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Personally I find buying razor blades a proper pain. I can never remember what razor I have and often end up coming back with the wrong ones! Just signed up with this lot www.shaveclubuk.com who apparently ship you 4 new blades every 4 weeks and the handle with your first delivery. We'll see what it's like I guess...



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Personally I find buying razor blades a proper pain. I can never remember what razor I have and often end up coming back with the wrong ones! Just signed up with this lot www.shaveclubuk.com who apparently ship you 4 new blades every 4 weeks and the handle with your first delivery. We'll see what it's like I guess...



Why? DE is the way to go
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Personally I find buying razor blades a proper pain. I can never remember what razor I have and often end up coming back with the wrong ones! Just signed up with this lot www.shaveclubuk.com who apparently ship you 4 new blades every 4 weeks and the handle with your first delivery. We'll see what it's like I guess...



Just go over to a classic double edged razor,you will never have to worry about the gimmick of lube strips or quatro close closer closest tosh ever again,and they are cheap you will save a fortune over the year.,plus you will get a good shave.

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Why? DE is the way to go

Just go over to a classic double edged razor,you will never have to worry about the gimmick of lube strips or quatro close closer closest tosh ever again,and they are cheap you will save a fortune over the year.,plus you will get a good shave.

Well lads, anyone who's seen me graloch will tell you I'm not to be let loose with 'real' blades!

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Well my Bluebeards rvenge straight razor arrived at lunch time ! I bought some feather blades for it too so tonight is time to lose my stubble/beard thats only taken a week to emerge, Ive never gone more than 3/4 days without a shave 8 days on am impressed, but alas tonight it goes......and hopefully its only the beard that goes :D

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Well my Bluebeards rvenge straight razor arrived at lunch time ! I bought some feather blades for it too so tonight is time to lose my stubble/beard thats only taken a week to emerge, Ive never gone more than 3/4 days without a shave 8 days on am impressed, but alas tonight it goes......and hopefully its only the beard that goes :D

I use a Shavette open disposable razor sometimes, especially if I've let it grow. I use a Miraki Japanese stainless steel one that takes long blades that snap in half to get two out of. Fantastic peice of kit and very easy to use, I sometimes don't even bleed after using it. Other times I look like I've put my head through a window pane. Available online from C&D hair and beauty. http://www.cd-hairbeautyproducts.co.uk/index.asp?function=search


Whatever you do don't stop with the blade on your skin as this is when it cuts you, lift off as you stop. You can get the quickest close shave ever with one by just shaving against the grain in one pass, then splash on some Selina lemon alcohol that they use in Turkey for that real wow I'm a man and please don't cry like a girl moment :lol:



Edited by figgy
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I gave up wet shaving because I kept getting ingrowing hairs in my neck and I was using Gillette razors. Am I less likely to ingrowing hairs with the old style razors?

Cartridge razors shave too close..ie.. they shave the bristle to below skin level hence the itchy red rash under the chin and neck because of the ingrown hair...


Try a double edged blade razor and I think you'll find you'll never have ingrown hairs again...and the shave is just as smooth close....especially with a three pass shave..your skin will start to feel smoother and better as well..

A three pass shave is-----

One pass WTG with the grain.......resoap

One pass XTG across the grain...from your ear inwards towards your nose....resoap

One pass ATG against the grain

Rinse with hot water to remove soap residue then splash with cold to close the skin pores, then apply moisturiser...ordinary Nivea Soft cream is good.


Don't use shaving Gel with a double edged razor, its rubbish and doesn't have the lubricating properties..try a good traditional shaving soap, preferably applied with a badger brush ( nice and soft, and not prickly like a bristle one)...Culmak is nice soap, or MWF ( Mitchells wool fat ) neither have an overpowering scent, but there are plenty of soaps on the web......and DE blades as well...and all sorts of other toys....As bad as shooting when you get the shaving bug...


DE shaving takes a while to get used to....for a start you don't need to press on as you do with a cartridge razor..But its a whole lot cheaper if you don't get carried away and buy loads of tackle....for example 100 Gillette double edged blades cost about £10 off the bay...Use each blade for two shaves then bin 'em....A lot cheaper than cartridges....But blade preference is personal, some will suit you better than others..what some will find nice and smooth, you may find rough...buy a blade sampler pack and try a few.


The razor I use is older than me...an early 1940's seven o'clock open comb razor, made before Gillette took them over, and it still shaves smoothly and perfectly....Though... er erm.....I do have others, lots of 'em in fact, I got carried away and had to try most of them....


There is a good English shaving forum..The Shaving room (TSR) lots of help and good advice on there if you fancy giving it a try, or you're fed up paying through the nose for cartridge blades.....Thats what brought me back to DE shaving.


Sorry for rambling on...but you did ask, or I think you did..

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Well my Bluebeards rvenge straight razor arrived at lunch time ! I bought some feather blades for it too so tonight is time to lose my stubble/beard thats only taken a week to emerge, Ive never gone more than 3/4 days without a shave 8 days on am impressed, but alas tonight it goes......and hopefully its only the beard that goes :D

If it's your first time then go slowly. I have a cracking scar after being over zealous with the shavette lol

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Well i gave it a bash.....And survived.

Dam its sharpe with feather blades. Result was a cut and a few nicks, a bit sore after and a bit patchy. I felt real uncomfortable using it and felt like i needed to be a contortionist to ba able to shave with the right angle and direction.

It was a £10 venture and worth it the novelty but I doubt it will be repeated.





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Well i gave it a bash.....And survived.

Dam its sharpe with feather blades. Result was a cut and a few nicks, a bit sore after and a bit patchy. I felt real uncomfortable using it and felt like i needed to be a contortionist to ba able to shave with the right angle and direction.

It was a £10 venture and worth it the novelty but I doubt it will be repeated.





matt dont give up too soon. I started at xmas and thats me just got the hang of the technique. Am now not nicking myself. Perseverve its worth it as youve already shelled out for the equipment.

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Well i gave it a bash.....And survived.

Dam its sharpe with feather blades. Result was a cut and a few nicks, a bit sore after and a bit patchy. I felt real uncomfortable using it and felt like i needed to be a contortionist to ba able to shave with the right angle and direction.

It was a £10 venture and worth it the novelty but I doubt it will be repeated.






Did you get skin and beard really hot and wet (hur hur) first? I shave after getting out of the shower, that seems to help - makes the hairs softer. You can even float your shaving foam in hot water in the sink to keep it hot, though I don't tend to bother personally.

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dont give up after a few shaves you will retain muscle memory and it will become second nature, using a straight razor i can go from full beard to shaving properly quicker and no rashes than i ever could with a gillette or electric, I have been using some home made sandlewood soap off a member on the bushcraft forum its great stuff to use, atb wayne

Edited by mereside
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I learnt about the bite of the Styptic pencil a while ago but had a real lagh last year when the mrs said i was a wuss sortly before dabbing it on here leg after a shaving nic.......... O how I laughed and boy did she shout and curse, now she just thinks am crazy using one.


I used a DE but it wasnt great, left me with nics and soreness, although i wasnt using pre-shave oil then.


I think it will be back to the proglide and mach 3.





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