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Advice shooting out of a vehicle with a semi


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I'm looking for a short .22LR to shoot from a vehicle I have a bolt action .17hmr which I walk round with, I know its safe because I don't cycle the spent caseing untill I need to shoot again & if I cycle & don't shoot I lift the bolt this is what myself and my shooting partner do so we can each know the others gun is safe.


For my .22LR I would like a short semi i can knock about but am put off by not been able to not cycle if in a vehicle


Forgive my ignorance but I don't know so that's why I'm asking can you stop a semi from cycling like on some semi auto shotguns?

what do you semi owners do to make the gun safe while walking round?


any advice appreciated



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If you only want to shoot 1 shot, drop the mag out before you take the shot, if you see a group of bunnies, leave the mag in - blat the lot then pull the mag and lock the bolt open - if you pull the bolt slowly it wont 'eject' the shell rather just exctract it from the chamber

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Some old auto 22's you could lock the bolt so they became single shots etc but I am not aware of any made today.


Some have bolt hold open mech's and some don't. Drop the mag and extract a loaded round ,,thats it and if you want to do it that way it will most likely drive you mad!



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to make it safe take the shell out the chamber and leave the rest in the tube. should have magazine cut off button on it, my escort has.


But an escort isn't a .22rf.


I use a 10/22 from my landy window and it does me fine. BUT I have to clear spent cartridges out of the cab at the end of the night.

Why not just get a bolt action with a shortened barrel? A 12"-14" barrel will work well enough in .22.

Edited by DaveK
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I've used my ruger 10/22 for lamping, you can either put the safety on, when someone is out picking up, or as we tend to do, point barrel to the sky, and it's normally my mrs doing the picking up, deffo wouldn't want to shoot her (she'd kill me) plus who would pick my rabbits up

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I've used my ruger 10/22 for lamping, you can either put the safety on, when someone is out picking up, or as we tend to do, point barrel to the sky, and it's normally my mrs doing the picking up, deffo wouldn't want to shoot her (she'd kill me) plus who would pick my rabbits up

True Gentleman Stubby....like it :lol:

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As has been said,using the safety and being muzzle aware is how we do it.Applies to every type of shooting we do.

If you're shooting a right-handed semi from the passenger window then you may have to block your heater vents on windscreen as the ejector often kicks out the empty straight into them;you then have the joy of hearing them all rattling about when you put the fan on! Putting a rag over vent means your windows can steam up;best bet is an ejector port bag,which looks gay!

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when useing the 10/22 Make shure you cover the air vents on the dash of the vehicle had to take a 2 week old hilux back to the dealers as the

shells just fit nicely down the vents , Dash out empty shells removed vents working again. :blush:

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To make it safe I use standard safe gun handling.


I use a CZ511 from my hilux, theres spent shells rolling around everywhere.... its my shooting truck so **** it :)

This made me smile;both mates and my vehicles are just like this.While at a game fair a Landrover salesman invited us to 'come and have a sit' in the brand new Discovery;very nice,but when mate said he would feel more at home if there were a few empty cases rattling around the footwell I think the salesman realised he was wasting his time!

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