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cartridge prices: could we go on strike??

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Not meaning to sound negative, but good luck with that!


Think of how many shooters there are that this may affect. Now think about how many people drive cars and are unhappy with fuel prices.



There are 715,000+ certificates on the books, even if everyone has both an FAC and SGC, which they don't, thats 357,500 people. Last time the shooting community was under major attack from the anti-gunners/government (following the Cumbria shootings), less than 2000 people bothered their @r$e$ to write letters to the committee debating the issue. Thats JUST over 0.5% - thats half of one percent.


The chances of you mobilising such a lazy community are slim to zero <_<

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like alot of folk i am sick of the rise in cartridge prices iv just heard there going up again!! could we all club together and not buy cartridges for say a month?? surely this could jolt them to bring down prices??


Why would it jolt them to bring prices down?


They would just have a chance to get in some decent stock levels for the rush to buy at the end of the month! :yes::good:

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Imagine the scenario;


Farmer: Hi huff, it's Mr Unhappy farmer from down the road. The pigeons are hammering my fields, can you get here pronto and do your business please?


Me: Sorry Mr Farmer, i'm on strike at the moment. There are currently 12 of us in the country on protest. I'm not going to buy a slab of cartridges until they bring the prices down across the country. We have them right where we want them, mwuauahahaaaaaa.


In all seriousness now, do you buy your cartridges direct from the manufacturer? Or do you buy them from your local gun shop?

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Guest cookoff013

most manufacturers only deliver to a business premesis.


the constant increase in cartridge prices is annoying. although there are some bargains to be had.

i even make some now and again, i have come close to making "break even" cartridges. i even at one point got a bargin.


some times i win. most of the time i loose.


they have us by the goolies and they know it.

ps....i`m sick of english sporters.

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When you say a rise in prices for cartridges is there a specific brand that you are referring to? As I've been using the same brand for just over a year now and it's never gone up in price :)

the 2 i know that are definately going up are lyalvale and eley! my usual eley load has gone up £21 since 2011 from £52/250 £73-250

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just a thought that popped in to my head! i guess it was a silly one! never mind lol :good:


Not at all.


Everybody would love to be paying less for cartridges. It might even work in reverse, prices go up if supplies are short (supply and demand)! Eley have machines that manufacture 10,000 cartridges per hour!

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'they have us by the goolies and they know it'


No truer word spoken!!


Exactly the same with fuel prices they know we need it so charge what they like!!

Just wondered how come there hasnt been a nationwide protest on fuel like before?

Is it because haulage companies get rebates? ???

Edited by masmiffy
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That is quite a hike in the price I must admit , there's a place in my neck off the woods that sell eley Olympics for £150.00 per thousand

the cartridge in question is the eley high-flyer fibre 30g 5s classed as a mediocre game load in the eley range but charging top end prices! thats the reason iv bought some gamebore pure gold for the same price, if im paying top whack i might aswell be getting a top whack cartridge but that said i may find no difference but a pretty case :good: still they look nice :lol:


150-1000 is pretty damn good! :good:

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like alot of folk i am sick of the rise in cartridge prices iv just heard there going up again!! could we all club together and not buy cartridges for say a month?? surely this could jolt them to bring down prices??




Move to Burnley and start kicking doors!

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Every time cartridges go up, this gets an airing.


The best idea was to get a consortium of shooters / clay ground owners together to buy a container of cartridges from abroad or direct from a UK manufacturer.


The problem is, what seems like a good idea from behind the keyboard fails to materialise when people have to stump up money and no one could agree on what brand of cartridge and what load.


This is actually the only viable solution.


However, and this is the funny bit, whoever was put in charge of ordering the cartridges, organising the transport, dealing with customs, taking the risk and managing the transaction (as well as reporting to a consortium of purchasers) would probably think "why am I doing this for nothing?" and by the time a mark up goes on..... well it's like a shop selling carts innit.


I am reliably informed that the gun shops make very little on carts given that you have to pay for the stuff, store it and sell it. Carts are used to get people into the gun shops on a regular basis. Indeed, if you think what a shop has to pay in rent and rates per sq foot each year and just how many square feet the average gun shop has to dedicate to storing a good stock and range of carts....

Edited by Mungler
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I am reliably informed that the gun shops make very little on carts given that you have to pay for the stuff, store it and sell it. Carts are used to get people into the gun shops on a regular basis. Indeed, if you think what a shop has to pay in rent and rates per sq foot each year and just how many square feet the average gun shop has to dedicate to storing a good stock and range of carts....


the only flaw with that suggestion is how Just cartridges make a living at it, fundamentally I'm sure they tie up capital and you can't sell them fast enough in the average shop but I'd be amazed if the markup is as bad as they make out. The funny thing being much like pubs you either rely on a high markup low sales or low markup high sales scenario, much like beer cartridges are well worth shopping about for as the price variation can be significant.

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Guest cookoff013

Every time cartridges go up, this gets an airing.


The best idea was to get a consortium of shooters / clay ground owners together to buy a container of cartridges from abroad or direct from a UK manufacturer.


The problem is, what seems like a good idea from behind the keyboard fails to materialise when people have to stump up money and no one could agree on what brand of cartridge and what load.


This is actually the only viable solution.


However, and this is the funny bit, whoever was put in charge of ordering the cartridges, organising the transport, dealing with customs, taking the risk and managing the transaction (as well as reporting to a consortium of purchasers) would probably think "why am I doing this for nothing?" and by the time a mark up goes on..... well it's like a shop selling carts innit.


I am reliably informed that the gun shops make very little on carts given that you have to pay for the stuff, store it and sell it. Carts are used to get people into the gun shops on a regular basis. Indeed, if you think what a shop has to pay in rent and rates per sq foot each year and just how many square feet the average gun shop has to dedicate to storing a good stock and range of carts....



there is money to be made on cartridges, if you dont believe me, ask www.justcartridges.com . why would they sell products that only get them minimal returns, as well as storing all the shells, administration and the legal costs involved in the pilot postal purchase scheme.


rfds make a stack of money from carts. one shot 20 miles from me charges a fortune for carts, at one point it was double the normal price. thats not bull, because i checked around, then it worked out i could make them cheaper. with buying new cases too !


-the answer was to buy elsewhere.

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I always try and buy in bulk. Usually ask a few mates, buy a load and divi them up. I've still got some 12 bore Eley 32g Pigeon which I bought at £167 per thousand and some 20 bore RC JK6 T3 at £180. I'd be surprised if you could get anywhere near these prices now.


BTW I've heard Gamebore have put their prices up as well.


JC's prices always look so expensive to me.

Edited by Whitebridges
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