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Any Jehova's witnesses on here


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Sorry to hear of this sad time for all your family.

As many will be aware I am a Christian. Recently I have been engaging with 2 Jehovah's witnesses and I know where I stand and they know where they stand, ift is a long and tortuous route (and unfortunately I can only reply via my rubbish mobile) so if required I will reply from my perspective when BT sort out my landline.

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They aren't a religion its an American based sect who demand absolute obedience from their followers. This includes estranging your self from any non J.W. family members including parents, children, spouses, rejecting just about anything to do with any other faith ,rejecting Christmas birthdays etc.

So this isn't religious bashing as such ,just a load of weak minded brain washed morons.

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My six week old boy is having a blood transfusion tomorrow and I'm sat here devastated and feeling useless that I can't do anything to help him. This got me thinking that if I was a jehova I wouldn't even be able to let him have a blood transfusion which will most probably save his life. I've not made this thread to knock jehova's and really don't want it to turn into one, I just can't get my head around why someone wouldn't do anything in their powers to help their children.



Hi Russ,

I'm sure that I can speak for us all in sending your son 'healing thoughts' and sincerely hope that he soon sees an improvment in his condition.If I may, I'll relate a personal experience involving a JW.

About 18mths ago I spent 10 Days in hosp suffering from a massive pulmonary embolism in the right lung, on admission, my wife was told that I was 'within hours' of dying,so off to the EAU for me! Eventually I found myself on a ward, opposite to a JW. This man took no time in telling me (along with anyone who'd listen) how ill he was. In truth I can't remember the exact details of his condition but suffice to say that he was critically ill.


For about 2-3 days all,all of us on the ward could hear was conversation after conversation between himself and the Dr's/Nurses etc concerning his imminent need for a blood transfusion if he was to stand any chance of survival ! Time and time again he told them NO!!! Along with ABSOLUTELY NO RESUCC etc.Fair play to him we all thought, though we all shared the staff's frustration at his viewpoint.


Elder after elder visited him and his wife (who incidentally was a JW and literally hardly left his side for days) and told him how pleased they (his congregation etc) were on hearing that he was refusing bloods etc and, how he was placing his faith in Jehovah and accepting his will. Anyway, on about the 5th day, having signed all the necessaries, he 'crashed', in spite of everything that had been said, discussed etc by both himself and his wife, when push came to shove she shouted 'okay, okay, give him whatever he needs inc BLOOD! Long story short he made a very steady recovery, but, here's my point. Not only did he then make all the excuses he could for his wife and her actions, he tortured himself that Jehovah would send him to hell/purgatory. Even more sad to see was the attitude of the Elders, friends and well wishers that had previously been so supportive, now literally turn their backs on them ! As onlookers we all felt that the whole situation had been totally pointless.


I suppose what I'm trying to say is that life is very, very precious, and untill someone is faced with a life or death situation none of us know just how we will react! As my old dad used to say ' Son, never judge another man 'till you've walked in his shoes' Amen to that.

Kind regards Remmyman

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I had a couple of J.W's used to call on me for many years! I struck up a friendship with them and used to invite them in for a cuppa while they chatted. They dropped off their Watchtower magazines and would talk for a good hour. I found them rather engaging, and it wasn't all religion either. The lady had really bad arthritus and eventually stopped coming round. My best friend was a J.W's from birth but has now gone his own way. I understand peoples views on the blood transfusion but they do allow plasma iirc.


It's a shame they have been stereo typed as I found them a tolerant and engaging bunch of people. I would rather spend time with them, than the locals in my housing area.

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all the best to your son,my brain could never go down the road of none treatment on religeous reasons .id do anything for the kids/grandkids to help them get better im sure all of us are sending our best wishes for a speedy cure/recovery for your lad atb

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We had a jevi work for us and I'd ask loads of questions at dinners /breaks etc .

I asked why won't you accept blood ?

He's replie was " because its wrong and not their way .

I asked will you go to hell ?

He said they don't believe in heaven or hell as when you die that's it .

I'm confused as its not like their risking anything ???

Nice bloke tho and never pushed it on you

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First and foremost Pegleg my thoughts are for your son's recovery and for strength for you and your family through what must be a very worrying and difficult time for all of you.

With regards to religeon I have to agree that many rely on "brainwashing" their members and ensuring that the members do not faulter from how the "elders" dictate that they should live their lives. I have been involved in several different religeons throughout my life and found this to be the case with all of them. Now all I will say is that I have my own spiritual beliefs which do not necessarily "conform" to any set religeon but they give me hope and something to work at to be a better person.

Everyone to their own I say as long as it is not harming (Or endangering) others!

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ive been working for a couple who are JW's , got to speak as i find, lovely couple, paid their bills on time and made working in the house a pleasure,

plenty of coffee and tea, and not much talk of religion, we did have a brief chat to establish our beliefs' and a mutual respect was shown,

her father was like me, a total non believer... but he was well looked after by them

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Well we're at the hospital now hopefully all goes well yesterday freaked me out a little and I had a bit of a melt down. We only found out on Wednesday and had the hospital call us in yesterday for a blood transfusion but didn't have enough blood so we're back today. I guess what I was trying to ask was if you was in the same position and push came to shove would your faith be enough?

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Best wishes for you and your family pegleg31. My sister has DBA, and also her daughter has it unfortunately. Had many lows over the years. My niece also had to have blood at a very young age not long after birth, and initially had to have reasonable amount of steroid and more blood. Her condition steadily improved over the months and years and she can now go for considerable periods (months) without any intervention. Whereas my sister has to get blood every couple of weeks.


So, the plus point is that your son's condition can improve, and I hope it does.

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Best wishes to you and your family mate hope all goes well.


With regards to the Jehovahs and other similar people who believe god will provide a solution and all that rubbish I am sure nowadays the doctors would go ahead to save the persons life regardless of the parents or family beliefs. There was that case recently where the mother didnt want her child to have treatment for a brain tumor but the doctors overruled her and the little boy has had it done.

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pegleg31 my thoughts are with you and I hope you have someone with you to share this delicate time.


What's the saying "Until you have walked a mile in my shoes then don't judge" or something like that.


However if someone I knew was stopping a loved from having a transfusion for said reason, I would struggle to understand!


We have to respect others views and opinions as long as they don't ram them down our throats or posts in this instance!


I understand why people turn to religion just like people turn to a hobby or other favourite past time, its all the same, how you choose to spend your time and what gives you comfort.


As I'm writing this post, I'm thinking there is no way in the world I would say no to a blood transfusion for my child if it meant saving their life, I don't have children by the way, but I confident that is what I'm would do.


Very well said Pinkella you clearly have more brains than some on pigeon watch ! :good: .

I had my first transfusion at the age of 7 & the second time at 17 when my right leg was almost torn off & smashed with 6in of femur sticking out through the side of my leg & I had some 9pints of the stuff to keep me alive & I had a load more when I had my left leg amputated in Australia aged 23 . Where would I have been with out ? & I am now 54 ! & as you say each to their own beliefs but if I were a doctor & a child life was involved then I would over ride the parents wishes to save the child , but that's just me !.


I hope this thread dose not turn into a feeding frenzy for the usual brigade of rabid atheists trying too spread their word ! like some of the mad mullers in this world .

Edited by Pole Star
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Respect for others views is just that you don't have to agree with them but when you are choosing for another person's life e.g. Your child's I think it would be better in certain religions, no all religions for that child to have freedom of choice and that only comes after you grow up and can effectively take charge of your own life. There should be some sort of coming of age when you can choose and up to that point treatments such as this should be allowed regardless. I would die for my child, I simply cannot understand a parent who would not want their child to live.

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Seems to be some confusion about JW`s and the reason for not allowing blood transfusions.

First thing to remember is the JW`s cannot deviate or challenge what the Watchtower organisation tell them is the correct rendering of scripture.

It comes from the book of Acts (Ch.13), where there has been some jewish converts going to Antioch and telling the gentile believers there that they should be circumcised, the council in Jerusalem debate this problem and James says that they do not need to be curcumcised but "...should abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals and from blood." (v,20). This they believe as a directive, however there are several problems with their reasoning. First is where James says "It is my judgement..." and then says what they should abstain from, although the Bible does say that the Holy Spirit was involved in the process. Secondly Peter was told (Acts. 10&11) that what was originally forbidden for Jews to eat was not so for followers of Jesus, this is backed up by Jesus in Mt 15, however to a JW who does not believe in the Trinity this is a non starter. Thirdly Paul also states that it is not what is ingested/eaten but whether or not it causes someone to sin (yeah I know its complicated) in 1 Cor 8. Finally, though there are others, Jesus roundly supported doing good rather than following blindly the laws given to Moses, however the laws, if read correctly, support Jesus` teleology.

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Forgot to add the DO believe in heaven, but not for you & I, that is for their "Anointed ones" (part of the 144,000) and for all the rest of the JW`s there will be a new earth.

As for hell as a fiery place of torture no, they believe that all the rest will simply cease to exist.

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Best wishes to you and your family mate hope all goes well.


With regards to the Jehovahs and other similar people who believe god will provide a solution and all that rubbish I am sure nowadays the doctors would go ahead to save the persons life regardless of the parents or family beliefs. There was that case recently where the mother didnt want her child to have treatment for a brain tumor but the doctors overruled her and the little boy has had it done.


I remember that case Tom & good on the Doctors can't remember the out come though ? hope it was a good one . :good:

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Just to update everyone, Benjamins transfusion went well apart from spending all day friday sat in a hospital room. He had really bad collick saturday so we took him back into hospital saturday evening just to get checked out incase it was something more serious, we're back in a fortnights time to have his bloods done again to see if they've dropped again but fingers crossed they haven't. As for JW's not allowing this for their kids I asked a nurse what would happen in that situation and she replied it would be taken out of their hands by a panel.

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Just to update everyone, Benjamins transfusion went well apart from spending all day friday sat in a hospital room. He had really bad collick saturday so we took him back into hospital saturday evening just to get checked out incase it was something more serious, we're back in a fortnights time to have his bloods done again to see if they've dropped again but fingers crossed they haven't. As for JW's not allowing this for their kids I asked a nurse what would happen in that situation and she replied it would be taken out of their hands by a panel.


Thats fantastic news mate hope he stays well :) good to hear the other news to & I agree let the medical team make the decision where a child's life is at risk .

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