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Any Jehova's witnesses on here


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I hope he continues to improve Pegleg. A terrible situation to be in, deciding the future of your child or your faith. I know which one most of us would choose.


I don't care what anybody's religion is or what they believe in. What gets my back up is when they try to ram their beliefs down my throat. Then I sometimes revert to good old anglo saxon.


What right has anybody to tell me I'm going to hell and should be burnt at the stake just because I don't believe in what they believe in.


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I hope he continues to improve Pegleg. A terrible situation to be in, deciding the future of your child or your faith. I know which one most of us would choose.


I don't care what anybody's religion is or what they believe in. What gets my back up is when they try to ram their beliefs down my throat. Then I sometimes revert to good old anglo saxon.


What right has anybody to tell me I'm going to hell and should be burnt at the stake just because I don't believe in what they believe in.


To be fair I've never found any JW's to be like that and often offer them a drink if they call and always have a decent chat, the way I look at it is if I'm at home they're not wasting my time I'm actually wasting theirs so I might as well do it nicely.

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I hope he continues to improve Pegleg. A terrible situation to be in, deciding the future of your child or your faith. I know which one most of us would choose.


I don't care what anybody's religion is or what they believe in. What gets my back up is when they try to ram their beliefs down my throat. Then I sometimes revert to good old anglo saxon.


What right has anybody to tell me I'm going to hell and should be burnt at the stake just because I don't believe in what they believe in.



Calm down dear ! its only the internet :lol:

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Pegleg,sorry to hear about your son,If you are about to enter a world of a cronic condition with your child you will need all the support you can get,where ever that comes from,for me it was my friends and family,they got us this far and still support us everyday.It's no secret that I am not a fan of relegion,but if you find comfort in religion fair play,just don't expect answers from any quarter,there aren't any.but accept help where ever it comes from.

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To be fair I've never found any JW's to be like that and often offer them a drink if they call and always have a decent chat, the way I look at it is if I'm at home they're not wasting my time I'm actually wasting theirs so I might as well do it nicely.

All have been nice that I've met and only one old woman tried pushing it on me as I was hanging her front door lol
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Forgot to add the DO believe in heaven, but not for you & I, that is for their "Anointed ones" (part of the 144,000) and for all the rest of the JW`s there will be a new earth.

As for hell as a fiery place of torture no, they believe that all the rest will simply cease to exist.

This is something that has always puzzled me Henry. They believe that there is a "Heaven" for 144,000 of the anointed ones. I don't know how many members the JW have but I would imagine that there are more than 144,000 already. If this is the case then who will decide which of their loyal followers will get a place in the 144,000 and who will not?


Pegleg - It's great to hear that your lad is doing well, I am delighted for both him and for all of your family.

Please keep us updated on his progress.

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This is something that has always puzzled me Henry. They believe that there is a "Heaven" for 144,000 of the anointed ones. I don't know how many members the JW have but I would imagine that there are more than 144,000 already. If this is the case then who will decide which of their loyal followers will get a place in the 144,000 and who will not?


Minor tangent - Most of the 144000 places have been taken before the JW`s came to be (not sure how that is worked out) and there are only a few 000 places left. The anointed are told by God apparently and as the Watchtower organisation have seen the possible flaw to this they do not keep a count of how many anointed they have in their flock. The rest spend eternity on a new earth as they believe, through the Watchtower, that this is revealed in Revelations (but so is Jesus identity as God, but they miss that bit out for some reason, hey ho!).

Edited by henry d
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Minor tangent - Most of the 144000 places have been taken before the JW`s came to be (not sure how that is worked out) and there are only a few 000 places left. The anointed are told by God apparently and as the Watchtower organisation have seen the possible flaw to this they do not keep a count of how many anointed they have in their flock. The rest spend eternity on a new earth as they believe, through the Watchtower, that this is revealed in Revelations (but so is Jesus identity as God, but they miss that bit out for some reason, hey ho!).

The one that worked for us said theirs no heaven or hell in their belief . When your dead your dead .

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The one that worked for us said theirs no heaven or hell in their belief . When your dead your dead .


They may have been referring to those who do not hold to the Watchtower doctrine, there is a heaven for the anointed and a new earth for those who do believe. Other than that the concept they have of hell is non-being.

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I do not think that I would want to live for ever once you have been every where and seen everything and done everything I would think that it would get a bit boring amagin having to be nice to everyone all of the time its only adversity that makes life worth living just think about the films and tv programs we like to watch I cannot think of many with people are just being nice to each other.

Edited by four-wheel-drive
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