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Lamping with my Dad

The Essex Hunter

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I took Dad out with me tonight for a spin around the stubble fields in the truck.

He was keen to watch one get bowled over, I shot one the other night and knew there were more in the cover, so I parked up, set the sticks up and called…

2 minuets later this large fox came out of the cover and trotting our way…whack from my 700 out around 120 yards was the fox on its side.

Dad is 87 so I gave him my sticks and he walked with me for the picture, that done I nipped back for the truck and off we went for one more.

The second was a cub I had caught on my trail cam last week…It was in the bushes so I hooked it out with the slasher…

He was chattering about his Dad on the way back with a little tear in his eye…

Any way a cupper, a smoke and he was as good as new lol





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Yes a slightly different angle from your normal posts and one which will hit home with many, either because they have not had the opportunity to take their old man out or if they did it was some time in the past and memories were rekindled.

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My old chap , does not shoot and always says I would not be so keen if pigeon could shoot back !.

He has always supported me in what I do though.


We do beach fish together regular though and i always enjoy being out with him , memories are for the future but we need to make them now while we can as such days will not last for ever.

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What a lovely thread and thanks for sharing it on here. Makes me think I should spend more time with my dad, I see my mum loads as she works with me doing my books and anything I need really, wouldn't be without her ever or my dad. I don't want to have regrets one day when they are not around wishing I had done more with them, or is that just a compulsory regret anyway!

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What a lovely thread and thanks for sharing it on here. Makes me think I should spend more time with my dad, I see my mum loads as she works with me doing my books and anything I need really, wouldn't be without her ever or my dad. I don't want to have regrets one day when they are not around wishing I had done more with them, or is that just a compulsory regret anyway!


you will always have regrets unfortunately,but make the most of now and spend as much time as you can

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