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£32000 for sitting on your fat ***


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there are solutions but you can't just pull all benefits and try and pick up the pieces that is as ridiculous as carrying on paying them all.

not ALL benefits, we are talking about the type of person in post number 1. You know the type, they are everywhere, i certainly have no problem in the genuine needy getting help. in fact its been said so often it is boring. If i was to say that i believe in bevans idea of a welfare state and that we should go back to its original purpose, maybe you can see how far we have gone from it.

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I'm not belittling anything mate... your point of view (in my humble opinion) is full of ill-conceived, uneducated and blinkered thinking. You have jumped on the same media driven, emotive bandwagon as a lot of others without stepping back and looking at the bigger picture.


The queen is a massive landowner, would you suggest we start auctioning off some of the crown land to feed the millions of homeless adults and children you have just thrown out on the street?

well why not? its a good idea, many would back it.

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what about father where will he sleep

Best as fare away from the woman as possible it the hope that they will not have even more kids also a lot of them tend to have lots of bonking partners that do not stay for long.( if she lost a few pounds they could both be in the box room.) :good:

Edited by four-wheel-drive
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well why not? its a good idea, many would back it.


I think our national and cultural identity is under enough threat without selling off our land and palaces to the highest bidders! Same goes for the church.. faithful, atheist, agnostic, it matters not... the Christian church is the foundation stone of our wonderful country and even thinking about selling it off piece by piece is a step over the line!

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I think our national and cultural identity is under enough threat without selling off our land and palaces to the highest bidders! Same goes for the church.. faithful, atheist, agnostic, it matters not... the Christian church is the foundation stone of our wonderful country and even thinking about selling it off piece by piece is a step over the line!

i said the fields. I shoot in loads that belong to the church, not the acual churches.

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i said the fields. I shoot in loads that belong to the church, not the acual churches.


ok.. I'll give you that but if it's agricultural land it actually isn't worth that much.. the only land that would raise serious cash is land with outline planning permission.

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I have just spend all day dealing with these people and honestly you have no idea how much tax payers money is being spent on these people.I delt with one couple today who where getting double what i earn in a year,neither worked and their CTC claim alone excluding CB/HB/DLA was £22,333

Edited by Davyo
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Just how stupid are these people for going on the tele and getting canned while trying to justify all this money they get.


Also don't get why people who don't like the benefit system are meatheads and blinkered. I would say you need to get out more and have a look round

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Just how stupid are these people for going on the tele and getting canned while trying to justify all this money they get.


Also don't get why people who don't like the benefit system are meatheads and blinkered. I would say you need to get out more and have a look round

they are called intellectuals, and they call people like me meatheads. Beware the intellectual. You know the type, puts solar panels on his roof but complains about people damaging the look of the enviroment.

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Here we go again, here we go again, here we go again, here we go again, here we go again,


Ha ha , this has been done to the death,


Same old PW off topic , topic,








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they are called intellectuals, and they call people like me meatheads. Beware the intellectual. You know the type, puts solar panels on his roof but complains about people damaging the look of the enviroment.

There's nothing wrong with thinking before acting. I'd rather that than bringing back workhouses, increasing homelessness and then getting the army to 'control' the starving masses. Like I said earlier, there needs to be incentives to work - or at least the system needs to stop paying people more than the average wage to stay at home.

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one solution i think would work is this: target girls in areas of high unemployment / benefit dependency and offer them a 10 yr contraceptive implant in exchange for cash £500 or even £1000. worth every penny in what it would save the tax payer. i'll bet the take up would be quite high.


back this up with a voucher based benefit scheme (no tabs and booze on my tax thanks)

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I am sure there are some out there that completely take the ****.. but, it is very easy to judge everyone by the actions of a few or even one and the media are very good at manipulating and editing things in a way designed to achieve exactly what they have here... it gets peoples backs up, gets them angry and more important... it sells copy!!!!



I would much prefer to walk a mile in someone's shoes before spitting venom and hate at them. You don't know the full story, you don't know the context and you don't really know what she said. All you know is what the media want you to know and along with ignorance and assumption (and we all know what assumption does!)


I am also a great believer in the saying 'and there but for the grace of god go I!' which is really quite something coming from the mouth of an atheist!

Good post.Other half was on about this case, and told me she had 5 kids to her husband but when she got pregnant with the 6th he did a runner.

Makes you wonder how a single mother with 6 kids is supposed to look after them.it would appear the father cannot be found, and therefore no maintenance is forthcoming.

What alternative does the woman have other than to claim benefits?

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"Makes you wonder how a single mother with 6 kids is supposed to look after them."


simple, dont have 6 kids in the first place


Sorry Pimp.. but most women in that situation are victims, victims of either ignorance or more often the desires and manipulations of men.. it's all very easy to sit back and say... "well he/she shouldn't have done that" but in reality, life isn't quite that simple!

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Sorry Pimp.. but most women in that situation are victims, victims of either ignorance or more often the desires and manipulations of men.. it's all very easy to sit back and say... "well he/she shouldn't have done that" but in reality, life isn't quite that simple!

Agreed......but there still has to be some culpability or responsibility for the number of kids you have. We have 2 kids because we can't afford to have a 3rd and still be able to house and feed ourselves. There are many that just don't have a choice, but equally there are many that do. I know a family with 5 kids, both don't work and the father is disabled, but not so disabled to prevent him walking to the pub every day - a 2 mile round trip - and enjoying 2 pints on us. He could work but has no reason to.
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