be only too happy to go and give this p***k a good hiding but that isn't the best course of action.

I do hope that you get this moron sorted and that you and your wife are left to live your lives in peace.

Regards and best wishes to your wife!

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Get cctv up and report every instance to the police, keep your diary and when reporting ask for a crime number EVERY time you call. Then when you feel you've had enough go to citizens advice/council with copies of the evidence. Also note down officers numbers if they turn up (if it goes to court these would be your impartial witnesses). Cctv is a must if it turns nasty (which it shouldn't do) but it's also a good thing to have anyway. With all the evidence recordings crime numbers etc the court would be hard pressed to ignore it.


Wish you look but don't feel you should put up with it for a quiter life, they will probably push further and further if they think their getting away with it.

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Thats absolutely terrible mate, my wife is also disabled and i cant imagine the rage you must feel getting grief like that when she is in her condition,

as has been said im sure you would prefer to kick the hell out of the waste of skin but probably best to try the police first and see how you get on as you will be no good to her locked up.


Really hope you get the idiot sorted though as no one thats got all that on your plate deserves a load of abuse from a idiot.

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As I have mentioned on here before, my wife is badly disabled.


A year ago, she was at the point where I could return to work, but has now gone downhill, and faces possibly losing her leg.


So after I got made redundant 2 months ago, I became her carer again.


Ever since then, I get nothing but abuse from one of out neighbors, he calls me a scrounger, sprays cans of pop over our car, and says we don't deserve benefits, and a motability car, just because my wife can't walk.


The irony of this? He has not worked a day of the four and a half years we have been here.


I could not abuse anyone for claiming benefits, and even more so while claiming myself.


We would gladly give up the car and DLA,in return for a working leg and hip, but obviously that will never happen.


The name calling cant be construed as a crime, unless its violent or discriminatory, spraying lemonade would struggle to get a charge, he sounds to me like a crackpot, best thing is to film him when he starts, that will probably stop him. All the best :good:

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The cost saving that you are making for the health service by caring for you wife instead of requiring cares having to call out a number of times a day Im sure would would surpass any benefits you are receiving, as well as lessening the chance of her becoming unwell as you can keep a much better eye on her and attend to her needs better. Justification enough for the benefits your receive.

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The name calling cant be construed as a crime, unless its violent or discriminatory, spraying lemonade would struggle to get a charge, he sounds to me like a crackpot, best thing is to film him when he starts, that will probably stop him. All the best :good:

Never heard of the Protection from Harassment Act then?


Of course its an offence


OP - get in touch with the local neighbourhood policing team.

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My God what a P***k, why abuse someone that is minding there own business and trying to deal and live with difficult circumstances. Even if he worked 24 hrs a day and gave all his earnings to charity, still doesn't give him the right to treat you and your poor wife like this.The sort of idiot you would like to really hurt, and I make no apology for saying it...

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Sounds like the moron is having a severe bout of green eyed god syndrome, the course you are taking is correct. Social diary details recorded, cctv if possible, other neighbours statements, then contact the police.


Another PWer said "freedom from harassment law" In the present day we have so many other laws acts etc. Discrimination on the grounds of religion, race, age, gender, alternative gender etc...does anyone know if the OP's circumstances fall within the coverage of any of these acts.


Anyhoos best regards to you and your lady, hope she's not down due to this Neanderthal.

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Never heard of the Protection from Harassment Act then?


Of course its an offence


OP - get in touch with the local neighbourhood policing team.

What he said. Contact the police. You should not have to put up with this. If your in a housing association or local authority house let them know. The thought of loosing his house might make him think twice.

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Yes, its all about the perception of the abused.


It also falls under the title of hate crime if you or anyone else believe its only happening due to your wife's disability.

Due to things that have happened in the past that ended pretty disastrously police take this sort of thing seriously.

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