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went to church today


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it's a free country Pole Star, I say what I want,and all your're doing is telling us to shut up and leave the OP alone when we are not commenting on him,just religion,it's well known faults and as to Gods existance,why are you commenting at all?Has he asked you to defend religion on his behalf???Why have you decided to take the high ground?

Your reply says it all - 'It's a free country and I can say what I want".


Upset peoples feelings - well sod them, I can say what I want...... Well that's democracy, innit?


It's not what you say, it's how you say it that matters. Then people may listen to what you say.

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OK lets be clear,this is a free country and i can express my views,I don't believe,simple as that,i don't like the way man have controlled people and done awful things to people in the name of their god,

I made no negative comment about the OP going to church,

i gripe is Polestar,that member contributes nothing until post 37 when he sarcastically responds to a post and continues to do so,including one about my view ,which doesn't overly bother me as he in entilaled to his view but it's the way it was done?No contibution apart from sarcasm.Then tells us to leave the OP alone?

He says he doesn't know the answer but derides anyone that has a view on an answer?

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OK lets be clear,this is a free country and i can express my views,I don't believe,simple as that,i don't like the way man have controlled people and done awful things to people in the name of their god,

I made no negative comment about the OP going to church,

i gripe is Polestar,that member contributes nothing until post 37 when he sarcastically responds to a post and continues to do so,including one about my view ,which doesn't overly bother me as he in entilaled to his view but it's the way it was done?No contibution apart from sarcasm.Then tells us to leave the OP alone?

He says he doesn't know the answer but derides anyone that has a view on an answer?

that's fascism for ya :lol:

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OK lets be clear,this is a free country and i can express my views,I don't believe,simple as that,i don't like the way man have controlled people and done awful things to people in the name of their god,

I made no negative comment about the OP going to church,

i gripe is Polestar,that member contributes nothing until post 37 when he sarcastically responds to a post and continues to do so,including one about my view ,which doesn't overly bother me as he in entilaled to his view but it's the way it was done?No contibution apart from sarcasm.Then tells us to leave the OP alone?

He says he doesn't know the answer but derides anyone that has a view on an answer?

Its a thread about someone going to church and enjoying it,so why post a load of rhetoric about how there is no god?


I don't believe,and in the last week two of my mum's(my aunts)sisters died,as you would expect i am devastated for my mum and miss my aunts,but there have been some kind words posted on here and pm'd to me i had an offer of a prayer to be said, and even though i do not believe i was grateful that the person that offered did so and it shows that there was thought and compassion in his thoughts,and i thank him for saying a prayer for my aunts and my mum.


If you want to be bitter start a post about being bitter,i will come on and post for you,believe me i have a few things to get off my chest.


This is a thread about someone being happy,why be negative and pull him down,be happy that he is happy,there is to much negativity in this world.


And Polestar ,you carry on ,i like your posts they are eclectic and brighten things up :good:

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Well its like this , the OP said he went to church one day & felt better for it & almost straight away the usual Professor Dorkiin inspired apes freshly dropped out of the trees jump on band wagon like preforming chimps trying to impress their there God ! ( Dorkin ) , with sneering words like " Its Codswollop " , " its for the week & feeble minded ",

" Its a load of twaddle " ect ect .


Why the unkind remarks ? did the OP insult you ? or your beliefs NO ! & I don't think the OP has posted since on this thread ? , I think some could learn a bit from him ! .

I have asked the Dorking apes to back up there claim that there is no God , well come on , grunt up apes ! I want to hear the answer mankind has been seeking since our very existence ? , oh ! I dont hear any ape grunts ? I wonder why ???.


The bad news is my Lords, Ladies& Gentleman ( & Apes ) is I am afraid I don't have it either ? so pipe down a bit with some remarks apes & maybe the OP will come back & explain why he felt better for a morning in Church .


Remember this I think it was the Greek philosopher Aristotle who said " we should question every thing " & why not .

As for Dorkin he is making a lot of money from the apes who drop from the trees to here his sermons & he is laughing all the way to the bank ! . :hmm:

Edited by Pole Star
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There is really nothing for people to get wound up about. A church is just a place of peace and tranquility, I think what the church is trying to say is that we have the blueprint for a happier life, come and read it. If you dont like or believe what you hear and read, then try something else.


I have read all of the comments and most of them, I have made at some time or other over the years, none of them are offensive, just opinions.


I am going again on sunday, this time to a much bigger, much older church, I can just be a face in the crowd and just listen to the sermon and not be the new boy.




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I decided to go to a church service today, apart from christenings and weddings and the odd Christmas service, I have never really gone. I went to a c of e school as a kid and had plenty of church visits but never really got into it, although I respected it. Anyway, I went today to an ecumenical service, it was a bit of this and a bit of that with a communion thrown in, and I have to say I enjoyed it, people have their reasons for going and I think mine is to try and get a faith and find more inner strength. The people there were great, and the minister made a point of introducing me to everyone and a bbq was served afterwards. I will definitely go again, I might go round to different churches and just get an idea of what I like.



regards. una.



p.s After just the one visit, I think I 'get' the point of it.

I respect your views - good on you

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I was brought up going to church surrounded by a christian family which I am thankful for because I personally feel it taught me right from wrong and gave me some morals on which to lead a life that is IMO good. By good I don't mean better than anyone else but good as in ,do unto others as you would have done to yourself, which is something I strive to do but all to often fail. I think about that bible verse a lot and feel that it almost sums up the christian religion. I would love to live in a world where everyone lived by that verse.

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Well its like this , the OP said he went to church one day & felt better for it & almost straight away the usual Professor Dorkiin inspired apes freshly dropped out of the trees jump on band wagon like preforming chimps trying to impress their there God ! ( Dorkin ) , with sneering words like " Its Codswollop " , " its for the week & feeble minded ",

" Its a load of twaddle " ect ect .


Why the unkind remarks ? did the OP insult you ? or your beliefs NO ! & I don't think the OP has posted since on this thread ? , I think some could learn a bit from him ! .

I have asked the Dorking apes to back up there claim that there is no God , well come on , grunt up apes ! I want to hear the answer mankind has been seeking since our very existence ? , oh ! I dont hear any ape grunts ? I wonder why ???.


The bad news is my Lords, Ladies& Gentleman ( & Apes ) is I am afraid I don't have it either ? so pipe down a bit with some remarks apes & maybe the OP will come back & explain why he felt better for a morning in Church .


Remember this I think it was the Greek philosopher Aristotle who said " we should question every thing " & why not .

As for Dorkin he is making a lot of money from the apes who drop from the trees to here his sermons & he is laughing all the way to the bank ! . :hmm:

you speak in riddles explain the apes please ? are you referring to other pw members posts ?

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you speak in riddles explain the apes please ? are you referring to other pw members posts ?

no PoleStar just thinks anyone who doesn't agree with him is sub-human,he quotes Aristotle that we should question everything and when we do it appears he belives us to be further down the food chain,as for the comments about lining Dorking pocket( who i've never heard of),well I think you will find that the church is the richest movement on the planet,they've had some cash outta the system for 1000's of years,10% the bible asks for!Land ,property,their portfolio is huge.


Is this still going on hahaha bloody hell maybe we should just leave this debate as know one has won it for thousands if years, I doubt you lot are.

no we are nearly there,just another 10,000 posts haha

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no PoleStar just thinks anyone who doesn't agree with him is sub-human,he quotes Aristotle that we should question everything and when we do it appears he belives us to be further down the food chain,as for the comments about lining Dorking pocket( who i've never heard of),well I think you will find that the church is the richest movement on the planet,they've had some cash outta the system for 1000's of years,10% the bible asks for!Land ,property,their portfolio is huge.


no we are nearly there,just another 10,000 posts haha


You just don't get it do you?


This post started with a member posting that, much to his surprise he enjoyed a visit to a church.


Then the trolling started, with offensive remarks about the church and church goers (and I last went to a normal church sermon decades ago).


The church (like many organisations) is not free from malpractice, but on average does a huge amount of good, unlike many atheist soap box wailers.


When you learn a bit of tolerance then you may be taken seriously.


Reasoned debate is hugely popular on here, but offensively slagging off others for their beliefs is a one-way street.


You are quite rightly entitled to your opinion, but please do not personalise.


I do not defend what others have said about you, but two wrongs do not make a right.

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no PoleStar just thinks anyone who doesn't agree with him is sub-human,he quotes Aristotle that we should question everything and when we do it appears he belives us to be further down the food chain,as for the comments about lining Dorking pocket( who i've never heard of),well I think you will find that the church is the richest movement on the planet,they've had some cash outta the system for 1000's of years,10% the bible asks for!Land ,property,their portfolio is huge.


no we are nearly there,just another 10,000 posts haha


You just don't get it do you?


This post started with a member posting that, much to his surprise he enjoyed a visit to a church.


Then the trolling started, with offensive remarks about the church and church goers (and I last went to a normal church sermon decades ago).


The church (like many organisations) is not free from malpractice, but on average does a huge amount of good, unlike many atheist soap box wailers.


When you learn a bit of tolerance then you may be taken seriously.


Reasoned debate is hugely popular on here, but offensively slagging off others for their beliefs is a one-way street.


You are quite rightly entitled to your opinion, but please do not personalise.


I do not defend what others have said about you, but two wrongs do not make a right.


Now come come stop that little tantrum ! no one has to agree with any one & I certainly wont agree with some who have posted here but if told of some them water was wet , then the apes would tell me I'm a nut because water is dry ! so its a no win situation , a bit like the " is there a God argument " , it can't be proved as such so its what we personally want to choose to believe in .


As for Aristotle he was right in his wording we should question every thing but sadly even Aristotle cant give us the answer .


As for your remark that I regard those who disagree with me as sub human , well that is utter bull !


As for this so called Professor Dorking promoting his atheism with his tv appearances promoting his book to line his pocket & spread his word ? well I would have a bit more respect for him if he gave all the money he has made from this to Great Ormand st Children's Hospital or the Red Cross or some similar organization .


This topic will just on till the mods pull the plug on it but I have work to be getting on with . Have a nice day all :yes: .


We are all apes Pole Star, whether you want to be one or not. We have evolution to thank for that.



Well said :good:

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This thread is getting very nasty about apes. As one who bears more than a passing resemblance to one I could get very upset.


Una, good for you, I have sat in catholic, C of E, Greek orthodox, and gained something from all of them. There have also been times I have not gone for months. Just do what is right for you.

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Well its like this , the OP said he went to church one day & felt better for it & almost straight away the usual Professor Dorkiin inspired apes freshly dropped out of the trees jump on band wagon like preforming chimps trying to impress their there God ! ( Dorkin ) , with sneering words like " Its Codswollop " , " its for the week & feeble minded ",

" Its a load of twaddle " ect ect .


Why the unkind remarks ? did the OP insult you ? or your beliefs NO ! & I don't think the OP has posted since on this thread ? , I think some could learn a bit from him ! .

I have asked the Dorking apes to back up there claim that there is no God , well come on , grunt up apes ! I want to hear the answer mankind has been seeking since our very existence ? , oh ! I dont hear any ape grunts ? I wonder why ???.


The bad news is my Lords, Ladies& Gentleman ( & Apes ) is I am afraid I don't have it either ? so pipe down a bit with some remarks apes & maybe the OP will come back & explain why he felt better for a morning in Church .


Remember this I think it was the Greek philosopher Aristotle who said " we should question every thing " & why not .

As for Dorkin he is making a lot of money from the apes who drop from the trees to here his sermons & he is laughing all the way to the bank ! . :hmm:


Apes? One assumes that you are now deriding not just atheists, but also those who believe in evolution? You yourself believe that the scriptures are a historically accurate document? Dinosaurs were "created by God as a test of faith?"


I wonder if your belittling of non-believers is due to heartfelt belief in a "creator", or because you think it fun to bait people on the internet?


It seems that most of the responses to this thread are along the lines of "like if you agree, shut up if you don't". How very Christian of you.


You demand that the atheist provide "proof" for his disbelief and yet religious believers are to be respected for something along the lines of "I can't prove it, but I just know...."


You claim Dawking is "laughing all the way to the bank"? Remind me how little money organised religion has?


It appears that your belief in "question everything" does not extend to religion...


Do you believe in the pantheon of gods? Roman, Egyptian, Greek? How about Shiva, Ganesh, Vishna? Perhaps Thor? Or how about Allah or Buddah? No? One assumes that your faith is belief in the Christian god?


So we are all atheists, it is simply that my atheism extends to one more god than yours....

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Apes? One assumes that you are now deriding not just atheists, but also those who believe in evolution? You yourself believe that the scriptures are a historically accurate document? Dinosaurs were "created by God as a test of faith?"


I wonder if your belittling of non-believers is due to heartfelt belief in a "creator", or because you think it fun to bait people on the internet?


It seems that most of the responses to this thread are along the lines of "like if you agree, shut up if you don't". How very Christian of you.


You demand that the atheist provide "proof" for his disbelief and yet religious believers are to be respected for something along the lines of "I can't prove it, but I just know...."


You claim Dawking is "laughing all the way to the bank"? Remind me how little money organised religion has?


It appears that your belief in "question everything" does not extend to religion...


Do you believe in the pantheon of gods? Roman, Egyptian, Greek? How about Shiva, Ganesh, Vishna? Perhaps Thor? Or how about Allah or Buddah? No? One assumes that your faith is belief in the Christian god?


So we are all atheists, it is simply that my atheism extends to one more god than yours....

Lol, I have only ever felt the need to use the ignore function on a forum once in my life , can you guess who I used it for?

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