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Firearms application mistake - am I doomed?!


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I got impatient waiting to receive my application form so printed one off from the BASC website and sent it off earlier this week. The application pack came through today with a checklist and the second item on this checklist, in bold, underlined, red ink was about previous convictions...even if they're "spent" they must be declared. I haven't had a speeding ticket for years, but I've certainly had them in the past!!! Does this count?


I emailed the licensing department this morning explaining my error (the checklist mentioned prosecution for failure to declare spent convictions) but I basically wanted to know if anyone had made this mistake or had any experience of similar?


My shotgun application took about 8 months, so I hope this mistake doesn't slow my firearms cert up!

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I have read similar threads in the past and if u cant remember when and where u got the speeding tickets just put something like prevoius speeding tickets and guess the years approx, if they really want to they could check.


It should not be a big issue the speeding tickets themselves but more the fact u haven't owned up to them. I wouldn't worry to much

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There's a difference between trying to hide previous convictions and making an honest mistake, and the FEO will realise that. Just make sure you've got some record of you sending your e-mail stating you made a mistake, and your attempt to notify them of it and you'll be fine.

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Hi mrmits,


I made exactly the same mistake and I, like you, emailed the firearms department telling them of this and apologising for the mistake.


When the FEO visited she made a point of thanking me for sending the email and told me I did the right thing.


I don't think there will be a problem and as Bleech mentioned, you're not trying to hide it, just an honest mistake.


Hope it goes well.


Oh - by the way...


I couldn't remember my convictions so just put 4 speeding convictions dating between 2000 - 2007 or something like that and it was fine.

Edited by Shatters
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when i filled my fac form in 6 months ago i could not remember when i got my speeding points. Iv only ever been caught speeding once and i had to go to court because the speed was so excessive (not my proudest moment). I phoned the dvla and was informed there was no record of my speeding conviction on the data base. After 5 years your record with the dvla is wiped clean. I told them i needed to double check as the police will need to know of any convictions iv had and they still could not find anything. When my fao came around i just mentioned it to him and he told me not to worry. I got my ticket anyway. :yahoo:

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I got impatient waiting to receive my application form so printed one off from the BASC website and sent it off earlier this week. The application pack came through today with a checklist and the second item on this checklist, in bold, underlined, red ink was about previous convictions...even if they're "spent" they must be declared. I haven't had a speeding ticket for years, but I've certainly had them in the past!!! Does this count?



Only if it was an actual conviction. The vast majority are fixed penalties which are not convictions and the form does not ask you to declare them.



Edited by JonathanL
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I might be in trouble on renewal :( I was caught speeding a month ago with the hmr along side me . No points but they checked my guns against my name and gave me a right going over after saying I'd tried to evade them ???


Evade them about what?


I can't see why any of that would give you trouble on renewal unless you were travelling at a grossly excessive speed.



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When I filled my application out i missed off my speeding ticket, completley splpped my mind as it was 4 years ago at the time.


Mentioned it at my interview, that I had made a genuin mistake, and asked would it effect anything. He said not and my application went through with no problems.

Edited by neil3728
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When I filled my application out i missed off my speeding ticket, completley splpped my mind as it was 4 years ago at the time.


Mentioned it at my interview, that I had made a genuin mistake, and asked would it effect anything. He said not and my application went through with no problems.


If it was just a fixed penalty you did nothing wrong in not delaring it on the form. You are only required to declare actual convictions. Not declaring a conviction can never be held against you.



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